Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Parish

Finance Council Minutes

                   Finance Council Meeting-April 24, 2019

  “Being the Living Example of God’s Love to Others”

Fr. Raj led with a prayer at 5:30 pm.

Present:  Fr. Raj, Terry Brennan, Jerry Shugars, Anne Welborn, Yvonne Napolitano, Dan Putschoegl, and Brad DeSaye

Absent: Chris Kissel

Guests Present:  Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Eileen Grant

1.  Capital Campaign Report:  figures as of April 24, 2019

  • Pledges and donations paid to Capital Campaign: $2,459,131

Completing the Mission Report: figures as of April 24, 2019

  • Pledges Made: $408,995
  • Total Contributed: $378,709

Line of Credit:

  • Amount owed: $138,455
  • Discussed the 260 parishioners that have pledged but have not paid their full pledge. It was decided that a letter will be sent to them asking them to consider paying. If everyone who pledged pays their full pledge we can pay off the line of credit.
  • Brad motioned to pay $15k to Line of Credit, Jerry seconded, motion passed
  • There was a discussion about paying off the Line of Credit with our Reserve funds. Brad motioned to pay off the line of credit with reserve funds, then reserve funds will be paid back with Capital Campaign money as it comes in, Yvonne seconded the motion, motion passed with the contingency that Jim will check with the diocese.

2.  Minutes Approval:  March 26, 2019 Minutes approved

  • Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, Dan seconded it, all approved.

3.  Financial Statements:  March Financials approved

  • Anne asked about school tuition. The report shows inconsistent tuition collection. Jim stated we will fall short of budget for tuition, we reduced it for the coming fiscal year and that it should be corrected with the new Principal. Currently there is no consequence if tuition is not paid. Terry stated that the Pastor is supposed to approve supplemental tuition waivers, but it is not being done.
  • Anne made a motion to approve the March Financials, Brad seconded it, motion passed.

4.  Bank Statement Approval:  Terry reviewed March bank statements; all okay

5.  Pastor’s Report

  • Holy Week was last week.  The church was packed, wishes every week was packed like this.
  • Bishop Olmsted reduced our Diocesan Capital Campaign amount by about 200k-our goal will be 1.7million over 5 years. 35% of this comes back to our church.
  • Fr. Raj wanted ideas on the best way and most appropriate way to get the line of credit paid off. Anne felt that the letters would be the best option to reach those who pledged but have not paid. Jim suggested a bulletin announcement, Yvonne suggested a flock note. Jim added that we should make the message positive.
  • Fr. Raj discussed the budget for next year. We still need the priest salaries and new principal salary; otherwise complete.
  • Fr. Raj will be taking his annual vacation from May 27th-June 27th so there will not be a finance council meeting in June.
  • Jerry stated that he will be retiring from the Council.  His last meeting will be in May. He has been on the council for 9 years.

6.  Parish Manager Report

  • Jim discussed the principal hiring process. There were 2 candidates, originally 3 but one dropped out. The interview panel consisted of Jim, Fr. Raj, a teacher, a school office employee, and 2 parents, one who is on the school advisory board. The panel made a recommendation and Father is speaking with her tomorrow (April 25th).  July 1st will be her official first day.
  • The School will need a new Math and Art Teacher and an office person.
  • Jim learned from the diocese that the Principal should not be reporting to him. The Principal will report to Fr. Raj and the Preschool director to the Principal.
  • Jim discussed Parish Budget changes: Raises for next fiscal year will total 3.25%. 10k for the parish manager’s salary will be put back into the Parish budget since the principal will report directly to the Pastor. Sr. Anne’s insurances will be paid by the parish since her hours at CGS are minimal. Health insurance increase was only 2% and dental was 1.5%. We added the statue of the risen Christ to the budget as well. Terry mentioned that the statue should be a capital expense since the cost is over $2500. We have a 39k surplus at the moment but unsure about priest salaries.
  • For school budget: The 10k charged to the school for the Parish Manager’s salary has been transferred to the Parish budget, instructional salaries increased due to lane changes, and two teachers earning masters’ degrees. There is a $5323 surplus at the moment that Jim suggested we use toward the Child Study Specialist the school needs. Terry asked if we could get a grant for that position and Jim responded that the new principal’s current school has been successful at getting grants, so the new principal has experience with grants.
  • Yvonne asked if tuition was going to be increased. Jim responded that it was not.
  • Jim stated that the Youth minister will not be getting a raise this year since he has not been here a year. Also the Preschool budget was reduced due to the state inspection taking place in 11/20 not 11/19.
  • Jim is speaking with the city about who owns Fleury and Carondolet streets. The city would like to park buses on Fleury.
  • Jim said that the 56k in reserves is not enough to pay for repaving the church parking lot
  • Jim spoke about the budget approval process. The Finance Council will approve the budget at the May meeting. It was decided that Terry will present the 19/20 budget to the Pastoral Council in July as a courtesy as it is not required.

7.  Old Business

  • Discussed the school chiller installation. We are waiting for efficiency information from Phillips Heating and Cooling. It was suggested that we reallocate money from the Reserve items that haven’t been completed to the chiller installation. Fr. Ralph suggested using the 35% of our share of the diocesan capital campaign to help pay for the chiller. Anne brought up that the school is part of the church and we need to foster the idea of a church community so installing the chiller would add to that.

8.  New Business –none

Fr. Raj led closing prayer at 7:01 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely