Perpetual Adoration is a rare Eucharistic devotion whereby members of Sacred Heart unite in taking individual hours of prayerful adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament—24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel has been a powerful presence at Sacred Heart for more than twenty years!
These are just a few of the graces and favors granted that adorers have experienced at the Sacred Heart Adoration Chapel:
— “Son graduated College and had a job waiting for him! Praise God”
— “I have been blessed to peacefully accept my daughter’s distance from me”
— “A successful surgery! Thank you sweet Jesus”
— “Thank you sweet Jesus for a hopeful outcome to my medical condition after today’s doctor visit”
— “10-hour heart surgery successful! Praise to you, Lord!”
— “The celebration of a 4 year old finally sleeping all night in a deep healing sleep!”
— “To see Jesus visibly present under the appearance of the small white host is much more conducive to intimacy than hidden away in the tabernacle. He must never be left alone. Could not these words of our Lord be applied today: ‘Indeed, this is the will of My heavenly Father, that everyone who looks upon the Son, and believes in Him, shall have eternal life. Him I will raise up on the last day.'”
How Does One Spend an Hour Before Jesus is Exposed in the Blessed Sacrament?
This hour Jesus wants you to spend with Him is spent any way you want. You may bring your own prayer books, use the books in the chapel, read the Bible, pray the rosary, or just sit and relax and enjoy the sweet peace that comes from simply being in the Presence of God. You may feel that you can’t pray well. Don’t let this discourage you. The mere fact that you take time out at a specific time each week to spend an hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament pleases Him very much and is in itself a prayer of great faith.
“A thousand years of glory in palaces of men cannot be worth the sweetness of one hour spent before the tabernacle.”
Get Involved: Become Adorers or Substitute Adorers
If you are interested in being part of this truly blessed Ministry, we are always in need of adorers or substitute adorers. Please call Buttons Forte, Adoration Chapel Coordinator, at (602) 574-8242; or call the Church office at (928) 445-3141. God Bless you and thank you to all Sacred Heart Adorers.