
Finance Council Minutes – February 26, 2020

Fr. Raj led prayer at 5:30.

Present:  Fr. Raj, Terry Brennan, Eileen Grant, Bill Jacobs, Dan Putschoegl, Yvonne Napolitano, Brad DeSaye

Absent:   Anne Welborn

Guests Present:  Jim Wren, Donna Maneely

  1. Capital Campaign Report: figures as of January 29, 2020
  • Pledges and donations paid to Capital Campaign: $2,510,405

      Completing the Mission Report: figures as of January 29, 2020

  • Pledges Made: $453,887
  • Total Contributed: $438,644
  • Balance on Reserve Fund Loan $11,000
  • We paid $34,000 toward the reserve fund loan
  1. Minutes Approval: December 18, 2019 Minutes approved
  • Brad motioned to approve the December minutes, Yvonne seconded it; motion passed
  1. Financial Statements: December Financials approved
  • Dan asked why nothing has been budgeted yet for the Spring Gala. Donna explained that she doesn’t include it in the monthly budget until the event happens.
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Anne Welborn reviewed the December Bank reconciliation. Anne will give a report at the next meeting as she was absent.
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Raj spoke about budget preparations; we have to wait on the diocese for raises and insurance costs
  • Plate collection is doing well; Sacred Heart is a very generous parish
  • We are focusing a percentage of the budget for charitable giving. Fr. Raj would like the money to start going to different charities. The 5th Sunday collections will start going to: Preschool, disaster relief, Operation deep freeze and continuing once a year to St. Vincent de Paul.
  • Catholic Schools Week was January 26- February 1. He feels we should be pushing the CEA tax credit as the school benefits from this.
  • Bill Jacobs is the spokesperson for the CDA this year. The beginning weekend is February 8th and 9th and Father will preach about it in the homily. On February 15th and 16th Bill will speak and demonstrate the ways to give. $138k is our goal, which we haven’t achieved the last few years.
  • Staff reviews have begun with self-evaluations. This was started last year and will continue
  • The Lenten Missions will be March 1-3 in English and March 15, 16 in Spanish.
  • The Light Of The World retreat is 2/29-3/1
  • 2020 is the Claretians 150th Fr. Raj attended a conference in Chile which commemorated the Claretians 150 year presence in the Americas. Sacred Heart will celebrate on 10/24/20 with the Founder’s Day Feast attended by Bishop Nevares. The Claretians are also shooting a movie about St. Anthony Claret. Father gave the head of the Claretians a copy of our ministry directory, he was impressed and would like to promote it to other Claretian parishes.
  • 12 Hispanic families registered in January as a result of Jimena’s registration drive. A total of 23 families registered in January. Normally 15-20 new families per month are registering. Terry asked if having one New Parishioner dinner per year is enough. Jim said yes since it takes a great deal of preparation.
  • The Volunteer Dinner is February 6th. Over 100 people are expected; the staff are preparing the dinner, serving and cleaning up.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • The Preschool Spaghetti Wester Dinner was a success; the preschool cleared $5276.
  • CDA weekend will start with priest homilies and then the following week we will have the witness talk and pledge cards.
  • Jim made the presentation to Catholic Community Foundation for a grant for a new candle stand and Our Lady of Guadalupe painting. There were 32 presenters vying for $100,000. Voting by the Giving Circle ends 1/31. Because of Jim’s relationship with Kyle Felix, the CFO and Deacon Carbajal, the Chairman of CCF, they are planning to offer 2 free presentations to our parishioners this spring on Estate and Financial Planning. CCF will be attending the March Finance Council meeting as well.
  • 2 out of the 3 bids for replacing the school roof have been received. Jim was surprised by how low the bids are: $85K and $92K, but the bids do not include removing the solar panels. The company who put the solar panels on should remove them so the warranty is not voided. They have been contacted. We will need to get diocesan approval since the cost will be over $100k (with the additional cost of removing the panels). Fr. Raj would like it completed over the summer. It will be paid for by our portion of the diocesan campaign and parishioner donations. Bill asked about the church roof, Jim said that the school roof is in much worse shape so it needs to be done first.
  • The Music Committee has recommended that new music books be ordered. We are applying for a grant through OCP since the books are bilingual which will potentially pay for part of it. Doug is deciding between 2 books.
  • We have reached a little over 40% of our goal with the Diocesan campaign. This will be in the bulletin over the 2/1 weekend. We don’t want to bombard our parishioners with this and the CDA so we are taking a break from talking about the diocesan campaign until September. We will host a couple of receptions then. The Campaign has brought in $680k in pledges and cash; many of the donations were one time donations. We should receive our first check from the diocese in February.
  1. Old Business:
  • Raj has changed the 5th Sunday Collections to include other charities (see the list above). Fr. Raj spoke with St. Vincent de Paul to make them aware of the change.
  • 2021 first draft budgets are due on 1/31. Jim shared that we intend to increase plate collections, plan to hire a part time assistant for Hispanic Ministry and that Stacy will be budgeted for full time for succession planning. We are adding a 2% increase for salaries but have to wait for the diocese for the final cost of living and insurance increases.
  • Jim wants feedback about how to add depreciation expense to the budget; Yvonne and Terry recommend budgeting for it.
  1. New Business:
  • Bill is continuing to finalize the Investment policy for operating funds. He has spoken with Scot Sas at BOK Financial. He asked if endowments have to stay with the CCF, which they do.
  • Mike King from the Pastoral Council asked if any of the Finance Council members were willing to be a substitute for a Pastoral Council member to answer questions after masses at the information table. He passed a sign-up sheet around. The pastoral council continues to work with Fr. Raj on a pastoral plan.
  • Due to flu season we are stopping the precious blood as of the 2/1 weekend. We will have hand sanitizer available in different spots around church as well.
  • Raj handed out Claretian calendars.

