150 Fleury Avenue

Prescott, AZ 86301

(928) 445-3141

Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes

February 4, 2019


Fr. Raj, Fr. Ralph, Fr. Vicente, Jim Wren, Bud Bevenour, Jack Connolly, Harry Gooding, Kathy Huston, Claudia Jones-Lezama, Beth Luce, Ginny Shugars, Phil Stevens


Rob Boland, Roger Dubin, Greg Watts


Al Caccavale, Kevin Keighron


Father Raj opened the meeting at 5:30pm by reading from Scripture and leading the council in prayer.


The January 14, 2019 minutes were approved as submitted.


1. For now the round tables and chairs used for Common Grounds will remain set up in the Sacred Heart room. A final solution to the situation is still being sought.

2. The Hospitality ministry was discussed. The question was asked if Common Grounds was serving enough   parishioners. The Council was reminded that Common Grounds is only one aspect of Hospitality. Two others are the Information Table and the Council personally contacting new parishioners. Fr. Ralph suggested that all parishioners maybe are not aware of what CG is and that a warm and inviting message from the pulpit to encourage people to come for coffee and donuts might bolster attendance. Another suggestion was signage for Common Grounds. There was some discussion about the parish office not submitting names of newcomers to the council. Jim said he would look into it. Kathy was asked to email Council members the month that they were responsible to call new parishioners.


A. Parish Manager’s Report—Jim Wren

1. Jim attended the Valley Interfaith Project (VIP) at the state capitol. The VIP is an interfaith group that meets 8 times a year to discuss the needs of our poor, underprivileged, immigrants and disadvantaged. Jim had the chance to listen to two State Senators—Karen Fann and Heather Carter share their insights. Jim will be a permanent member of this group next year.

2. The study of our reserve fund will happen this week. Items will be evaluated as to if they are capitol in nature. The Finance council has voted that SH suspend our contributions to the reserve fund for the remainder of the year.

3.The CDA kickoff is this coming weekend—February 9/10. Mike Daniel will be the parish representative for the campaign and our goal is $138,000.00.

4. Jim summarized the Ministry Meeting on January 26th. 22 people attended representing 19 ministries. Most ministries could use more volunteers. Safe Environment training is necessary to participate in a ministry.

5. Jim discussed that the parish is showing a deficit for the first half of the fiscal year and that the Finance Council has taken steps to turn this around. The main reason is lower tithing.

B. Youth Minister—Al Caccavale

1. Al reported that there are 10 Life Teen members and 10 members of Edge. The youth will attend the retreat in Williams February 22-24. Some of the youth attended the men’s conference in Phoenix but a better fit would be a young men’s conference. Al will be checking on future dates for that event.

2. A big problem is the lack of current email addresses for the youth. Over half of the emails sent were returned due to out of date addresses. It was suggested that Al tap into the family database to see if that venue would be helpful.

C. Pastor’s Report—Father Raj

1. Happenings at SH in January included Catholic School’s Week, the Western Spaghetti Dinner, Career Day and a meeting of the heads of various ministries.

2. In February, as a thank you for their service to SH, the staff will serve dinner to approximately 125 volunteers on February 13th. Father wants this to be a yearly event. Liturgical minister formation and training is going on.

3. It is a challenge to form a Hispanic youth program but Fr. Raj would like for there to be one integrated SH youth group, comprised of both Hispanic and non-Hispanic members.

4. The Council was asked to pray for the various members in the parish and their families who are experiencing serious health issues.

5. Fr. is looking for a realistic and optimistic budget for fiscal 2019.

6. Bud, Harry, Jack, Phil and Jim will be on the sub committee to develop a “Welcome Packet” for newcomers.

7. The diocese makes a pastoral visit to each parish once every five years to review documents and to meet with the pastor, the staff, teachers and various council members. Fr. David Keilash, Dean for North Deanery will visit SH soon.

D. MVV update—Kevin Keighron

Kevin reiterated that the operation of MVV is not a quick program for SH but a procedure over the next 5 to 10 years. It is an inside out process that starts with us.

Starting in March-May, the various and committees will define the values at SH. Then in April-Aug there will be training in the process for new leaders. And finally, in September-November, a pilot program will be rolled out.


The question was asked why there weren’t automated doors for the elevator or into the church. The answer was that since this feature wasn’t a part of the original design, it would be up to ushers and parishioners to assist those in need of help with the doors. Concerning the banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the Gathering

Room—the banner is not a permanent feature.

After the issue of abortion was raised, Fr. Ralph noted that although the US seems to have the lowest abortion rate of the major continents, some mothers and/or families simply cannot afford to raise a child. Father then asked how we can be true to what we believe in and live in a world that is largely not Catholic. He challenged us to express our opposition to immoral activities and to continue to do positive things to support pregnancy.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:50pm with Fr. Raj leading the closing prayer.


The next meeting will be on Monday, March 4, 2019 at 5:30pm in the Sacred Heart room.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Huston, co-secretary