
Finance Council Meeting Minutes-March 24, 2021

Fr. Raj opened the meeting with a prayer at 5:01pm

Present: Bill Jacobs, Anne Welborn (by phone), Terry Brennan, Dan Putschoegl, Eileen Grant, Brad DeSaye

Staff: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper

  1. Minutes Approval: February Meeting Minutes approved
  • Dan motioned to accept the February meeting minutes; Bill seconded the motion; motion passed
  1. Financial Statements: February Financials approved
  • Eileen asked about the new piano and why choir expense increased so much. We were able to get a nice used piano from our piano tuner. We also found a school in Phoenix who took the old piano for kids who can’t afford lessons. Choir expense increased since we bought the new song books.  The price of the song books increased quite a bit from the first quote.
  • Dan remarked that unrestricted contributions income to the school was high. The school received a large donation at the beginning of school year. He also asked why the substitute salary expense was high. At the beginning of year a teacher was out on maternity leave and recently one of the teachers was out due to health reasons.
  • Dan asked about the missing bulletin rebate check. Per LPi, it will be late but we should be getting it soon.
  • Bill wants to discuss a line item in more detail at each meeting to expand on it. He asked about choir expenses. Choir Expense is for music expenses like tuning the piano and supplies for the choir.
  • Eileen motioned to approve the February Financials; Brad seconded the motion; motion approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Bill reviewed the February bank reconciliation;  no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Holy Week is next week. More people are feeling comfortable and are coming back to Mass so we have set up more chairs in the Gathering Place.
  • Raj thanked the council for their ideas on the survey about how to plan for more parishioners coming back to Mass.
  • The new songbooks and missalettes are being put back into the pews. We are asking the parishioners not to take them home.
  • Some of our Ministries are starting to return to having their meetings at the church. Knights of Columbus and Legion of Mary are back meeting at church.
  • The Chrism Mass is on Monday, March 29th in Phoenix. The priests will be attending.
  • held a meeting to discuss the future of Youth Ministry. It was decided we should continue to have a full time Youth Minister and we will recruit locally first. We are planning a feast in June to welcome the youth families back.
  • sent a letter to Bishop Olmsted asking him to lower the Bishop’s Assessment since our collections are low.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Stacy has resigned due to a new job. We have hired Alma to take over her position.  Alma had brought her resume to Fr. Raj a few weeks ago. She has experience working at churches in a similar capacity as Stacy. It was a seamless transition. Stacy was able to train her before she left.
  • The Lenten Mission by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal on March 30th and 31st will be livestreamed through the Catholic Community Foundation (CCF) website and on a link on our website.
  • We tested a new form of livestreaming that eliminates Facebook. It is streamed directly to the website. We are getting prepared in case Facebook won’t let us livestream anymore. Also many parishioners do not have or like Facebook. We plan to try it the Sunday after Easter. Jim will post it separately to Facebook as a recording.
  • Employee evaluations are completed; Jim only has one employee left to speak with. He did not discuss salaries and he built the Mission Vision Values into the evaluations.
  • Donna and Jim attended the Diocesan webinar which was a review on the new payroll system. Performance evaluations can be done through the new payroll system; Jim will look into.
  • Jim has done some outreach for Holy Week: the Chamber of Commerce allowed us to publish our Holy Week schedule in their newsletter, he advertised on KLove and there will be an article in the Daily Courier. Hopefully this will inspire Catholics to come back to Mass.
  • We have $30k remaining from the Diocesan Capital Campaign money to redo the floor in the Forum. Jim and John looked at flooring yesterday. It is a textured design to protect the floor. The product will lighten the room. It will be done in June after Preschool gets out. The cost will be $23k-$25k.
  • Jim received another letter from CCF about having a retirement Estate planning seminar. Our parishioners would benefit from it. We will schedule it when it is safe to do so.
  • Jim would like to have a large event with a well-known Catholic Speaker so we can use the Online Giving grant money this fiscal year. The Diocese will not allow us to carry the grant over to next fiscal year. We need to make a decision by June. Ideas for a speaker include Chris Stefanick or Scott Hahn. Jim asked the council to think about it. Dan suggested Cardinal Dolan.
  • The Light of the World retreat will take place this June. It will be offered for free due to the Online Giving grant.
  1. Old Business:
  • There is no new information to discuss on the 2022 budget. We should have more information on benefits at April’s meeting. We will send you the new version before the April meeting.
  • Parish investments: Bill Jacobs will speak with Chris Kissel to get his recommendation on how to better manage our investments. Bill will speak about it at the next meeting.
  1. New Business:
  • Jerry Shugars built a new collection box after some concerns about the collection baskets. It locks in the back and it is on a turntable so it is easy to get the envelopes out of the back.