Fr. Raj led closing prayer at 6:35pm

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2020-02-27T17:37:32+00:00February 27th, 2020|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes December 18, 2019

Fr. Raj led prayer at 5:30.

Present:  Fr. Raj, Terry Brennan, Anne Welborn, Eileen Grant, Bill Jacobs, Dan Putschoegl, Yvonne Napolitano, Brad DeSaye


Guests Present:  Jim Wren, Donna Maneely

  1. Capital Campaign Report: figures as of December 18, 2019
  • Pledges and donations paid to Capital Campaign: $2,539,877

      Completing the Mission Report: figures as of December 18, 2019

  • Pledges Made: $441,597
  • Total Contributed: $420,834


  • Balance on Reserve Fund Loan $45,000
  • We paid $8,000 toward the reserve fund loan


  1. Minutes Approval: November 20, 2019 Minutes approved
  • In answer to last month’s minutes, Brad commented that he does intend to stay on the council for a minimum of 3 years or longer
  • Yvonne motioned to approve the November minutes, Dan seconded it; all in favor


  1. Financial Statements: November Financials approved
  • Terry asked about the CEA round 1: are we short students that qualify for round 1 or are the parents not filling out applications? Shelly responded by email that all but one family has filled out a CEA/FAIR application. Several families did not make the cut off for round 1. 71 students received some amount of funding in round 1; 37 students will be receiving round 4. She also wrote that currently, individual contributions to the CEA are $207,345 and corporate contributions are $37,500. Shelly is going to St. Catherine’s to speak about CEA on November 24th.
  • Bill asked about having $800k in operating cash; do we need it or can we invest it? We opened the money market last year to earn interest on the money but it is not earning much interest now. Jim stated that we would need a policy to follow. We need to figure out how much we need on hand. Bill will draft a policy for the next meeting. He will meet with Donna.
  • Terry asked for year-to-date income statement and balance sheet in comparison to last year in monthly financials. Bill motioned to include this, Dan seconded it, all in favor


  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Bill Jacobs reviewed the November Bank reconciliation, no discrepancies noted


  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Raj spoke at all the Masses about the diocesan campaign. We are in last phase which will last 5 years. People from the diocese have responded well- $600k pledged just from priests. Another $107 million has been pledged from the other parishes in the diocese. After Father’s appeal there was a silent phase and the weekend of November 23rd Father made a pulpit announcement. He did not see much enthusiasm the first week which is understandable due to our own building campaign. Many people took pledge cards and we are having a better response now.  Our goal is $1.7 million. Bill suggested pushing this to next year. Father explained that we cannot since we are in the last phase. Some parishioners are giving to our specific causes instead of to the campaign.  People are asking Eileen why we have to give if the diocese has already raised the money. The figures stated are pledges, not cash received. The diocese is expecting a high percentage of bad debt-maybe 20-25%.
  • Bill commented that $4 million is going to seminarians-$40,000 per parish. We are sending our money to support the seminary but we are not benefiting since we have no diocesan priests. Maybe we should ask for some of the money back for our Claretian seminarians. Fr. Raj can ask but he feels that they will say no as there are 40 seminarians and they are buying a home for them and we are part of the diocese. This is for extraordinary expenses compared to the CDA which is ordinary expenses.
  • The new development director, Melissa Cambra, has started.
  • Advent pageant is December 19th.
  • We have added more ministries-bible program for recovery, ecology committee for more awareness and a veterans group.
  • The book ‘Rediscover the Saints’, a gift for our parishioners, will be given out the weekend of November 23rd.
  • The new painting of St. Anthony Marie Claret is finished and has been hung up. It was paid half by us and half by the Claretians.


