
Finance Council Minutes – July 29, 2020

Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 5:31

Meeting held by Zoom

Present: Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Terry Brennan, Yvonne Napolitano, Dan Putschoegl, Eileen Grant

Absent:  None

Guests: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper

  1. Minutes Approval: June Meeting Minutes approved
  • Yvonne motioned to accept the June meeting minutes; Bill seconded the motion; motion passed
  1. Financial Statements: June Financials approved
  • Bill questioned if the figures in the June Reserve Report were reversed. Jim explained that we moved some items from reserve expense to capital expense.
  • Anne asked if we have any way to check on exact CEA amounts to true them up. Shelly said we do have a good number in the budget. Anne asked why it fluctuates. Donna explained that if parents do not apply for the first round we do not get their CEA money until they apply. Shelly also stated that corporations can still redirect their taxes since we did not meet the cap.
  • Dan motioned to approve the June Financials; Anne seconded the motion, motion approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Dan reviewed the June bank reconciliation;  no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Friday July 31st is the staff retreat. It is being held in the church. The theme is Compassion at the Work Place.
  • Sacraments, which were originally going to be held in May for the children, are happening now with 3 different Masses.
  • The 9 am daily Mass has been moved back to 7 am.
  • Evangelization is the key mission of our church. Because of the pandemic we cannot evangelize the same way. We need something more to engage our community. Fr. Raj is meeting with the evangelization team to plan activities.
  • Fr. spoke about the reopening of school in August. Safety is our priority. We will follow the directive of the diocese and community. Shelly stated that the school is on track to begin distance learning on August 10th. She will decide in one week if they will go to the hybrid plan.
  • Fr. is satisfied with the school roof installation that is currently underway.
  • Thanks to donations from a generous parishioner the school has been able to order everything needed to open school safely.
  • Yvonne asked if the preschool is opening. It is opening on August 6th. Steve Cunningham and Shelly are sharing the director role. Jill Wagner is taking on some of the director’s responsibilities as well.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Current June collection numbers: plate collection is $51,907 and online giving is $55k. Online giving has increased due to the matching donor contribution program. This money will be used for evangelization efforts.
  • Lollar Electric underestimated how long it would take to remove the solar panels; it was supposed to take 2 days but it took 5. It should be done tomorrow. The diocese will perform onsite inspections at least twice during the project.
  • We filed the end of year diocesan report last week. It was due July 31st.
  • The Bishop’s assessment increased to $169,178.
  • There will not be a quad-council social meeting in August due to Covid concerns. The next finance council meeting is in September.
  1. Old Business:
  • Budget amendments: Jim explained that there were a few minor addition errors in the formulas for some of the fiscal year 2021 budgets. Donna previously sent out explanations for the changes.
  • Eileen made the motion to accept the amendments to the budgets; Brad seconded it, motion passed
  1. New Business:
  • none

Fr. led a closing prayer at 5:59 pm

Deacon James Carbajal, Kyle Felix and Andrew Kozusko from the Catholic Community Foundation joined the meeting to give a presentation.

Meeting ended at 6:32 pm

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2020-10-01T15:58:14+00:00October 1st, 2020|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes- June 24, 2020

Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 5:35

Meeting held by Zoom

Present: Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Terry Brennan, Yvonne Napolitano, Dan Putschoegl