Fr. Raj made some concluding remarks:

We are blessed in many ways: ministries are coming back and the school is reopened.

Money is for our mission and our mission is evangelization and responding to the call of Jesus.

Fr. Raj would like to have a strategic plan for the post Covid future of our Parish.


Fr. Raj led a closing prayer at 5:50pm


Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2021-04-29T16:39:27+00:00April 29th, 2021|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes – February 24, 2021

Meeting held Via Zoom

Fr. Raj opened the meeting with a prayer at 5:02pm

Present: Bill Jacobs, Anne Welborn, Terry Brennan, Dan Putschoegl, Eileen Grant, Brad DeSaye

Staff: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper


  1. Minutes Approval: January Meeting Minutes approved
  • Anne motioned to accept the January meeting minutes; Dan seconded the motion; motion passed
  1. Financial Statements: January Financials approved
  • Brad motioned to approve the January Financials; Bill seconded the motion; motion approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Terry reviewed the January bank reconciliation;  no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Lent has begun. More parishioners are coming to Mass as they are feeling more comfortable since many are getting the vaccine and cases are decreasing. We are averaging 240-250 people per Mass. We have added more chairs to the Gathering Place. He is hopeful that the Diocese will update the guidelines for how many people can come to Mass.
  • We gave out the book “I Thirst” to our parishioners for Lent.
  • The Charity and Development Appeal has begun. Thank you to Bill Jacobs who did a great job speaking at the Masses.
  • We are not able to have the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner this year so there will be a special prayer and blessing at the Masses the weekend of February 28 and we have a gift for all of our volunteers. They can pick it up in the Church Office.
  • There is a training and commissioning planned for Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers in March.
  • We have added a 5:30pm Mass Monday through Thursday during Lent.
  • Stations of the Cross in Spanish and English will be every Friday during Lent except Good Friday.
  • Confession times during Covid have been expanded.
  • Holy Hours for the Lord will take place on March 26th from 8am-6pm.
  • We will have a virtual Lenten Mission in English on March 30th and 31st. The Spanish Mission will be in person on March 8th and 9th with Fr. Ernesto from the Diocese of Phoenix.
  • A Day of Reflection for the priests will be on March 29th in Phoenix. The Chrism mass will take place at that time.
  • Last year we were only able to livestream Holy Week Masses. This year we hope to have regular Masses for Holy Week.
  • All the Councils are meeting virtually. Fr. would like to meet in person within the next couple of months.
  • Virus numbers are decreasing so hopefully more groups will start meeting at the church.
  • The priests had a Zoom meeting with the Claretian Provincial. He expressed interest in our New Parishioner Dinner and our Ministry Booklet.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • The Ash Wednesday collection was about $3k. Masses were crowded.
  • We are already at 30% of our goal of $138,000 for the Charity and Development Appeal. The new reporting software for the CDA is not working.
  • Our virtual Lenten Mission was a gift from the Holy Spirit as we did not have a mission planned. Catholic Community Foundation called Jim to ask if Sacred Heart wanted to participate in a virtual mission. It is on March 30th and 31st from 6-8pm. It is called Renewed in Christ and hosted by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. Parishioners will be able to log in from our website or the Catholic Community Foundation website.
  • The Diocese has billed us for Safe Environment. Jim asked the Diocese to provide a breakdown of the cost but they do not have that. They stated it is always billed every other year for documents and labor.
  • Doug McMurrin was able to find a used piano that our Piano Tuner had for sale. The tuner reduced the price from $7k to $5k for us. It is a better color match for our pews. The current piano needs to be tuned a few times per month. The piano will be delivered the second weekend in March. They will also haul the old piano away.
  • Jim reached out to Lifetouch (which used to be Olan Mills) about doing a new parish directory as we had used them for the previous directory. Lifetouch is not currently doing parish directories due to Covid.
  • We ordered the new Songbooks. We had been putting it off since we can’t have them in the pews. They were a bit more expensive than we budgeted for due to the cost going up and the need for the accompaniment books. Singing is part of evangelizing so we can use part of the online giving grant to offset the increase.
  • Our March Meeting date overlaps our Lenten Mission and is during Holy Week so Jim asked if we could move the meeting to March 24th. Brad motioned to move the March 31st meeting to a live meeting on March 24th at 5pm. Dan seconded it; motion approved.
  1. Old Business:
  • 2022 budgets:
    • The first drafts of the 2022 budgets were sent out. We will not know of any changes in benefit costs until at least the end of March. Jim thinks that health insurance cost will increase as there wasn’t an increase last year. This could affect our budgets significantly.
    • Bill asked why we are only taking 3% of the endowment in the budget. He thinks we should budget for 4%. CCF recommends taking the 3%. Bill motioned to change the endowment percentage to 4%, Anne seconded it, motion passed. The next draft of the budget will reflect the change.
    • Bill asked if the council could see a breakdown of the donations budgeted. We will get that to the council.
    • Bill asked about the screen projector in the Reserve Budget. He suggested we buy it now and use this year’s Reserve budget money. Jim said we could use the old projectors from the school and then buy a portable screen to use at Mass. There were no objections to buying the screen this year.
    • Bill commented that there has been a dramatic decrease in interest rates in our Money Market account. He will speak with Chris Kissel for a recommendation on how to proceed.
    • Anne asked if the $44k budgeted for utilities was the actual cost. Jim verified that what is presented is the actual cost.
  • Bill called for an Executive Session; Eileen seconded the motion; all approved.
  • The Council moved into Executive Session at 5:35pm and returned to the regular meeting at 5:45pm.
  1. New Business:
  • None

