We are excited for you to join our Catholic Community!

Registering at Sacred Heart is an important, rewarding part of joining our community. Quite simply, it’s difficult for our priests and parish staff to know who  in the pews is a visitor, and who is living in Prescott and attending Mass on a regular basis.

When you register, we learn about you, your family, and your needs. Surveys show that most Most Mass-goers who feel “disconnected” from their parish community are often the same people who do not register.

  • Please fill out the PDF form on your desktop computer. The fillable form doesn’t work on an iPhone or iPad.
  • Once you are done, send it to Jim Wren, Parish Manager: jwren@sacredheartprescott.com

Benefits of Registration

  • Stay Connected – Receive parish news in your inbox.

  • Family Support – Receive invitations and information about ministries relevant to you and your family. For example, if your children will soon be entering high school, we will know to send you information about events and programs for teenagers.

  • Tax Benefits – We will send you year-end statements of your tithing (donations) so that you can reduce your state and federal tax liabilities.

  • Sacraments – Your sacramental records are kept safely at the parish office.

  • Emergency Support – Very important for numerous life situations. Just two instances:

    1) By knowing your home address, our parish priests can more easily visit you if you become sick or homebound.

    2) If you have an accident, and you identify as Catholic, the officer can call the parish and a priest will meet you at the hospital.