Absent:  Eileen Grant, Brad DeSaye

Guests: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper

  1. Minutes Approval: May Meeting Minutes approved
  • Bill asked that “that would replace Reserve Study” under New Business be removed from the minutes since that was not what was intended. Donna will amend the minutes to reflect this.
  • Yvonne made the motion to approve the minutes as amended, Anne seconded it, approved
  1. Financial Statements: May Financials approved
  • Bill commented that the Reserve budget shows April not May and the year to date budgeted amount needs to be updated to $220,000, Donna will fix.
  • Bill asked if we completed the Security/Surveillance under Reserves or is there more to do. Jim said there is more to do.
  • Yvonne asked if the school is still planning to host the golf tournament this year. Shelly says that she is 95% sure we can have it; unless the school shut downs there is no reason to stop it.
  • Anne made the motion to approve the May financials, Bill seconded it, all approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Anne reviewed the May Bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Raj is grateful that we can host this meeting and hopes that we will meet in person in the Sacred Heart room soon.
  • thanked the staff who keep doing the mission of the parish; they have been responsible in responding to the situation.
  • mentioned the increasing Covid -19 cases, the fires in Arizona at the moment and the Mass on June 30th for the Granite Mountain Hotshots.
  • said that about 150 people watch the daily livestream Mass by the end of each day. An average of about 800 plus people are attending Sunday Masses. We can open the Forum and or Sacred Heart room if more people come to Mass.
  • Confession is being offered 3 days a week and the priests are able to do anointing of the sick.
  • Two Communion and Confirmation Masses have been scheduled in July and one in August. Marriage and baptism preparation classes are being scheduled using proper precautions.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Current June Collection numbers: $55,671 plate and $37,825 for online giving. Collections are relatively stable as are our finances.
  • We replaced the candle stand with a flameless stand. So far there haven’t been any complaints. The candle stays lit for 2 hours and then goes out automatically. It is much safer. We have our risk management walk through soon; Catholic Mutual will be happy with this stand. The color matches the tilma on Our Lady of Guadalupe and the wood is similar to our pews.
  • A generous donor who has a special love for parishes with schools wanted to encourage online giving so she picked 6 parishes, Sacred Heart included, to give a matching contribution up to $43,000 if we can increase our online giving donations between June 1st and August 31st. If our parishioners increase what they are giving currently or start giving online this will be matched up to the $43,000. We have started promoting it and reposted online giving instructions in the hope we can earn the maximum amount. The money will be set aside for evangelization: school, youth, and retreats (for example LOTW). We gave the diocese our online giving amount in May to use as a basis for measuring increases. We will also be providing June, July and August.
  • Jim gave an update on the School roof: thanks to Brad, Lollar Electric quoted half the price of Sun Valley to remove the solar panels. The Diocese had come back with a quote of over $600k when our budget is $150k. Arrow Roofing and Lollar Electric have received their contracts sent by the Diocese.  Once Father signs the contract we can start work in the next couple of weeks. They estimate one day for solar panel removal, 3-5 days to put the roof on and another day to put the solar panels back on. The roofers will work through rain, if needed so it will be done before school starts.
  1. Old Business:
  • none
  1. New Business:
  • none

Fr. Raj led closing prayer at 5:59pm

2020-08-03T17:54:46+00:00August 3rd, 2020|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes – May 27, 2020

Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 5:31

Meeting held by Zoom

Present: Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Dan Putschoegl, Terry Brennan, Eileen Grant, Yvonne        Napolitano