  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Thirty seven people attended the Diocesan Jubilee from Sacred Heart. Jim and Jimena did the floral offering; Bishop Olmsted commented on how nice it was that so many people came from Sacred Heart.
  • Jim applied for a $4500 grant from the Catholic Community Foundation to pay for the new painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a new modern candle stand with environmentally safer electronic candles, a built in safe, and larger candles. The grant has been accepted and now we need to present before the committee. Jim will make the presentation.
  • The $60K bequest for the school was received; Fr. Raj will decide what to use it for: possibly the school roof and tuition scholarships. We are getting 3 quotes for the new roof right now. Estimate $150k-$175k for the roof.  May be funded by diocesan capital campaign and parishioner donations. If parishioners give a donation for a specific purpose they fill out a restricted form and we send to Fr. Adamson to have approved.
  • Safe Environment Training- need to be compliant by 12/31/19.


  1. Old Business:
  • The charitable donation sub-committee (Bill, Dan, and Terry) met to review our current donations. They talked about supporting seminarians who are starting next year. Bill suggested giving our two seminarians some money to show support; Dan says we need to support the program not the individual. Fr Raj would like to see a letter asking for support from them. Fr. Raj feels that we could give to other worthy causes; maybe have a rotation for the 5th Sunday collections—Fr. suggested the preschool or the homeless. The sub-committee will make some recommendations to Fr. Raj.  Bill also mentioned that People Who Care is a worthwhile cause. Brad asked if St. Vincent de Paul relies on us for their budget. If so, we should wait to make any changes. Anne asked about what services St. Vincent de Paul provides. Do we send people there for help? We do send them there and to other places. They do provide a needed service.
  • Meeting dates for 2020- Brad made the motion to accept the meeting dates, Anne seconded it, all in favor


  1. New Business:
  • Jim discussed the budget process for the 2020/2021 budget. Jim would like to make sure the reserve budget is done earlier than last year. He drafted a letter and timeline for the department directors with guidelines. Fr. Raj will be away in February for the pilgrimage which may change the timeline a bit.
  • Bill commented that the April 22nd meeting on the budget timeline shows that the capital budget be proposed and approved on the same day. Bill asked that it be sent out a week before for review.
  • Jim will change the wording of zero based budget. Terry’s idea of zero based budget is different.
  • Jim wrote up a credit card usage policy. Brad said it is very thorough and Terry said it is well written. The diocese likes it as well. Raj will sign the policy tomorrow, December 19th.
  • Anne asked why the retirement fund for the Religious is not funded. Was there no foresight? There are not as many nuns and priests now to support the older religious.


Fr. Raj led closing prayer at 6:32pm

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2020-02-03T18:06:20+00:00February 3rd, 2020|

Finance Council Minutes – November 20, 2019

Fr. Raj led prayer at 5:30.

Present:  Fr. Raj, Terry Brennan, Anne Welborn, Eileen Grant, Bill Jacobs, Dan Putschoegl, Yvonne Napolitano

Absent:  Brad DeSaye

Guests Present: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper, Michael King

  1. Capital Campaign Report: figures as of November 20, 2019
  • Pledges and donations paid to Capital Campaign: $2,493,319

      Completing the Mission Report: figures as of November 20, 2019

  • Pledges Made: $434,841
  • Total Contributed: $413,953
  • Balance on Reserve Fund Loan $53,000
  • We paid $21,000 toward the reserve fund loan
  1. Minutes Approval: October 30, 2019 Minutes approved
  • Eileen stated that the diocesan capital campaign roll out dates should be November 23 and 24 not November 16 and 17 which the minutes state. Fr. Raj stated that the original plan was for rolling out the campaign on the weekend of November 16 and 17. Raj said it was what he reported so no change is needed to the minutes.
  • Bill Jacobs brought up that the minutes stated that the letter from the parishioner requested a response from the Finance council. Terry sent a response.
  • Anne motioned to approve the October minutes, Dan seconded it, motion passed


  1. Financial Statements: October Financials approved
  • Shelly Cooper attended the meeting to answer questions about CEA and tuition. Terry advised everyone that on December 3rd CEA is matching donations up to $500,000. He suggested someone speak at all the masses; there are not any speaker times available since such short notice. Shelly said that IBE, another school tuition organization is also having a matching day.
  • Bill asked about the golf tournament earning less income than budgeted. Talking Rock can only accommodate a small amount of golfers so less people can golf. Shelly said they made less money since there weren’t many raffle items. The golf tournament will be at Antelope Hills next year.
  • Bill indicated that the School kitchen sink is in the current year’s reserve budget but not in the reserve study. Jim stated that we didn’t know that we had to make the changes; that is why it’s not in the reserve study. The county required us to make the changes. Bill said it was not a reserve item so it shouldn’t be part of the reserve budget. Jim replied that it is a capital item since the cost is $15k and was not in the school’s budget. According to Terry, GAAP states that the minimum useful life for a capital item is 3 years, which the sink is. It is in the depreciation schedule. Bill said we don’t know how many years it will be to replace the sink, and we need to know the life. We need to check with someone in the industry who can tell us when it will need to be replaced. Jim can check with the plumber.
  • Yvonne motioned to accept the October financials, Bill seconded it; motion passed


  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Terry reviewed the October bank statements along with Brad; no discrepancies noted
  • Brad would like to look closer at the monthly credit card bill and asked if we have a credit card policy in place. We do not have a written policy. Jim will create a policy.


  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Raj spoke about the two missions held in November. He felt they were good speakers but wished more people would attend. Fr. Zachary preached about Eucharistic Adoration and 50 new people signed up for adoration.
  • Raj is thankful for the 15-20 new families that have registered and our new ministries: Cup of Joe Ministry for veterans, program for people in recovery based on Lectio Divina, and the new Care for the Environment committee.
  • November 21st is the Many Voices of Thanks gathering which is an interfaith event held at Sacred Heart. Our choir and Irish dancers are performing.
  • December 2nd is the Diocesan Jubilee celebration- 37 from the parish are attending
  • The public phase of the diocesan capital campaign is this weekend-November 23 and 24.-Pledge cards will be in the pews for December 7 and 8.


  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • There is a bus going down to the Diocesan Jubilee Mass on December 2nd for everyone going to the event. The bus was full but someone backed out. Jim asked if anyone on the council would like to go since we have a spot open.
  • The deadline for completing Safe Environment compliance is December 31. Jim asked that all the council members be up to date by that time to continue on the council.
  • We are getting a $5000 bequest to the parish. It is assessable since nothing was specified in the bequest.
  • The school roof is in bad shape. Fixing it is not in the current capital budget, but it will be part of the money raised from the diocesan campaign. The roof is not that old, but it was not well done. We do not have any budgeted funds right now for the roof but we need to address it. Terry asked if we can get bids. Jim said he will have John Gust start getting bids. We have no way of knowing how much we will get from the diocesan campaign. Bill asked if we could take it from the reserve funds. We do plan to use reserve funds.
  • Since the council agreed to the December 18th meeting, Jim will have a proposed 2020 budget timeline and letter from Fr. Raj to the directors ready to send out with the November Financials. Jim would like to get the budget done earlier this year.
  • We will have a new Development Director in December. She needs family benefits which impacts the budget. Her benefits will start in January.
  • The office is doing succession planning overall with Stacy being trained right now for the front desk and safe environment. We may need a part time assistant for Hispanic Ministry. We need to consider this for the 2020 budget.
  • Jim would like to increase the conference budget next year. We are missing out on important continuing education for our staff.


  1. Old Business:
  • Charitable donations- Bill, Terry, Dan and Anne have formed a sub-committee to review our charitable contributions and make recommendations to Fr. Raj.
  • Terry responded to the parishioner letter about the bulletin financials. The parishioner responded with another letter. The letter stated that he could not find the annual financial report on the church website and the finance council meeting minutes were not up to date on the website. He also stated that he liked the Capital Campaign report. The annual financial report is in the September 29nd bulletin, which was on the website. The finance council minutes have to be approved before we add them to website so they are up to date. It was decided to stay with the year to date financial report that we updated for the bulletin, based on the parishioner’s request.
  • The 2020 Finance Council meeting dates were discussed. The approved dates will be sent out with the November Financials.


