Centering Prayer Ministry Web Page
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Centering Prayer is a technique for becoming more receptive to God’s presence and action within. We meet every Monday except holidays at 9:30 am to 10:45 in the St. Anthony Claret Room. Group practice supports and informs our individual practice. Many useful resources to pray and learn more about the spiritual journey are also available at
This prayer practice traces its origins to Jesus’s Gospel admonition to seek solitude within to commune with God. This inner communion was known by the Apostolic Fathers as “prayer of the heart,” by the Desert Fathers as “the Jesus prayer,” by Pope Gregory the Great as “resting in God” and St. Theresa of Avila as the “prayer of quiet”.
At the invitation of Vatican II, this form of prayer was adapted for modern times by American Trappist priests Thomas Keating, William Meninger, and Basil Pennington. Another notable proponent was Father (Louis) Thomas Merton.
Contacts: Fran Mick,
Alex Piacenza,