Absent:  None

Guests: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper

  1. Minutes Approval: April Meeting Minutes approved
  • Yvonne motioned to approve the April minutes, Anne seconded it;  motion passed
  1. Financial Statements: April Financials approved
  • Dan questioned Bequests not being budgeted and how it shows up in the financial statements. Jim said it is impossible to budget but the bequest number does carry down to the totals in the QuickBooks reports.
  • Dan motioned to approve the April Financials, Eileen seconded it; motion passed
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Bill reviewed the April Bank reconciliation, no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • In phase 1 of reopening church for Mass last weekend (May 23/24) we held masses for over 500 people.
  • has been attending the weekly diocesan webinar and feels that they have good information on how to manage during the crisis.
  • Contact with our parishioners has been ongoing. We send flock notes, the website is kept up to date and we have sent 3 letters to our Parishioners. Fr. Raj feels that our community is encouraged by the communication.
  • Our Finances look good. Fr. Raj thanked the parishioners for their generosity
  • Raj would like the finance council meeting to be held in person in June. But we do not know what June will look like yet.
  • Dan asked Fr. Raj if we should advertise the Sunday mass in the newspaper. We need to limit attendance to 250 people and Jim said it is not cost effective to advertise in the paper.
  • thanked the staff for their contribution during this difficult and unusual time.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Jim gave collection totals so far for May: Online Giving is $45k, Regular collection is $57k. We have not seen a huge decline except for Easter. He is hoping we are back to normal by Christmas. Bill asked if Easter was on Online Giving. Donna explained that it was but it only brought in about $1k. Bill asked if we are passing the collection baskets around.  There are baskets at each entrance of the church. Parishioners can put their collection in the baskets. We still have the lock box that we are encouraging people to use and they can use the candle stand also.
  • Dan suggested we leave the lock box out after this is over; Jim agreed.
  • Eileen asked how much it costs to livestream Mass. It is all done on an iPhone so it doesn’t cost anything. James, our IT Specialist is building us something better to use for the livestream Mass.
  • Jim is getting comments on both sides of the issue on the requirement to wear a mask at Mass; no one is being asked to leave if they are not wearing a mask, according to Fr. Raj. He stated that there is a risk if you come to Mass and dispensation is still being given for the foreseeable future.
  • We successfully implemented Paylocity, the new Payroll system. It is a fantastic improvement over what we had. The first payroll was 5/15/20.
  • No new update on the school roof; Jim has sent numerous emails to the diocese. Next he will go to his contacts in the Bishop’s office to see where we are at. Jim is concerned that the monsoons are coming and we have donations that we should use by end of the year. Pat Hinze from the diocese was supposed to look into the new parking structure and follow up with Sun Valley Solar about the panel removal but Jim hasn’t heard anything from him.
  • Performance reviews are completed; every staff member in the office and school and maintenance received one.
  • Catholic Community Foundation still wants to come to a meeting. It is now scheduled for July.
  • Jim has offered to help with the Bishop’s advisory sub-committee to develop a business recovery plan. Nothing has been done at this time.
