Parish News

Parish News2022-06-01T23:09:42+00:00

The 9AM Sunday Mass is streamed from the parish website.

Daily Mass is streamed from the Parish Facebook page on Monday and Thursday most weeks.

Solemnity of All Saints – Holy Day of Obligation/All Souls Day

Friday, November 1 is the Solemnity of All Saints and is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be held at 7AM, 8:30AM, 12:15 PM and 5:30 PM in English and 7PM in Spanish.

Saturday, November 2 is All Souls’ Day. The only available Mass is at 7AM. The 5PM Vigil Mass will be for Sunday’s obligation.

By |October 21st, 2024|

Heritage Week photos

We were blessed with a very special Heritage Week! All of our many events went well. Thank you to all our parishioners for their support. Welcome to all new parishioners. Below are some photos of the New Parishioner Dinner, Silver Rose Ceremony (led by the Knights of Columbus) and the Heritage Festival itself.

Thank you to all staff and volunteers who helped make these events possible.


By |October 21st, 2024|

Respect Life Month and Important Upcoming Events!

The month of October is Respect Life Month. The Parish will be publishing several bulletin articles and providing prayer cards for parishioners.  Here is a prayer for life from the USCCB :

“O Jesus, you came that we might have life-and have it in abundance. Together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, you form us in our mothers’ wombs and call us to love you for eternity.

As your most precious gift of human life is attacked, draw us ever closer to your Real Presence in the Eucharist. Dispel the darkness of the culture of death , for you are the light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it.

By the power of your Eucharistic Presence, help us to defend the life of every human person at every stage. Transform our hearts to protect and cherish all whose lives are most vulnerable.

For you are God forever and ever. Amen”

-Copyright: Nabre 2010; USCCB 2024

Mark your calendar for these other important October events!

October 4- Feast of St. Francis of Assisi – Blessing of the animals at 5PM outside the church.

October 17 – Dinner to welcome new parishioners from the past year (invitations have been sent out).

October 18 – Living Rosary by our school students at noon in the school gym; Silver Rose Ceremony by Knights of Columbus – 5PM in English and 6PM in Spanish in the Church.

October 20 – Heritage Festival starting at 10AM in the school gym and on school grounds.

Please join us for the many activities of our very vibrant parish!

By |September 19th, 2024|

Welcome New Altar Servers!

Sacred Heart Parish prayerfully welcomes our newly commissioned altar servers and we thank them for their dedication and service to our parish!

By |August 29th, 2024|

Photos of Installation of New Pastor

On Saturday, July 27, our new Pastor Father Krzysztof (“Chris”) Pipa and Associate Pastor Father Biju Thomas were formally installed at Sacred Heart.  We welcome them with open arms as our new shepherds. Below are a few photos of the event, more will be added in the future.



For more information read the following article from the Catholic Sun: God continues to provide for Sacred Heart through Divine Word Missionaries

By |July 29th, 2024|

Eucharistic Revival

A few photos from our very impactful Eucharistic revival on July 29. We had participation from 12 parishes throughout the diocese and over 200 people in total. All thanks be to God for bringing people closer to the Eucharist!

By |July 2nd, 2024|

New Youth Minister Needed

Our Youth Minister, Amanda, will be leaving her job following the birth of her second child. Therefore, we are in need of hiring a new youth minister as soon as possible. The job description is below. Anyone interested should submit a resume to the Parish Office as soon as possible. Please pray for us to find the right candidate.

Job Description – Youth Minister

By |May 15th, 2024|

New Order of Priests Coming to Sacred Heart Parish

On May 1, Bishop John Dolan announced that priests of the Society of Divine Word (“SVD”) will be coming to Sacred Heart when the Claretian Order leaves in July. The new Pastor will be formally installed by the Bishop on July 27, 2024. These are the priests currently assigned to Sacred Heart:

  • Fr. Krysztof Bogdan Pipa, SVD has been appointed as Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Prescott, effective August 1, 2024.
  • Fr. Biju Thomas Mandapam, SVD has been appointed as Parochial Vicar of Sacred Heart Parish in Prescott, effective August 1, 2024.

Please pray for our current priests, our incoming priests and for an increase in vocations to the priesthood.

By |May 3rd, 2024|

Catholic Academy for Life Leadership (C.A.L.L.) Burning Questions: Teens, Society and the Human Heart

FREE for Teens and Parents! Join us on August 17 from 7-9PM, to hear Michael Villanueva, Coordinator of the Catholic Academy for Life Leadership (CALL), engage the burning questions of the teen heart in his Keynote Address and Q & A!

The CALL Kick-off is just the place! Teens and parents, bring your anonymous written questions about gender, sex, life, and love. You’ll also have a chance to learn more about the coming CALL year, meet the presenters, new board members, and fellow students and parents.

