January 27, 2021 VIA ZOOM
“Being the living example of God’s love to others”
Council Members Present: Terry Brennan, Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Dan Putschoegel (joined at 5:10 PM), Eileen Grant (joined at 5:15PM)
Council Members Absent: None
Others Present: Father Raj, Pastor; Jim Wren, Parish Manager; Shelly Cooper, Principal
- Meeting called to order by Chair Terry Brennan at 5:04 PM
- Father Raj led the Council in an opening prayer.
- Approval of November 18, 2020 Finance Council Meeting Minutes: Anne made a motion to approve the November 18 minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Bill and the minutes were unanimously approved.
- Review of November and December financial statements:
- November financial statements: There were no questions. Anne complimented the staff for keeping expenses down in light of lower-than-expected revenues. Brad made a motion to approve the November financial statements. The motion was seconded by Anne and the financial statements were approved unanimously.
- December financial statements: The only comment was from Dan who indicated he had not received the financial statement packet as the office was closed due to the winter storm. Jim indicated that once Dan reviews the financial statements, Jim or Donna can answer any of his questions. Anne made a motion to approve the December financial statements; the motion was seconded by Brad and the financial statements were approved unanimously.
- Bank Reconciliations:
- November – Dan indicated that he reviewed the November reconciliation and found no issues.
- December – Brad indicated that he reviewed the December reconciliation and found no issues.
- Pastor’s Report:
Father Raj reported that he is back from India but in self-quarantine until January 30th. On January 31, Father will resume his active role in Masses and ministries. Father commented that the Covid pandemic is ongoing and is affecting all of Sacred Heart’s ministries in some way. There is hope with the vaccine and Father plans on receiving it and recommends everyone on the council to do so as well.
Father thanked the clergy and staff for keeping things going at the church while he has been away.
Father reminded everyone that Catholic Schools Week is the week of February 1 and asked Shelly to comment. Shelly indicated that, due to the pandemic, things will be much quieter this year. Bishop Olmsted will conduct a virtual Mass. There will be no in-person events.
Father also mentioned that the Diocese has recommended a new program called “Revive!” which focuses on several virtual courses concentrating on how we revive the Church following the pandemic. Father mentioned that he would like the Finance Council to view some videos at future meetings as time permits.
Father also commented on the upcoming season of Lent and indicated that Sacred Heart would be sharing a virtual Lenten daily reflection program from the Augustine Institute and FORMED with our parishioners. This will allow parishioners to focus on Lent in their homes.
The Hispanic Lenten Mission is already scheduled. There is no English Lenten Mission scheduled and Father will have to decide what program we will offer.
The Claretian retreat, which normally would be held in Los Angeles, will be virtual this year and will take place in February.
Sacred Heart School is undergoing the accreditation process. Shelly commented that there will be a two-day visit instead of the normal three-day visit. This will take place February 23-24. Domonic Salce has been appointed the new superintendent of Catholic Schools.
- Parish Manager’s Report:
Dan asked if we should reach out to parishioners to potentially donate their federal stimulus checks to the school. Jim responded that parishioners have been very generous with their stimulus money and many have donated the funds to help others suffering due to the pandemic.
Jim talked about the matching grant we received for on-line giving. This grant was not legally designated for a specific purpose; therefore the Diocese states that it is operating grant revenue. The contact at the Diocese has told Jim that we can still spend the funds next year, but Jim is concerned that since there is no revenue to match with it, this will cause a financial hardship in the next fiscal year. Jim and Father Raj will have to discuss ways to spend or commit the funds before June 30.
Jim indicated that the 2021-22 budget process is underway, with budgets due January 29. Some have been already received. Jim anticipates that the budget will be relatively static with the current year’s budget. There will be no new positions or major changes this year.
Jim indicated that Catholic Community Foundation (“CCF”) is trying to extend the $1 million match program for endowments. Jim also indicated that CCF is still interested in offering estate planning classes to our parishioners. This will be done when Covid subsides and gatherings are allowed again.
Jim reminded the Council that we have discussed doing a strategic financial plan. The Diocese used to provide a resource for this process, but no longer does. Jim indicated that we need to keep this subject on the radar. Father Raj supports a strategic financial plan.
Jim acknowledged the excellent work and generosity of Vicente Landscaping, especially during the recent severe winter storm.
Bill Jacobs commented that he reviewed the current status of our reserves and concludes the following:
- The annual contribution of $240,000 in right on track with the recommendations in the current reserve study.
- Based on the estimated year ended fiscal year 2021 fund balance, we have achieved 100% of the fully funded balance, which was not expected until fiscal year 48/49. This is a great accomplishment.
- Old Business – None
- New Business – Yvonne Napolitano has resigned from the Finance Council due to her job requirements. There should be an odd number of council members to prevent any ties votes. Father Raj will have to think about a replacement. Terry told the Council to bring forth recommendations.
- Closing Prayer and Adjournment: Father Raj did the closing prayer. The meeting adjourned at 6:36 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Wren, Parish Manager