  • Jim asked the diocese about obtaining a grant to replace our old technology. He has not received an answer from the diocese.
  • Bill asked if we are thanking parishioners for keeping the parish going with their continued donations. Jim will put a thank you in the bulletin. Terry suggested putting it in a flock note as well.
  1. Old Business:
  • School budget revisions were sent out today; all expense reductions. Student projections were lowered to 120 students. Anne asked how many students we have registered. Shelly said that 107 students are registered and they are expecting another 3 to register soon. Usually we register more over the summer; typically the rush is in August, according to Shelly.
  • Jan Richards is retiring as our Preschool Director and our 3 year old teacher resigned. Shelly is evaluating how to structure the preschool next year so the budget was left as is.
  • The Diocese has not given us guidance on salary increases yet. They are working hard on this since they are going through a restructuring themselves. The Diocesan school office initially recommended a 2.9% increase but since last year’s increase was higher than usual at 3.5% Shelly decided to stay with 2%.
  • Yvonne asked if our liability insurance is increasing due to the pandemic. Jim said he spoke with Catholic Mutual and was advised we don’t anticipate any major changes.
  • Anne motioned to approve the 2021 budget; Yvonne seconded it; motion passed
  1. New Business:
  • Bill and Terry want to develop a strategic facilities plan using Diocesan resources. They would like to discuss this at the June meeting.
  • Jim said the expense freeze has not been lifted. It is still important to save on expenses. We have not been transferring money to the Reserve. Jim suggested this begin again in July. Terry agreed and Bill said we are ahead with our Reserves at this point so he also agreed with July.
  • Eileen asked when we anticipate everyone returning to Mass. No one knows at this point.

Fr. Raj led closing prayer at 6:18pm.

2020-06-25T18:57:06+00:00June 25th, 2020|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes 4/29/2020

Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 5:30

Meeting held by Conference Call

Present: Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Dan Putschoegl, Terry Brennan, Eileen Grant, Yvonne Napolitano

Absent:  None

Guests: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper, Mike King

  1. Capital Campaign Report: figures as of April 29, 2020
  • Pledges and donations paid to Capital Campaign: $2,539,877


      Completing the Mission Report: figures as of April 29, 2020

  • Pledges Made: $461,980
  • Total Contributed: $443,125
  • Balance on Reserve Fund Loan $0
  • $3,600 was paid toward the reserve loan
  • Thank you to Eileen for all her hard work and dedication over the last few years!


  1. Minutes Approval: March Meeting Minutes approved
  • Dan motioned to approve the March minutes, Bill seconded it; motion passed


  1. Financial Statements: March Financials approved
  • Eileen asked if the $120k net loss was due to the stock loss or pandemic. It is due to stock drop. Also asked where Catholic Community Foundation has our endowment since it decreased quite a bit. Jim will send the council the investment details of our endowment. We have decided to only take out 3% of our endowment for this coming budget.
  • The council also questioned the large expense in Furnishings & Equipment. It is due to the Our Lady of Guadalupe Painting, Statue of the Risen Christ and the new St. Anthony Claret Painting.
  • Eileen motioned to approve the Financials, Yvonne seconded it; motion passed