Fr. Raj made some concluding remarks. He thanked the council for asking questions and for the Christian spirit that comes out of our meetings.  He hopes that confidentiality is maintained. We are a good team!

Fr. Ralph led a closing prayer at 5:50pm

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2021-03-25T15:31:43+00:00March 25th, 2021|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes January 27, 2021

 January 27, 2021 VIA ZOOM

“Being the living example of God’s love to others”


Council Members Present: Terry Brennan, Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Dan Putschoegel (joined at 5:10 PM), Eileen Grant (joined at 5:15PM)


Council Members Absent: None


Others Present: Father Raj, Pastor; Jim Wren, Parish Manager; Shelly Cooper, Principal


  1. Meeting called to order by Chair Terry Brennan at 5:04 PM


  1. Father Raj led the Council in an opening prayer.


  1. Approval of November 18, 2020 Finance Council Meeting Minutes: Anne made a motion to approve the November 18 minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Bill and the minutes were unanimously approved.


  1. Review of  November and December financial statements:


    • November financial statements: There were no questions. Anne complimented the staff for keeping expenses down in light of lower-than-expected revenues. Brad made a motion to approve the November financial statements. The motion was seconded by Anne and the financial statements were approved unanimously.
    • December financial statements: The only comment was from Dan who indicated he had not received the financial statement packet as the office was closed due to the winter storm. Jim indicated that once Dan reviews the financial statements, Jim or Donna can answer any of his questions. Anne made a motion to approve the December financial statements; the motion was seconded by Brad and the financial statements were approved unanimously.


  1. Bank Reconciliations:
    • November – Dan indicated that he reviewed the November reconciliation and found no issues.
    • December – Brad indicated that he reviewed the December reconciliation and found no issues.