Learn more about the C.A.L.L. Kick-off (PDF)


By |July 19th, 2023|

Rosary Prior to Mass

Beginning the weekend of September 3-4, the Rosary will be prayed starting thirty minutes before each Mass. There will be a Rosary leader for each Mass. Please join us in participating in this important devotion to our Blessed Mother.


By |August 19th, 2022|

National Eucharistic Revival – Free newsletter available

Please click on the above link to receive a free newsletter about the Eucharistic renewal initiative that is so important in our Diocese.

There’s so much on the horizon!

The Eucharistic Revival is a grassroots, Spirit-led renewal of the Church in the United States from the inside out––not a top-down program! Our broad, deep mission requires time for each individual, parish, and diocese to respond in their own way. Read below about our plans and hopes for the next three years!


June 2022 – June 2023: Year of Diocesan Revival

  • Invitations into a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ
  • Online formation and resources for a deeper understanding of the Eucharist
  • First class relics of Blessed Carlo Acutis and St. Manuel González García go on national tour
  • Diocesan events across the country with trained Eucharistic Preachers
  • Eucharistic missionaries raised up at all levels of the Church

June 2023 – July 2024: Year of Parish Revival

  • Resources to learn more about the Holy Mass
  • Eucharistic missions
  • Increased eucharistic devotion at the parish level
  • Organic movements of the Holy Spirit
  • Local evangelization efforts

July 17-21, 2024

The first National Eucharistic Congress in nearly half a century will take place in Indianapolis.

July 2024 – June 2025: Year of the National Eucharistic Congress and Missionary Sending

The entire Church in the U.S. will go on mission to share the gift of our Eucharistic Lord with our local communities and beyond! This will not be accomplished in any one single way. We encourage you to enter into this missionary spirit with your own unique charism and talents.

By |July 27th, 2022|

Eucharistic Revival

Having just celebrated Corpus Christi and the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart , we need to maintain our focus on the Eucharist. Blessed Carlo Acutis who died of leukemia at 15 and was beatified in 2020, created a beautiful accounting of Eucharistic miracles over the centuries. Please use the link below to read about these beautiful miracles.

By |June 24th, 2022|

Sacred Heart Parish Synod Process Update – Synod Report

Thank you all for your participation in the Synod process. Over 225 parishioners participated in 18 different groups. The summarized report with the major themes was submitted to the Diocese on April 6. The link to this report may be found below. The other links provide a history of the process. We will now be working to implement the common suggestions.

Sacred Heart Prescott Synod Final Report

Sacred Heart Prescott Synod Final Report – Spanish

Synod Update 2-20-22

Suggested-tools-for-reflecting-sharing (1) Synod bulletin announcement Synod Story 2022

Synod update January 28

Synodal Process Update as of 2-4-22


By |April 1st, 2022|

Learning More About the Annulment Process


Are you or someone you know divorced? Do you want to learn more about annulments and how to apply? At Sacred Heart Parish, we have three certified nullity ministers: Father Raj, Deacon Joe Bueti and Muriel Rabideau and any of them can help answer your questions. Whether or not you are Catholic, we are happy to help you to navigate this often misunderstood process. If you would like more information, please call the Parish office at 928-445-3141 and ask to speak to one of the people listed above. You can also find information on the Diocese of Phoenix’s Tribunal website at
By |November 3rd, 2021|

Fraudulent texts/emails

Just a reminder that a popular current scam all over the country is to send a text or email that purportedly comes from a priest (usually the pastor) asking for monetary help (usually purchase and donation of gift cards for a specified “cause”).  Please be assured that no priest from Sacred Heart would ever contact you in that way asking for financial support. The best thing to do is not respond at all, and block the phone number or email. Parish staff has reported this to the authorities several times, but these people are almost impossible to catch. Please share this information with friends and relatives. The best way to foil these scams is to not even respond.  Thank you


By |September 13th, 2021|

Recorded livestream now available

We continue to livestream the 9AM Mass on Sundays. Mass can be viewed directly on the Parish website. Remember that, if you are able to attend Mass in person, the weekly obligation to attend Mass was fully reinstated on July 1.  If you cannot be physically present, please go to the website just before 9AM. From the main page, look under “Watch Mass Online” and select “Click Here for Livestream”. You will then be able to watch Mass live. It is highly recommended that, if you cannot physically attend Mass, that you watch the live Mass rather than a recorded version.

We are now offering the option to watch the recorded Mass, for the most recent week’s Mass only.  The video will be overwritten every week. To watch the recorded Mass, select “Click Here for Livestream” and then select “View Most Recent Mass.” Please keep in mind that, depending on staff availability to post the Mass, it may not be immediately available.

We understand that the music can be sporadic coming through the livestream; however, the readings, homily and the Mass itself comes through very clearly using this method rather than Facebook. In addition, this eliminates the need to go through Facebook, which many parishioners did not want to do. The livestream is not perfect, but we are doing the best that we can.

Weekday Mass will be live-streamed to Facebook generally only on Mondays and Thursdays starting the week of July 26.

Thank you for your continued support.

By |July 19th, 2021|
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