  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Terry reviewed the March Bank reconciliation virtually, no discrepancies noted


  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Raj explained how the church is responding to the community during the pandemic: we are keeping the church open daily from 6am-7pm, we are live streaming mass at 9am daily and the Spanish mass on Sundays at 1pm. We have sent out two letters to our parish families, which is over 1800 families. Fr. Raj gets the idea that people are happy but they want to come back to church. Fr. Ralph has been very faithfully calling parishioners and Sr. Anne has started calling inactive parishioners. The office staff are working, continuing the mission of church. The lockdown may continue through May 15th. Plate collection has been affected, though not badly. The school is doing a great job with online classes. He hopes that the council will be able to meet in person next month.
  • Dan asked Fr. Raj how many of the letters we received back with incorrect address; about 60. None were returned from the second letter.


  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Jim gave collection totals so far for April: Online Giving-$45,215, Regular collection: $54,571, Easter-less than $9k. The new lock box has helped with bringing in tithes. We are very fortunate. We are doing well comparatively to other parishes. Jim attends the diocesan advisory meeting each week so he keeps up to date on what is going on throughout the diocese.
  • Governor Ducey continued the lockdown through May 15th. Jim explained that there are 3 phases for re-opening. Faith based businesses are not subject to executive orders however we have to limit meetings to under 10 people. Jim believes that May 15th is phase one.
  • Jim will be on the call tomorrow with the diocese and he will send out his update email on Friday.
  • The 30 day plan will expire at the end of May. We cannot extend furloughs beyond 30 days. Letters will go out to our furloughed employees that they should return to work May 11. The expense freeze has worked, we have money in the bank, and Jim is glad we did not take the Paycheck Protection money. Jim feels that this is a problematic law for churches, as we would be subject to federal regulations. The federal government enacted a sick leave policy where an additional 2 paid weeks of sick leave can be used if an employee is exposed to the virus, or needs to care for a family member who may have been exposed or parents who have to take care of children. We do not have anyone here that falls under this. Jim hasn’t let anyone come to work who has been sick.
  • Terry asked if the diocese is going to defer the bishop’s assessment another month. Jim has sent an email but no answer yet.
  • School Roof update: it is in the dioceses’ hands. The contractor from St. Germaine’s looked at the roof. We haven’t heard anything from the solar company so Jim is on their case and we may work with Lollar Electric to continue with the project. Eileen asked if there was any parking structure resolution. We are waiting on an answer from the diocese.
  • We have some good news: there will be no increase in benefit costs for 2021. Our open enrollment is during May. We have a 2% increase in the budget for benefits which Jim recommends leaving in since we don’t have salary increase recommendations from diocese yet. If there is a salary increase over 2%, we have a cushion. We can amend it if not more than 2%.
  • Dan said that the Knights of Columbus have received a loan to help parishes. Jim has not heard about it. Jim said we do not need it but will continue to do the monthly cash flow statement and keep expenses low.
  • Budget: Jim sent a summary of the changes made. The parish was close to zero budget so the remainder was added to collection income but with the lack of 2% increase in insurance we are even closer. To balance the school budget we decreased tuition revenue since it is budgeted so much higher than usual.
  • Dan asked if the Tree of Life budgeted revenue is realistic at $10K. Yes we exceeded expectations this year. He also asked if Deacon Joe’s salary is part of clergy salary, which it is.
  • Yvonne asked if it is realistic to keep janitorial supplies expense the same as last year. Yes, we haven’t been using a great deal of supplies, so we have a reserve.
  • Bill asked if we should increase electronic giving revenue as more people should be encouraged to give online. We will leave as is as our parishioners are still wanting to use the regular way to give.
  • The council discussed delaying Jim’s pay raise. Or defer it. Jim would not feel comfortable taking the increase if the diocese says no pay increases. Fr. Raj should make the decision.
  • The increase in Clerical expense is due to Stacy going full time. We have been training her for succession planning for possible retirements.
  • Anne asked Shelly if she had concerns about the collectability of tuition. Shelly explained that tuition increased about $80 per family to pay for the new tuition management system. CEA is allowing the school to use reserve funds to help with tuition, $40k for current school year and there is another $100k available to dip into for next year. More parents have been paying tuition now since they received their statements. Shelly was also asked how many students were budgeted for this year. She is not sure about current year-maybe 142. Previously there wasn’t any science behind projections. Shelly is working closer with CEA. Jim also stated that the school will be getting an additional $7,850 from the original $60k bequest that the school could use for tuition scholarships for families in need. Dan stated that we will have to make families aware of this money. Shelly has been working closely with families to let them know to contact her if they need assistance. Shelly is personally calling families if they haven’t paid any tuition and sending letters.  Final statements were sent.  Mike King stated that he appreciates Shelly trying to help families.
  • Jim asked if the council would like to approve the budget with the thought that we may need to amend it. Brad asked what would be the benefit of approving now or waiting for May. None, only change will be benefit change and salary. Raj was supposed to be gone in May so originally we scheduled the budget approval for April. The council decided to meet in May to approve the budget. The meeting will be May 27th.