  1. Pastor’s Report:

Father Raj reported that he is back from India but in self-quarantine until January 30th. On January 31, Father will resume his active role in Masses and ministries. Father commented that the Covid pandemic is ongoing and is affecting all of Sacred Heart’s ministries in some way. There is hope with the vaccine and Father plans on receiving it and recommends everyone on the council to do so as well.

Father thanked the clergy and staff for keeping things going at the church while he has been away.

Father reminded everyone that Catholic Schools Week is the week of February 1 and asked Shelly to comment. Shelly indicated that, due to the pandemic, things will be much quieter this year. Bishop Olmsted will conduct a virtual Mass. There will be no in-person events.

Father also mentioned that the Diocese has recommended a new program called “Revive!” which focuses on several virtual courses concentrating on how we revive the Church following the pandemic. Father mentioned that he would like the Finance Council to view some videos at future meetings as time permits.

Father also commented on the upcoming season of Lent and indicated that Sacred Heart would be sharing a virtual Lenten daily reflection program from the Augustine Institute and FORMED with our parishioners. This will allow parishioners to focus on Lent in their homes.

The Hispanic Lenten Mission is already scheduled. There is no English Lenten Mission scheduled and Father will have to decide what program we will offer.

The Claretian retreat, which normally would be held in Los Angeles, will be virtual this year and will take place in February.

Sacred Heart School is undergoing the accreditation process. Shelly commented that there will be a two-day visit instead of the normal three-day visit. This will take place February 23-24. Domonic Salce has been appointed the new superintendent of Catholic Schools.


  1. Parish Manager’s Report:

Dan asked if we should reach out to parishioners to potentially donate their federal stimulus checks to the school. Jim responded that parishioners have been very generous with their stimulus money and many have donated the funds to help others suffering due to the pandemic.

Jim talked about the matching grant we received for on-line giving. This grant was not legally designated for a specific purpose; therefore the Diocese states that it is operating grant revenue. The contact at the Diocese has told Jim that we can still spend the funds next year, but Jim is concerned that since there is no revenue to match with it, this will cause a financial hardship in the next fiscal year. Jim and Father Raj will have to discuss ways to spend or commit the funds before June 30.

Jim indicated that the 2021-22 budget process is underway, with budgets due January 29. Some have been already received. Jim anticipates that the budget will be relatively static with the current year’s budget. There will be no new positions or major changes this year.

Jim indicated that Catholic Community Foundation (“CCF”) is trying to extend the $1 million match program for endowments. Jim also indicated that CCF is still interested in offering estate planning classes to our parishioners. This will be done when Covid subsides and gatherings are allowed again.

Jim reminded the Council that we have discussed doing a strategic financial plan. The Diocese used to provide a resource for this process, but no longer does. Jim indicated that we need to keep this subject on the radar. Father Raj supports a strategic financial plan.

Jim acknowledged the excellent work and generosity of Vicente Landscaping, especially during the recent severe winter storm.

Bill Jacobs commented that he reviewed the current status of our reserves and concludes the following:

  • The annual contribution of $240,000 in right on track with the recommendations in the current reserve study.
  • Based on the estimated year ended fiscal year 2021 fund balance, we have achieved 100% of the fully funded balance, which was not expected until fiscal year 48/49. This is a great accomplishment.


  1. Old Business – None
  2. New Business – Yvonne Napolitano has resigned from the Finance Council due to her job requirements. There should be an odd number of council members to prevent any ties votes. Father Raj will have to think about a replacement. Terry told the Council to bring forth recommendations.
  3. Closing Prayer and Adjournment: Father Raj did the closing prayer. The meeting adjourned at 6:36 PM


Respectfully submitted,

Jim Wren, Parish Manager

2021-02-25T16:46:32+00:00February 25th, 2021|

Finance Council Minutes November 18, 2020

Opening prayer led by Bill Jacobs at 5:06pm

Fr. Ralph attended the meeting in Fr. Raj’s absence.

Present: Bill Jacobs, Anne Welborn, Terry Brennan, Yvonne Napolitano, Dan Putschoegl, Eileen Grant, Brad DeSaye


Staff: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper

  1. Minutes Approval: October Meeting Minutes approved
  • Anne motioned to accept the October meeting minutes; Dan seconded the motion; motion passed
  1. Financial Statements: October Financials approved
  • Eileen asked if we have seen an appreciable decrease in the electric bill due to the chiller. No, the bill has increased.
  • Bill asked if organizations are required to have an account with the church. Yes, except for the Knights of Columbus.
  • Yvonne motioned to approve the October Financials; Eileen seconded the motion; motion approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Anne reviewed the October bank reconciliation;  no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Ralph announced that Fr. Raj was in India. He left to see his father but unfortunately his father passed away before he was able to get there. He will be in India for a month or two. Fr. Ralph is acting pastor in his absence.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Fr. Zachary of the Mother of God, SOLT will be here for our Advent Mission from December 5th-7th. He will be concelebrating the weekend Masses and giving his mission talk on Sunday evening, and Monday morning and evening. He will give three different talks.
  • Jim will be gone from December 12th-January 7th.  He asked if Terry could get the finance council’s help to approve the invoices each week. Tina will be in charge of operational matters in his absence.
  • Collection totals as of November 18th: plate -$45,576, online giving-$34,229
  • We budgeted purchasing new songbooks this year but since we aren’t able to use them we have put the purchase on hold. Hopefully we will be able to order them soon.
  • The new missals are here. We will put some out each week for parishioners to take home so boxes won’t be sitting around.
  • The diocese has not made any changes to the capacity for Masses. It is still at 35%.
  • John McGrath is resigning as of December 4th. We have a couple of people who are interested in the job so hopefully by the time John leaves we will have a replacement. It is an important job to fill as this person locks up the church most evenings.
  • Jim spoke with Kyle from Catholic Community Foundation today. They would like to host their Wills and Trusts Seminar at Sacred Heart. Jim told him we cannot do it before March. We have a 50 person limit at this time but maybe we could host multiple sessions.
  • School Accreditation is scheduled from February 24-February 26, 2021. Shelly is not sure if it will be virtual or in person. She has a plan in place.
  • Complete your Safe Environment renewal by 12/31/20.
  1. Old Business:
  • None
  1. New Business:
  • The 2021 meeting schedule was agreed on.
  • Jim discussed the budget calendar as Fr. Raj and he will be gone. It will be sent out on January 7th to all the Directors. Anne motioned to accept the budget calendar, Brad seconded it; motion passed.
  • The Reserve Study is 2 years old so we will need to discuss having another study done. We need to find someone ourselves as the diocese doesn’t have anyone anymore. Jim would prefer someone local.
  • Bill discussed doing a parish directory. It is has been quite a few years since we have had one. He feels it would be beneficial to the parishioners by raising their spirits and putting a name to a face or a face to a name. Jim spoke with Fr. Raj about this previously and he doesn’t feel it is a priority right now. He wants to wait for Covid to be behind us. Maybe it will be put in the 2021-2022 budget. Jim could get a quote from Lifetouch.

Fr. Ralph led a closing prayer at 5:33pm

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2021-01-28T20:11:32+00:00January 28th, 2021|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes-October 28, 2020

Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 5:31pm

Present: Bill Jacobs, Anne Welborn, Terry Brennan, Yvonne Napolitano, Dan Putschoegl, Eileen Grant

