Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 5:35

Meeting held by Zoom

Present: Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Terry Brennan, Yvonne Napolitano, Dan Putschoegl

Absent:  Eileen Grant, Brad DeSaye

Guests: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper

  1. Minutes Approval: May Meeting Minutes approved
  • Bill asked that “that would replace Reserve Study” under New Business be removed from the minutes since that was not what was intended. Donna will amend the minutes to reflect this.
  • Yvonne made the motion to approve the minutes as amended, Anne seconded it, approved
  1. Financial Statements: May Financials approved
  • Bill commented that the Reserve budget shows April not May and the year to date budgeted amount needs to be updated to $220,000, Donna will fix.
  • Bill asked if we completed the Security/Surveillance under Reserves or is there more to do. Jim said there is more to do.
  • Yvonne asked if the school is still planning to host the golf tournament this year. Shelly says that she is 95% sure we can have it; unless the school shut downs there is no reason to stop it.
  • Anne made the motion to approve the May financials, Bill seconded it, all approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Anne reviewed the May Bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Raj is grateful that we can host this meeting and hopes that we will meet in person in the Sacred Heart room soon.
  • thanked the staff who keep doing the mission of the parish; they have been responsible in responding to the situation.
  • mentioned the increasing Covid -19 cases, the fires in Arizona at the moment and the Mass on June 30th for the Granite Mountain Hotshots.
  • said that about 150 people watch the daily livestream Mass by the end of each day. An average of about 800 plus people are attending Sunday Masses. We can open the Forum and or Sacred Heart room if more people come to Mass.
  • Confession is being offered 3 days a week and the priests are able to do anointing of the sick.
  • Two Communion and Confirmation Masses have been scheduled in July and one in August. Marriage and baptism preparation classes are being scheduled using proper precautions.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Current June Collection numbers: $55,671 plate and $37,825 for online giving. Collections are relatively stable as are our finances.
  • We replaced the candle stand with a flameless stand. So far there haven’t been any complaints. The candle stays lit for 2 hours and then goes out automatically. It is much safer. We have our risk management walk through soon; Catholic Mutual will be happy with this stand. The color matches the tilma on Our Lady of Guadalupe and the wood is similar to our pews.
  • A generous donor who has a special love for parishes with schools wanted to encourage online giving so she picked 6 parishes, Sacred Heart included, to give a matching contribution up to $43,000 if we can increase our online giving donations between June 1st and August 31st. If our parishioners increase what they are giving currently or start giving online this will be matched up to the $43,000. We have started promoting it and reposted online giving instructions in the hope we can earn the maximum amount. The money will be set aside for evangelization: school, youth, and retreats (for example LOTW). We gave the diocese our online giving amount in May to use as a basis for measuring increases. We will also be providing June, July and August.
  • Jim gave an update on the School roof: thanks to Brad, Lollar Electric quoted half the price of Sun Valley to remove the solar panels. The Diocese had come back with a quote of over $600k when our budget is $150k. Arrow Roofing and Lollar Electric have received their contracts sent by the Diocese.  Once Father signs the contract we can start work in the next couple of weeks. They estimate one day for solar panel removal, 3-5 days to put the roof on and another day to put the solar panels back on. The roofers will work through rain, if needed so it will be done before school starts.
  1. Old Business:
  • none
  1. New Business:
  • none

Fr. Raj led closing prayer at 5:59pm