Fr. Raj led the closing prayer at 6:31.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2020-05-28T17:31:21+00:00May 28th, 2020|

Finance Council Minutes March 25, 2020

Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 4:30pm

Meeting held by Conference Call


Present: Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Dan Putschoegl, Terry Brennan, Eileen Grant

Absent:  Yvonne Napolitano

Guests: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely

  1. Capital Campaign Report: figures as of March 25, 2020
  • Pledges and donations paid to Capital Campaign: $2,539,877

      Completing the Mission Report: figures as of March 25, 2020

  • Pledges Made: $461,258
  • Total Contributed: $442,046
  • Balance on Reserve Fund Loan $3,600
  • $3,000 was paid toward the reserve loan
  1. Minutes Approval: February Meeting Minutes approved
  • Dan motioned to approve the February minutes, Anne seconded it; motion passed
  1. Financial Statements: February Financials approved
  • Eileen motioned to approve the Financials, Anne seconded it; motion passed
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Brad reviewed the February Bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Raj talked about the challenging time we are facing and with God’s help we will get through it. Please pray. We are reaching out to our parishioners through Flocknotes and a letter will be sent out this week with a message of hope. We are working on having the Mass live streamed.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Jim has attended many diocesan webinars about the parish, school, and preschool. A Crisis Manager, Martha Gamez has been assigned to us from the diocese. She was our Together Let Us Go Forth diocesan liaison. The latest recommendation from the diocese is to live stream Mass and we are working on it. We are also working on a cash flow statement, which the diocese has asked us to fill out twice per month. Jim is completing a Collection survey each week. Collections have fallen off considerably. We have sent a Flocknote encouraging parishioners to give online, by mail or put in the votive stand in the Gathering Place. We have asked that the Bishop’s Assessment be waived for April.
  • Jim is working on a 30 day and 6 month plan for the Parish Office.
  • Our cash situation was discussed with Fr. Raj and Donna; we have enough money to get us through April. There is an expense freeze in place; only things necessary to continue operations will be approved.
  • Jim wrote up a temporary work from home policy for certain employees.
  • We are fortunate as a parish and pray that the virus will not go on too long. The diocese is saying that the closures will be through the end of April, though it could change. Jim will continue with a weekly email about what is going on.
  • Bill asked if the April bishop’s assessment is just being delayed; it is being forgiven. Terry asked if the delay in bishop’s assessment could be for more than just April; right now it is just April.
  • Anne asked if we could put a banner asking parishioners to send in donations during the Mass livestream. This was suggested by the diocese.
  • Many more parishioners are signing up for Flocknotes now and Fr. Raj is sending a letter to reach all of our parishioners since many do not have email. Jim has added many links to our website for resources during the Pandemic.
  • Update on the school roof: Sun Valley Solar quoted us almost $100k to remove the solar panels so we can put on the new roof. Pat Hinze from the diocese came to look at the roof and solar panels. He agreed that that solar panels do need to be removed but suggested that they may be better reinstalled on parking structures. The diocese is putting pressure on Sun Valley Solar since they give them a great deal of business in Phoenix. Jim is confident we can get this done in June. Brad suggested Loller Electric as a backup for removing the panels.
  1. Old Business:
  • Jim sent out an explanation of the budget changes so far but he would like to defer any discussion until April since we don’t have any updates from the diocese and probably will get them later than usual. Eileen asked when the budget would need to be approved; by July 1st. It could be approved in June if necessary.
  • The proposed Reserve Budget was discussed. Jim started by adding what was in the Reserve Study. Then Jim and John Gust discussed what could wait and what was necessary. Jim asked the council if we should reduce the Misc. Grounds amount to $10k. It was decided to keep it at $25k for unexpected items.
    • The school roof needs to be done, so it was moved up three years. Jim took the middle quote for the school roof and added the solar panel removal. He also added putting in more parking structures that would hold the solar panels taken off the school roof, which was the suggestion from the diocese. We have received $25k from the diocesan campaign money and another $6k in parishioner donations for the school roof so the total amount for the Reserve budget will be $159k. The project will start in 2020. Pat Hinze from the diocese agreed that it should not cost more than $180k for the school roof and new parking structures.
    • A new candle stand and more paintings for the Gathering Place were added.
    • School Security: Window film needs to be put on the outside windows of the school so that they cannot be seen through. The quote is $14,927. This is critical for protection of the children.
  • Anne motioned to approve the Reserve Budget that reflects the $25k change to Misc. Grounds projects, Brad seconded it; motion passed.
  • Terry called an Executive session at 5:17 pm
  1. New Business: none