  1. New Business:
  • Terry asked the Finance council members to spend some time with the Lord at the 12 Hours for the Lord on December 6th. The time is from 8am-8pm.
  • Brad had commented to Terry that Fr. Darrin said Brad only had a 2 year term. He plans to leave after 2 years. If this happens Terry would like to see an investment banker like Chris Kissel to replace him if possible. Jim will speak with Chris to see if he has any recommendations.
  • Mike King attended the meeting. Mike and Terry are nonvoting members for the Parish Corporation. Mike is the chair of the pastoral council. He updated us on the pastoral council: there are 9 members, 7 of them are new members. Each member is adopting 3 ministries to be a liaison with. Mike chose the finance council. Fr. Raj is working on the pastoral plan and he asked the pastoral council to work on specifics. Mike chose temporal goods and would like to work with Terry on this.
  • Anne commented to Shelly that the Finance Council is appreciative of her efforts in collecting tuition and making the school better.
  • Anne asked what happens if we don’t make our goal for the diocesan capital campaign. We just won’t get as much from the 35% that comes back to Sacred Heart.


Fr. Raj led closing prayer at 6:46pm

Respectfully Submitted by Donna Maneely

2019-12-19T15:25:33+00:00December 19th, 2019|

Pastoral Council Minutes Attachment – November 5, 2019

2019 ICSC Conference – Chicago – Summary

  • Stewardship Through the Lens of Evangelization and Disciple-Making – Presented by Casting Nets Mission


Key points:

  • Wichita Catholic Schools are tuition-free to promote discipleship from a young age.
  • True disciples must not be consumers; they must be willing to offer their time, treasure and talent to the Church and to others with no expectation of benefits to themselves
  • True disciples are willing to meet people where they are and work with them without being judgmental. They must be willing to not give up to easily.
  • When we OWN our discipleship, we are called to do more.
  • Discipleship is defined as having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Stewardship is defined as living out that relationship with others, which is a direct response to Jesus’ direction to “Love one another as I have loved you.”
  • Of time, talent and treasure, treasure is actually the easiest to give while time is the hardest to give. Conversely, it is clear to most people that they do not own their time and talent, but many think they own the treasure. As disciples, we have to understand that everything belongs to God. When we give of our time, talent and treasure, we are actually giving love. Discipleship is about sharing our own experience to help to positively influence others and then turn them “outward” to do the same in turn, thereby following the Great Commission.
  • The 7 Pillars of Effective Evangelization are:
  1. Prayerful (always, not just at Mass)
  2. Invitational
  3. Hospitable towards everyone. True spiritual hospitality welcomes sinners despite ANY outside factors such as dress, economic status, physical health, race, etc
  4. Inspirational – we must live with joy so much so that we inspire others who may be poor in spirit
  5. Sacramental
  6. Formational
  7. “Missionful” – we must walk with people. Evangelization is NOT a program, it is a way of life; we must live our faith and, in the process, train people to become disciples and follow our example.
  8. The results of the above:
  9. Our own openness and trust levels will grow.
  10. We will have more to share because we are more grateful for what we have (this is similar to our Blessed Mother; her gratefulness for everything God gave her led to her “YES”)
  11. We will be authentic witnesses to the Gospel
  12. We will begin to live “radical” lives, and this means we can do almost anything.



“In communicating our faith, what is needed is not a bigger megaphone, but a better hearing aid.”

-Professor John Sullivan




  1. Stepping Into Stewardship One Disciple at a Time
  2. Consider having a full-time stewardship director to      continuously establish and evaluate long and short term    stewardship goals.
  3. Perform a Vision Survey and base stewardship goals on the results.
  4. The basic Discipleship process is:




  1. Stewardship of Self
  • Consider having a “Day of Self-Care” where you deal with what you need to for the first half of the day and then have fun activities the second half of the day
  • How we care for ourselves directly influences how we love and serve God and neighbor.
  • We must have a willingness to fearlessly love and be loved. We must understand and act on the “as yourself” portion of the Great Commandment.
  • We must act as personal witnesses and share our own experiences of how our hearts have been changed by being committed to stewardship. We should answer the questions: To what does my own life give personal witness? What heart-changing experiences have resulted in my own commitment to stewardship?
  • We must practice self-awareness, self-affirmation, self-devotion (i.e. our own lives reflect the light of Christ) and self-care (nourishing our own soul and keeping our own lantern lit with the light of Christ). These practices will lead us into the loving presence of God that we can then share with others.


2019-12-04T15:33:10+00:00December 4th, 2019|

Pastoral Council Minutes – November 5, 2019

Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Parish

                                                                          150 Fleury Avenue

                                                                          Prescott, AZ 86301


  Pastoral Council Committee Meeting Minutes Nov 5, 2019

                                      “Being the Living Example of God’s Love to Others”                          



Present: Father Raj, Fr. Vicente, Jim Wren, Mike King,  Henry Cromeek, Judy Carlisi, Mark Matthews, Beth Luce, Chris Tunnell, Phil Stephens, Margarita Arellano

Absent:  None

Guests:  Kevin Keighron, Greg Kozlowski

Meeting called to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Mike King, at 5:30 pm.

Opening Prayer: Henry Cromeek led a group prayer

Approval of minutes: The minutes from October were approved.


  1. Old Business:  5:30pm


  1. What are the council members expectations for working on Pastoral Council? Continued from last meeting.   


  1. Margarita Arellano: She likes what she reads in the pastoral council guidelines from the minutes of the last meeting about working as a team. She shared the  experience of having been a beekeeper.  Bees and birds depend on each other; work together; synergy.
  2. Phil Stephens: Pastoral Council is a consultative role that follows guidelines; answers to the Pastor; is asked for and gives input.   The decisions are ultimately the Pastor’s call.
  3. Mike King: Reminded members that we are a working council. Be clear on our expectations and role.  Remain flexible.



  1. Mission Vision and Values: 5:42


  1. MVV committee was designed as a subcommittee of the Pastoral Council. As a group they provide information and recommendations.  The committee attempts to change the way we do business at our church.  These concepts are highlighted in our parish bulletin.
  2. Parish Mission – “Being the living example of God’s love to others.”
  3. Vision: What we want to be.  These values are not just written but lived out.  Sacred Heart Church is our sacred home.  By hearing the Word of God and practicing what Jesus taught, we are the living presence of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Values: There are 6 value concepts. These have been “expanded” to define specific behaviors within the values concepts. Various parish groups have defined these behaviors. For example, the Pastoral Council provided 5 specific behaviors for the hospitality value.

The MVV subcommittee is developing consistent language for these specific behaviors Each behavior is concise and clear and begins with the words, “I choose to…..”  This reflects our free will to participate.

  1.               The MVV subcommittee will be conducting training in 2020 for ministry leaders in                              discipleship.
  2. Margarita Arellano asked, “How will the parishioners know the plan?” Kevin answered that leadership takes time.  The laity will take the leadership role after observing the role taken by ministry leaders.
  3. Raj – “How can Pastoral Council help us live the MVV?” Phil Stephens replied that people will lean toward MVV.  Others will see what we are all about.
  4. Henry Cromeek suggested that these are expected behaviors and that there was not much more to understanding how they are implemented.
  5. Kevin Keighron: “We can’t teach what we are not practicing.”


  1. More Introductions – Guests and members.


II  New Business – 6:00p,m.


  1.    “For Pastoral Council” Handout from Fr. Raj. Items #3 and #4.


  1. #3 “Talk about the presence and support of the PC members, teaming with the staff, during big events like Heritage Week, Hope Fest, Mission Talks, Holy Week and Christmas Celebrations. “


  1. Henry is willing to participate. Jim agreed by supporting and affirming Henry’s

willingness to help at events.

  1. Chris Tunnell is willing to be present at functions. We should be visible.

Where are the needs?

  1. Mark Matthews expressed his involvement through Knights of Columbus.

We have to choose what we are able to be involved in.

  1. Judy Carlisi suggested that this should be clearly defined in the pastoral council

guidelines. Make a list of the greatest needs and ask that council members to help

in a certain number of events.  PC members must understand the commitment

when approached to be on the council.

  1. Phil made the point that execution can happen without being physically present.
  2. Beth: Each of us is present in a different way. We are active but

participate according to our strengths.  For example, serving as a lector or

Eucharistic minister.