Absent:  Brad DeSaye

Staff: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper

  1. Minutes Approval: September Meeting Minutes approved
  • Bill motioned to accept the September meeting minutes; Dan seconded the motion; motion passed
  1. Financial Statements: September Financials approved
  • Bill asked why rental income was down 25% from the first quarter. Jim explained that one of the renters has lost income because of not being able to work, so there were a few months of no payments. Father Raj has approved the renter paying when they have work.
  • Bill asked what happened to the $6,000 in restricted money set aside for the school roof. Jim explained that when he moved cash from reserves to pay for the roof, he subtracted the $6,000 and the $25,000 Diocese campaign money. So we have spent that $6,000 and it shows as a revenue and an expense. So cash wise the $6,000 was never taken out of reserve money.
  • Jim explained to the council the difference between cash and accrual basis in tuition money. We are making note of the difference on the financials. Shelly added that it has been an uphill battle getting some families to sign up for FACTS; she communicated to the parents that their students may not be allowed in school until the family is signed up. Eight families still need to sign up. Shelly explained some of the issues that are keeping families from signing up:
    • Large payments; if they had signed up in July, their monthly payments would be less. The payments would be spread over a longer period of time.
    • There are fees if paying by credit card and many families are wary about giving their bank account information.
    • Dan asked if Shelly expects the second year using FACTS to be easier; Shelly said it should be.
  • Anne asked what the student population is currently: 100 students; budgeted for 120.
  • Dan asked what was charged to the Hospitality expense. Most of the expense is from the hand sanitizers we bought for our parishioners.
  • Anne commented that we are keeping expenses in line with income. Jim responded that we are trying to keep expenses below budget and technically we never lifted the expense freeze implemented for the pandemic.
  • Yvonne motioned to approve the September Financials; Eileen seconded the motion; motion approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Bill reviewed the September bank reconciliation;  no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Fr. Raj thanked the council members for their active involvement in the council and he thanked Jim, Shelly and Donna for their hard work.
  • The Pastoral council and School Advisory board are meeting in person as well.
  • Bishop Nevares celebrated mass here on October 24th for the celebration of the 150th anniversary of St. Anthony Claret’s death.
  • Fr. Raj explained that the Diocese has been guiding us through the Pandemic. We have increased capacity to 35% for Masses, which is around 200 people. So far we are within the capacity. The ushers counted parishioners in October.
  • Most groups have resumed meetings in the church. We have a new successful ministry: That Man Is You; about 40 men on average are showing up.
  • The Youth group is meeting also. Candice and Taylor are doing a great job. We will be looking to hire a full time Youth Minister in January.
  • We held our New Parishioner event on two different days in October. Those who attended seemed eager to get involved.
  • The Heritage Festival was canceled.
  • A meeting for all Liturgical Ministers is scheduled for Saturday, October 31st.
  • On Election Day, November 3rd, we will have Adoration in the church from 8am-12pm.
  • The middle school will be attending the Veteran’s Day Parade on November 11th.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Current October collection numbers: plate collection – $56,177 and online giving – $47,295.
  • We received a $35k bequest from the Trengove Estate.  This will help alleviate our decrease in collection plate money.
  • We received the $55k online giving matching grant. The diocese is requiring that we treat this as a grant. But we are allowed to carry it over to next year.
  • Jim was asked to be part of a Diocesan committee to help establish a new database for the Charity and Development Appeal.
  • We did not qualify for the Employee Retention Credit.
  • Jim attended the ICSC conference virtually this year. He has some notes if anyone would like to read them.
  1. Old Business:
  • None
  1. New Business:
  • Fr. Raj would like to change the finance council meeting to an earlier time. The council agreed to change the start time to 5pm. They also discussed offering the meeting by Zoom along with meeting in person. Terry said he could do that if needed.
  • 2021 meeting dates were discussed. The last Wednesday of the month was agreed upon except for November due to Thanksgiving. There will not be meetings in August due to the council social or December. Donna will send the schedule out with the October financials.
  • Donna explained to the council that we discovered Preschool tuition was over budgeted due to the Preschool scholarship money being earmarked for certain preschoolers’ tuition.

Fr. Raj led a closing prayer at 6:07pm

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2020-11-19T15:54:00+00:00November 19th, 2020|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes-September 30, 2020

Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 5:31pm

Present:  Eileen Grant, Anne Welborn, Terry Brennan, Dan Putschoegl

Absent: Bill Jacobs, Yvonne Napolitano, Brad DeSaye

Staff:  Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper via phone

Guests: Kevin Keighron


  1. Minutes Approval: July meeting minutes approved
  • Anne motioned to accept the July meeting minutes; Eileen seconded the motion; motion passed
  1. Financial Statements: July and August Financials approved
  • Eileen asked why the BOK reserve account decreased so much. It was due to transferring money over to our general account to pay for the school roof.
  • Eileen questioned why the Preschool accounts receivable amount changed to zero from July. Donna adjusted the balance since the new FACTS tuition system tracks the receivables.
  • Eileen asked why our assets were reduced. We adjusted items that were not in use any longer. We removed old assets with a 0 net value.
  • Anne motioned to approve the July and August financials; Dan seconded the motion; motion approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Brad reviewed the July bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted per his email to Terry
  • Terry reviewed the August bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Fr. Raj thanked the council for coming to the meeting in person
  • Many activities are happening in October including the new parishioner welcome event which will be held on two different days: October 17th in the morning and October 20th in the evening. We normally receive about 10 new families every month.
  • October 24th is the feast day of St. Anthony Claret and the 150th anniversary of St. Anthony Claret’s death. Bishop Nevares will be coming to celebrate the Vigil Mass. We will also pray a novena.
  • The heritage festival has been canceled.
  • October is the month of the rosary and respect for life. Our intentions will carry the theme of the gospel of life.
  • A meeting has been scheduled for Liturgical ministers on October 31st at 10am.
  • Our staff has supported us during the pandemic. They have worked hard to meet challenges.
  • Youth Ministry started up 2 weeks ago.
  • That Man Is You men’s ministry started last week. About 40 men attended.
  1. Parish Manger’s Report:
  • Jim will again look at our revenue to see if we qualify for the employee retention credit. He will report back to the council.
  • Jim was supposed to be in Anaheim for ICSC conference but due to Covid he is attending it virtually.
  • Our collection totals so far this month: $52,212 regular collection and $48,878 online giving.  It is lower than we’d like but we are still doing pretty well.
  • Second collections: Peters Pence and Holy Land collections were delayed in the spring so we are making up these collections. We are putting second collection envelopes in the pews. Bishop Olmsted also wants a collection for the recent hurricanes and wild fires so we will have a second collection for these instead of the Operation Deep Freeze collection in November. We committed $1k from the donation budget to Operation Deep Freeze instead.
  • There will not be any food served at the new parishioner welcome event. There will be a small presentation and questions.
  • The school roof is completely done. The roofer needs to inspect the solar panel installation so nothing affects the warranty. We came in $20k under budget. Lollar Electric gave us a great price for what they did.
  • The safety film for the large school windows will be applied over fall break. The film also reinforces the glass.
  • Matching gift: Jim considers it a miracle that we met the match numbers. A donor selected 6 parishes to match about $500k. She wanted to do something to encourage online giving. Fr. Raj decided that the money would go to Evangelization, which was popular with our parishioners. We accommodated some people who didn’t want to give online but still wanted to be part of the match. They could write a check. We increased online giving by $55k over the 3 month period which was 129% of our goal. The donor decided to give us the full $55k. Jim will send a thank you to the donor. One of the reasons she chose Sacred Heart was our school. Jim assured her that we would use some of the money to help the school and youth. Jim would like to bring in a well-known Catholic speaker once restrictions are lifted.
  • Jim reminded the council that Safe Environment Training renewal has to be completed by December 31. No back ground check is needed if done last year.
  • Anne asked about Dr. Al resigning from Youth Ministry. Jim answered that Al thought he was going to retire from the hospital this year but with Covid he is working more. He stayed on to help get the core team together—Taylor Robbins will be handling Life Teen and Candice Fabrie will be taking over Edge. We will search for a full time Youth Minister next year.
  1. Principal’s Report:
  • Shelly let the finance council know that the Development Director position has been eliminated due to budgetary reasons.
  • Most families have signed up for the new tuition management system- FACTS. Anne asked if it was required. Yes it is.
  1. Old Business:
  • None
  1. New Business:
  • None

Fr. Raj led the closing prayer at 6:03pm

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2020-10-29T16:42:17+00:00October 29th, 2020|
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