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2020-04-30T15:31:06+00:00April 30th, 2020|

Finance Council Minutes February 26, 2020

Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 5:30pm

Present: Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Dan Putschoegl, Yvonne Napolitano, Eileen Grant

Absent:  Terry Brennan

Guests: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper, Kevin Keighron

At Terry’s request, Bill Jacobs led the meeting due to Terry’s absence.

  1. Capital Campaign Report: figures as of February 25, 2020
  • Pledges and donations paid to Capital Campaign: $2,512,415

      Completing the Mission Report: figures as of February 25, 2020

  • Pledges Made: $457,320
  • Total Contributed: $440,052
  • Balance on Reserve Fund Loan $8,000
  • We paid $3,000 toward the reserve loan
  1. Minutes Approval: January 29, 2020 Minutes approved
  • Brad motioned to approve the December minutes, Eileen seconded it; motion passed
  1. Financial Statements: January Financials approved
  • Anne motioned to approve the Financials, Dan seconded it; motion passed
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Anne Welborn reviewed the December Bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.
  • Dan Putschoegl reviewed the January Bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Raj spoke about his pilgrimage to Israel; it was inspirational.
  • Many spiritual activities are happening in March: Light of the World on February 29-March 1, the Lenten Mission on March 1-3, the Hispanic Mission March 16th and 17th, and 12 Hours for the Lord on the last Friday in March.
  • New ministries have formed: a monthly faith formation for parishioners on the 3rd Friday of the month with Chris Dunn and Lead Me, Lord on Tuesdays.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • The Mission starts Sunday, March 1st at 6:30pm, then continues Monday and Tuesday at 9am and 6:30pm. It will be most effective to attend each day. The Mission will be presented by Patrick Sullivan from Evango.
  • Raj will not be at the next finance council meeting so no votes can be taken. Catholic Community Foundation will give a presentation and the budget will be discussed.
  • We did not receive the Catholic Community Foundation grant for the new candle stand and Our Lady of Guadalupe tapestry. Only 3 grants were given out of the 32. We will still replace the tapestry but will hold off on the candle stand. We have had a few recent issues with candle safety so we need a more fire safe system.
    • Dan suggested asking for donations for the candle stand by putting it in the bulletin. Jim will discuss this with Fr. Raj. We may use some of the bequest money.
  • The grant from OCP for new music books will be announced in August. We added the expense to the budget since we will not find out until August.
  • We are waiting on the third quote for the school roof. The solar company has been uncooperative, but they have to remove the solar panels. Jim will go to the head of the company if necessary since they are not getting back to us. Brad asked if they have any approved sub-contractors who could remove the panels.
  1. Old Business:
  • Bill Jacobs discussed the revised investment policy. Please see attached policy. Yvonne motioned to approve the investment policy, Eileen seconded it; the motion passed
  • Budget: Jim hopes that everyone was able to look at the budget review.
    • Tuition budget is substantially increased this year. Shelly explained that the school is moving to a tuition management system. A $50 fee per family was added to tuition to pay for FACTS. There is a $500 fee for advanced accounting as well the first year. FACTS will have updated information each night so families can look in FACTS all the time to see how much they owe. Currently they do not know how much they owe until they get a statement. The families can set up a payment plan, pay in full, semi-annually or monthly. They can pay with a credit card or checking account. We will be able to count on the monthly income. FACTS will be used for incidental billing like sports and theater camp. The school is also asking parents to fill out at least 3 scholarship applications. The school is affiliated with 10 scholarships.
    • Terry (through Jim) asked if the CEA budget can be increased since Melissa has been hired. Shelly said we can’t be sure. Jim says we can leave as it is for now. Anne asked how far we are from maxing out CEA funds. Shelly said that our funds roll over if we don’t use them.
  • Brad asked about account 6403 (Previous Year Tuition). The account is for tuition that is not paid during the fiscal year. FACTS should alleviate not paying during the fiscal year.
  • We will not get updated salary schedules from the diocese until later. We used a 2% salary increase in the budget which is the minimum. Brad mentioned that the minimum wage increased so it may impact salary increases.
  • Stacy was added as fulltime. We are not sure if she will need benefits at this time. We are succession planning for soon-to-be retirements. She is learning Safe Environment and scheduling.
  • Anne asked if we give merit based increases. Jim put it into place last year after speaking with Marian at the diocese. She eventually agreed that it is up to the pastor. Not everyone will get the same raise.
  • Bill asked if we are under-budgeting plate income. Bill stated that if we continue at same rate, we could increase it by $140,000. Jim explained that we decreased plate collection last year as many large givers moved. Jim asked for advisement; he doesn’t want to go too high and have a deficit. Bill suggested a $100k increase in plate income. Anne would remain conservative in plate collection.
  • Rental rate increases were discussed. We are not planning to raise rents. Jim discussed with the diocese about these properties; the diocese does not know much about the properties. In 2002 the diocese made a decision to transfer the properties to Sacred Heart Parish. All the deeds are at the diocese. There are many unanswered questions about these properties.
  • A question was asked as to why the Light of the World income is not equal to the expense. Jim explained that it is evangelization and we only charge $25. We might not get any retreatants if we charged more. We are also bringing back the Alpha Retreat.
  • An assistant was added for Hispanic ministry. Jim feels it is critical; someone needs to be trained on what Jimena does.
  • Jim asked the council to review the budget and ask us questions and give suggestions so we can discuss in March and vote on in April.
  • Eileen asked why the chiller has increased our utilities expense. Jim answered that it was unanticipated. The chiller takes more power.
  • Bill Jacobs called an Executive session.
  1. New Business: none

