The Knights are an international organization of faithful men serving our Holy Catholic Church, and Community through four core principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Our Local Yavapai Council 1032 is the second oldest Council in Arizona founded in 1905.
Knights are men who put their Faith into action by serving and raising funds for The Parish, Sacred Heart School, and those most in need. By becoming a Knight, men are given the opportunity to make a difference and lead others in the Community, and the Parish as faithful men of Christ.
The Knights sponsor a monthly pancake breakfast to support local Catholic Education, a yearly tootsie roll campaign to benefit the handicapped as well as various Church, Youth, Family, and Community Service activities throughout the year. Business meetings are held each month on the 2nd Thursday at 7:00 pm.
For more information call Joe Iungermann at (928) 778-5727 for membership inquiries, Dan Raiss the Grand Knight at (928) 830-8925 and leader of the Yavapai Council 1032 of visit the Knights of Columbus Website: www.kofc.org/en/