  1. Margarita participates in community service outside of Sacred Heart. Went

on to explain her participation as a consultant to foster parents.  Outreach is more than just our participation at church.

h . Mike King reminded the group that there are two members who served on the

previous council.  We are developing our role based on Father Raj and Jim Wren’s ideas.  Being on the pastoral council implies contribution.

  1. Chris suggested that a list be passed around to members for sign ups for big


  1. Mark reminded Fr and the council that we all had busy lives and that we have to

choose how we will participate.  Can’t do everything.

k . Fr. Raj thanked all for expressing their opinions honestly.  As pastoral

council members we offer a great service.  We are visible leaders in the

church.  Youth ministry; Light of the World; Knights; outreach; etc. are all good

things.  He understands our commitments and does not wish to demand too

much, but rather asks us to lend a helping hand.


  1. #4 Can each of the members be part of some ministries and share their

inputs in Pastoral Council meetings?   6:13pm                                                                              


  1. Mike King showed everyone the ministry booklet. Adopting ministries give us a connection and can help us know the pulse in the ministries
  2. Chris Tunnell expressed the importance of the Kino training. Each school employee must complete 90 hours in 3 years.  If we do not have this training then the teachers do not have a position at the school.  Other ministry chosen was Light of the World.
  3. Henry chose Discipleship: Vincent de Paul and contemplative prayer
  4. Beth: Eucharistic minister; lector; Children’s Liturgy of the Word.
  5. Judy: LOTW; school; youth ministry
  6. Mark: RCIA; Knights of Columbus; LOTW; coordinating outreach program specifically Community Cupboard.  3-4 hours every 6 weeks.
  7. Margarita: Communion to homebound specifically.
  8. Phil: PTSO, school board; Heritage Festival
  9. Mike King: finance council; men’s ministry; Alpha; Common Grounds.


  1. 5 year Pastoral Plan (2020-2025)  – Team up to make lists , flesh out ideas and

                      specific examples in each of the five areas of the plan. 


  1. Worship: Beth Luce
  2. Faith Formation: Judy Carlisi; Chris Tunnell
  3. Evangelization: Henry Cromeek
  4. Outreach: Margarita Allejano; Mark Matthews
  5. Participating: Henry Cromeek
  6. Temporal Goods: Mike King


  1. Henry Cromeek asked if we should meet with the Chairman prior to the pastoral council meeting with our thoughts. Raj said that was not necessary.  He shared that he wants to listen to each of our ideas.  We are one unanimous voice.  This is not a single person’s decision.


  1. Jim Wren – Announcements and events: 
  2. Speaker – Eucharistic adoration: Fr. Zachary will be speaking at all the homilies  Nov.

9-10.  Monday, Nov 11 at 9:00am, there will also be a presentation.


  1.   Advent Mission Nov 17-20, 2019.   6pm Sunday, Mon. Tues and Wed. of that week.

Morning sessions will be at 9am Mon., Tues., and Wed.

  1. Council members are asked to please participate in either.
  2. Lenten Mission – March 1-3 2020
  3.                Volunteer dinner – Thurs. February 6, 2020.  Please plan on attending
  4.                 Heritage Weekend.  Oct 22-23, 2020.  New parishioner dinner.
  5. Please mark you calendars and  participate as a pastoral council member.
  6.    Hope Fest – Late Saturday in September.
  7.   Yavapai College outreach – Ministry booklets were passed out.  Purpose is to

engage  young people and to help build young adult ministry program and draw

youth core members.


  1.   Jim Wren was to attend the “Volunteer and Civic Engagement Summit” at ASU, Thurs.

Nov 7. https://volunteer.az.gov/service-and-volunteerism/summit.  This program is

sponsored by the AZ Governor’s office to inspire volunteerism.


  1. Registration for parish is now online at the website in fillable format.   New parishioner

forms are emailed directly to the parish manager which allows him to reply and

welcome new parishioners immediately.   The website is the 1st contact for many.


  1. International Catholic Stewardship Conference -(ICSC) Leaders gathered from all

over the world.  Jim Wren shared notes from the conference in regards to discipleship

in light of our roles as pastoral council members.  Please see Attachment A.


Closing Prayer – Led by Henry Cromeek

Meeting Adjourned at 6:44pm

Action items for next meeting Tues, Dec 3:

  1. Pastoral plan: work in specifics for the section that you chose.
  2. Mike King to lead opening and closing prayer




Respectfully submitted by Judy Carlisi and Mike King




2020-04-17T18:28:44+00:00December 4th, 2019|
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