Kevin Keighron would like to be on the agenda for a future meeting to discuss Mission Vision Values. The council previously worked on accountability. Kevin will be added to the April agenda.

Fr. Raj led closing prayer at 6:30pm

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2020-03-26T16:40:17+00:00March 26th, 2020|

Finance Council Minutes February 26, 2020

Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 5:30pm

Present: Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Dan Putschoegl, Yvonne Napolitano, Eileen Grant

Absent:  Terry Brennan

Guests: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper, Kevin Keighron

At Terry’s request, Bill Jacobs led the meeting due to Terry’s absence.

  1. Capital Campaign Report: figures as of February 25, 2020
  • Pledges and donations paid to Capital Campaign: $2,512,415

      Completing the Mission Report: figures as of February 25, 2020

  • Pledges Made: $457,320
  • Total Contributed: $440,052
  • Balance on Reserve Fund Loan $8,000
  • We paid $3,000 toward the reserve loan
  1. Minutes Approval: January 29, 2020 Minutes approved
  • Brad motioned to approve the December minutes, Eileen seconded it; motion passed
  1. Financial Statements: January Financials approved
  • Anne motioned to approve the Financials, Dan seconded it; motion passed
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Anne Welborn reviewed the December Bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.
  • Dan Putschoegl reviewed the January Bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Raj spoke about his pilgrimage to Israel; it was inspirational.
  • Many spiritual activities are happening in March: Light of the World on February 29-March 1, the Lenten Mission on March 1-3, the Hispanic Mission March 16th and 17th, and 12 Hours for the Lord on the last Friday in March.
  • New ministries have formed: a monthly faith formation for parishioners on the 3rd Friday of the month with Chris Dunn and Lead Me, Lord on Tuesdays.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • The Mission starts Sunday, March 1st at 6:30pm, then continues Monday and Tuesday at 9am and 6:30pm. It will be most effective to attend each day. The Mission will be presented by Patrick Sullivan from Evango.
  • Fr. Raj will not be at the next finance council meeting so no votes can be taken. Catholic Community Foundation will give a presentation and the budget will be discussed.
  • We did not receive the Catholic Community Foundation grant for the new candle stand and Our Lady of Guadalupe tapestry. Only 3 grants were given out of the 32. We will still replace the tapestry but will hold off on the candle stand. We have had a few recent issues with candle safety so we need a more fire safe system.
    • Dan suggested asking for donations for the candle stand by putting it in the bulletin. Jim will discuss this with Fr. Raj. We may use some of the bequest money.
  • The grant from OCP for new music books will be announced in August. We added the expense to the budget since we will not find out until August.
  • We are waiting on the third quote for the school roof. The solar company has been uncooperative, but they have to remove the solar panels. Jim will go to the head of the company if necessary since they are not getting back to us. Brad asked if they have any approved sub-contractors who could remove the panels.
  1. Old Business:
  • Bill Jacobs discussed the revised investment policy. Please see attached policy. Yvonne motioned to approve the investment policy, Eileen seconded it; the motion passed
  • Budget: Jim hopes that everyone was able to look at the budget review.
    • Tuition budget is substantially increased this year. Shelly explained that the school is moving to a tuition management system. A $50 fee per family was added to tuition to pay for FACTS. There is a $500 fee for advanced accounting as well the first year. FACTS will have updated information each night so families can look in FACTS all the time to see how much they owe. Currently they do not know how much they owe until they get a statement. The families can set up a payment plan, pay in full, semi-annually or monthly. They can pay with a credit card or checking account. We will be able to count on the monthly income. FACTS will be used for incidental billing like sports and theater camp. The school is also asking parents to fill out at least 3 scholarship applications. The school is affiliated with 10 scholarships.
    • Terry asked (through Jim) if the CEA budget can be increased since Melissa has been hired. Shelly said we can’t be sure. Jim says we can leave as it is for now. Anne asked how far we are from maxing out CEA funds. Shelly said that our funds roll over if we don’t use them.
  • Brad asked about account 6403 (Previous Year Tuition). The account is for tuition that is not paid during the fiscal year. FACTS should alleviate not paying during the fiscal year.
  • We will not get updated salary schedules from the diocese until later. We used a 2% salary increase in the budget which is the minimum. Brad mentioned that the minimum wage increased so it may impact salary increases.
  • Stacy was added as full-time. We are not sure if she will need benefits at this time. We are succession planning for soon-to-be retirements. She is learning Safe Environment and scheduling.
  • Anne asked if we give merit based increases. Jim put it into place last year after speaking with Marian at the diocese. She eventually agreed that it is up to the pastor. Not everyone will get the same raise.
  • Bill asked if we are under-budgeting plate income. Bill stated that if we continue at same rate, we could increase it by $140,000. Jim explained that we decreased plate collection last year as many large givers moved. Jim asked for advisement; he doesn’t want to go too high and have a deficit. Bill suggested a $100k increase in plate income. Anne would remain conservative in plate collection.
  • Rental rate increases were discussed. We are not planning to raise rents. Jim discussed with the diocese about these properties; the diocese does not know much about the properties. In 2002 the diocese made a decision to transfer the properties to Sacred Heart Parish. All the deeds are at the diocese. There are many unanswered questions about these properties.
  • A question was asked as to why the Light of the World income is not equal to the expense. Jim explained that it is evangelization and we only charge $25. We might not get any retreatants if we charged more. We are also bringing back the Alpha Retreat.
  • An assistant was added for Hispanic ministry. Jim feels it is critical; someone needs to be trained on what Jimena does.
  • Jim asked the council to review the budget and ask us questions and give suggestions so we can discuss in March and vote on in April.
  • Eileen asked why the chiller has increased our utilities expense. Jim answered that it was unanticipated. The chiller takes more power.
  • Bill Jacobs called an Executive session.
  1. New Business: none

Kevin Keighron would like to be on the agenda for a future meeting to discuss Mission Vision Values. The council previously worked on accountability. Kevin will be added to the April agenda.


Fr. Raj led closing prayer at 6:30pm

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2020-03-26T16:34:22+00:00March 26th, 2020|
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