Welcome! We’re excited to tell you about Light of the World.

Sacred Heart Parish wishes to announce a new Catholic faith initiative through the International Light of the World Evangelization Ministries. Light of the World (LOTW) was initiated to answer the call by St. John Paul II for a “New Evangelization” and Pope Paul IV’s Evangelii Nuntiandi (Evangelization in the Modern World). The evangelization ministry was created to reach out to all members of a parish from the seekers to those who are far along in their faith journey. This initiative follows the tradition established first by Jesus Christ and his apostles and later, Ignatius of Loyola and his “Little Infant Society of Jesus.”

What is it all about?

  • New evangelization: It brings souls closer to Christ, and along with it, a renewed vitality for Catholic parishes worldwide.
  • Inviting Christ in: It promotes personal healing and renewal through group discussion, personal witnesses, prayer and a renewal of blessed Sacraments of Initiation.
  • A more holy parish: For young and old on all points on their faith journey, the process helps them form a deeper, more personal relationship with Christ; which in turn helps foster a healthier, more holy parish.
  • Strong community: Through prayer, study, fellowship and ongoing support, the process forms strong foundation-level building blocks to support and revitalize entire parish communities.
  • It’s about authentic transformation: Jesus asks us to proclaim the good news to all souls — the lost, hurt, and indifferent.

There are three parts to this Evangelization process:

  1. Light the Fire through at Kerygmatic Retreat
  2. Feed the Fire through ongoing adult formation
  3. Spread the Fire through internal and external parish outreach efforts.

This Evangelization retreat transforms and illuminates the spiritual essence of our Parish! Please contact Mike Daniel at (928) 910-1506 for more information.

“The faith journey I have experienced has been a rocky one of believing and then viewing God with great skepticism. Because of this, I have had highs and lows as my journey continued. Confirmation into the Catholic Church was the highlight of my journey, but as time passed, my faith became static. Attending Light of the World renewed my faith and revived my love of God and Christ. Now, with the help of the Small Faith Community that formed from my Light of the World group, I feel sure I will stay energized in the Spirit and my faith will flourish.”

Eileen, Sacred Heart Parish

Volunteer for Light of the World!

Volunteers give teachings and witness at the retreats. Leaders for the small faith sharing groups that are part of the retreat. Needed are people to set up the environment for the retreat, work registration, prepare and serve the meals during the retreat, set up and maintain liturgical environment; take hours of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament during the retreat, tear down the environment, clean up, store retreat items; facilitate the formation of new small faith communities after the retreat, provide ongoing support for the small faith communities; assist with the retreat sign up weekend by taking registrations, handing out brochures, answering questions and witnessing before the parish community.

1. Evangelizers/Teachers: called by God to this ministry; exhibit some ease speaking in front of others; willing to share God’s work in their personal lives with the retreatants.

2. Witnesses: called by God to this ministry; willingness to share God’s work in their lives with the retreatants Shepherds: willing to listen to the retreatants, facilitate respectful sharing among the members of their small group, willingness to share God’s work in their personal lives with their small group if needed; committed to praying for the members of their group Environment: physical strength to set up chairs, tables, heavy curtains, move other furniture as needed to “set up” the retreat setting. Ability to “take it all down” and put it away when retreat is over.

3. Liturgical Environment: ability to be present for the entire retreat; “dress” table for the Monstrance for adoration; move table when needed, light and extinguish candles, set up “side altars” in conference room; ability to carry statues of Sacred Heart and Blessed Mother, set up many candles. If retreat is in the school gym, ability to “set up” the adoration chapel – dress table for the Monstrance, set up chairs, put out rosaries, Bible and adoration prayers. Phone all those who volunteered to pray an hour before the Monstrance to remind them of their commitment.

4. Hospitality: some knowledge of food preparation, cleanliness; ability to stand for 2 hours, prepare salads, & other foods, clean off tables, replenish the drinks, willingness to serve the meal and clean up afterwards. Ability to oversee the other volunteers who come in to prepare and serve each of the meals.

5. Registration: on Friday evening, check retreatants off registration list when they arrive, give them materials to make their own name tag, collect registration fee and give receipt if necessary. When retreat begins, count the money and deposit in safe. Adorers: ability and willingness to spend an hour before the Blessed Sacrament during the retreat to pray for the retreatants and those ministering as evangelizers and witnesses.

6. Candle ceremony: ability to work during the 5 p.m. Mass on Sunday by giving out lit candles and song sheets to the Light of the World alumni who come to surprise the retreatants at the end of the Mass.

7. Small Faith Community Formation Coordinator: couple willing to dedicate a couple of hours weekly for up to six weeks to explain the Light of the World small faith community and facilitate the formation of such a community by the retreatants who wish to pursue this. Must be members of a small faith community themselves and comfortable relating to people in a small group.

8. Light of the World Parish Core Team:  willingness to serve 2 years on this team which meets three times a year to discuss the retreats, small faith communities, study list provided by the pastor, current ministry involvements of Light of the World (ex. Common grounds/ Information Center) and explore possible future ministry for Light of the World participation. Positions are: Grow and Persevere Coordinator which provide a yearly 1/2 day of reflection for the LOTW alumni and a social for the LOTW alumni. Small Faith Community Coordinator which visit all of the small faith communities during the year and host one meeting of the small faith community contact persons where upcoming events, ministries, changes and updates to the study list, “what works” in their community are shared.