Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 4:30pm

Meeting held by Conference Call


Present: Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Dan Putschoegl, Terry Brennan, Eileen Grant

Absent:  Yvonne Napolitano

Guests: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely

  1. Capital Campaign Report: figures as of March 25, 2020
  • Pledges and donations paid to Capital Campaign: $2,539,877

      Completing the Mission Report: figures as of March 25, 2020

  • Pledges Made: $461,258
  • Total Contributed: $442,046
  • Balance on Reserve Fund Loan $3,600
  • $3,000 was paid toward the reserve loan
  1. Minutes Approval: February Meeting Minutes approved
  • Dan motioned to approve the February minutes, Anne seconded it; motion passed
  1. Financial Statements: February Financials approved
  • Eileen motioned to approve the Financials, Anne seconded it; motion passed
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Brad reviewed the February Bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Raj talked about the challenging time we are facing and with God’s help we will get through it. Please pray. We are reaching out to our parishioners through Flocknotes and a letter will be sent out this week with a message of hope. We are working on having the Mass live streamed.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Jim has attended many diocesan webinars about the parish, school, and preschool. A Crisis Manager, Martha Gamez has been assigned to us from the diocese. She was our Together Let Us Go Forth diocesan liaison. The latest recommendation from the diocese is to live stream Mass and we are working on it. We are also working on a cash flow statement, which the diocese has asked us to fill out twice per month. Jim is completing a Collection survey each week. Collections have fallen off considerably. We have sent a Flocknote encouraging parishioners to give online, by mail or put in the votive stand in the Gathering Place. We have asked that the Bishop’s Assessment be waived for April.
  • Jim is working on a 30 day and 6 month plan for the Parish Office.
  • Our cash situation was discussed with Fr. Raj and Donna; we have enough money to get us through April. There is an expense freeze in place; only things necessary to continue operations will be approved.
  • Jim wrote up a temporary work from home policy for certain employees.
  • We are fortunate as a parish and pray that the virus will not go on too long. The diocese is saying that the closures will be through the end of April, though it could change. Jim will continue with a weekly email about what is going on.
  • Bill asked if the April bishop’s assessment is just being delayed; it is being forgiven. Terry asked if the delay in bishop’s assessment could be for more than just April; right now it is just April.
  • Anne asked if we could put a banner asking parishioners to send in donations during the Mass livestream. This was suggested by the diocese.
  • Many more parishioners are signing up for Flocknotes now and Fr. Raj is sending a letter to reach all of our parishioners since many do not have email. Jim has added many links to our website for resources during the Pandemic.
  • Update on the school roof: Sun Valley Solar quoted us almost $100k to remove the solar panels so we can put on the new roof. Pat Hinze from the diocese came to look at the roof and solar panels. He agreed that that solar panels do need to be removed but suggested that they may be better reinstalled on parking structures. The diocese is putting pressure on Sun Valley Solar since they give them a great deal of business in Phoenix. Jim is confident we can get this done in June. Brad suggested Loller Electric as a backup for removing the panels.
  1. Old Business:
  • Jim sent out an explanation of the budget changes so far but he would like to defer any discussion until April since we don’t have any updates from the diocese and probably will get them later than usual. Eileen asked when the budget would need to be approved; by July 1st. It could be approved in June if necessary.
  • The proposed Reserve Budget was discussed. Jim started by adding what was in the Reserve Study. Then Jim and John Gust discussed what could wait and what was necessary. Jim asked the council if we should reduce the Misc. Grounds amount to $10k. It was decided to keep it at $25k for unexpected items.
    • The school roof needs to be done, so it was moved up three years. Jim took the middle quote for the school roof and added the solar panel removal. He also added putting in more parking structures that would hold the solar panels taken off the school roof, which was the suggestion from the diocese. We have received $25k from the diocesan campaign money and another $6k in parishioner donations for the school roof so the total amount for the Reserve budget will be $159k. The project will start in 2020. Pat Hinze from the diocese agreed that it should not cost more than $180k for the school roof and new parking structures.
    • A new candle stand and more paintings for the Gathering Place were added.
    • School Security: Window film needs to be put on the outside windows of the school so that they cannot be seen through. The quote is $14,927. This is critical for protection of the children.
  • Anne motioned to approve the Reserve Budget that reflects the $25k change to Misc. Grounds projects, Brad seconded it; motion passed.
  • Terry called an Executive session at 5:17 pm
  1. New Business: none

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely