
Finance Council Meeting Minutes- May 24, 2023

Terry began the meeting at 5:00 pm.

Fr. Raj opened the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Terry Brennan, Brad DeSaye, Bill Jacobs, Anne Welborn, Eileen Grant

Absent:  Bob Dressler, Keoni Murphy

Staff: Fr. Raj, Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper


  1. Minutes Approval:
  • Jim questioned the April minutes that stated that Muriel’s replacement will be hired next April as it had been agreed on to hire a replacement in January. Anne suggested it be deleted from the minutes.  Anne motioned to approve the April meeting minutes with the deletion; Bill seconded it; approved.
  1. Financial Statements:
  • Bill asked if we charge for funerals. Yes, there is a fee schedule in place, but we waive the fee for some parishioners if they are unable to pay. Deacon Pete evaluates and makes a recommendation to Fr. Raj if he feels the fees should be waived.
  • Anne asked about school lunch expense. For the past couple of years, the government subsidized lunches so students received free lunch. The school continued to pay but the parents did not. Now that it is no longer free, less students are participating.
  • Bill asked about the suspended St. Vincent de Paul monthly donation and if we still contribute to SVdP monthly from the collection. We no longer have a monthly collection for SVdP, and the $900 monthly donation was suspended at SVdP’s request. Jim explained that SVdP asked if the next fiscal year’s budget included donating to SVdP; we lowered the donation expense, but it still includes donating to SVdP. They are working on a plan to offer low-cost dental services.
  • Eileen motioned to approve the April Financials; Anne seconded the motion; motion approved.
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Keoni reviewed the April bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted per an email sent to Terry.
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • The Sacred Heart of Jesus feast day is on June 16th; Mass will be said at 5:30pm.
  • There will be a Corpus Christi procession on June 11th after the 11:00 am Mass. It will end with Benediction.
  • Preschool, Kindergarten, and the 8th grade graduations take place this week.
  • The Easter mission was a great success. The church was full both nights. Fr. Raj thanked Jim for his hard work in bringing Fr. Sichko.
  • The new roof is being installed.
  • The new Mental Health ministry is forming. Kate Hald, a parishioner and counselor has volunteered to be on the committee along with Deacon Mark, Alma, and Jim.
  • World Youth Day participants will be holding two more fundraising events.
  • A new ministry will be starting in the Fall: Christ in Our Neighborhood
  • The Light of The World retreat was a success; 23 people participated.
  • The Volunteer Appreciation dinner is on June 15th. Please RSVP by Friday, May 26th.


  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • May Collection totals so far: $67k collection, $36K Online giving.
  • CDA-we are 94% of goal. There were fewer donors this year: 327 last year and 284 this year.
  • A one-day mental health training is being offered by the Diocese if we have at least 5 people. Alma, Jim, and Deacon Mark will attend. Deacons are encouraged to take part in longer training sessions for certification.
  • Martha Lamb is leading the newly created Committee on Eucharistic Revival. Muriel’s Fall class will be centered on the Eucharist.
  • We are expecting 2 bequests. The first one is $115k from the Viliborghi family. It is a Certificate of Deposit that was left to the Parish. The second is $82k from John and Janet Good for the Youth Ministry. The family is coming to show a video of their parents.
  • Jim and Victor will be visiting the Mission Canyon Retreat Center in Kirkland – the owner wants to turn it over to catholic organizations within the Diocese. They will meet the Diocesan Building Director there. It would be used for retreats. Other parishes are being considered as well.
  • Jim sent the rent increase letters to the Diocese for approval. The Property Management arrangement will not work due to liability issues. The Diocese wrote an addendum, and it was rejected by another management company. For now, we will keep things as they are. The Diocese will be giving Jim a lease agreement template that we will implement as soon as possible. Rent increases are effective July 1.
  • The heater in the school is broken and it can’t be fixed. The estimate is $16k to replace. Bill suggested taking the money out of reserve funds to pay for it.
  • Staff changes: Silas, the new custodian, quit suddenly. Isaac, the school custodian gave 2 weeks’ notice for a better paying job. We promoted Christine Matthews, the cook, to take Andrea’s job. We hired a new cook, Violet, who is also taking on custodian duties so she will be full-time. And a new parishioner, Amos, who reached out to Jim has agreed to take the custodian job on the weekends.
  • Shelly met with a possible 5th grade teacher for the next school year.
  1. Old Business:
  • Budgets: Bill asked why the Vacation expense doubled in the budget for 23/24. Vacation expense was never converted when we changed to accrual basis. Budgets will be adopted at next month’s meeting.
  • I Bonds- it may take another 13 weeks before the account is ready to use as we are awaiting IRS approval.
  • The 3-month T-Bill matured. It was reinvested in accordance with previous recommendations from the Finance Council.
  1. New Business: None

Fr. Raj ended the meeting with a prayer at 5:42pm.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2023-06-29T15:56:45+00:00June 29th, 2023|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes-April 26, 2023

Terry began the meeting at 5:03 pm.

Fr. Raj opened the meeting with a prayer.


Present: Terry Brennan, Bob Dressler, Bill Jacobs,  Anne Welborn

Absent:  Brad DeSaye, Keoni Murphy, Eileen Grant

Staff: Fr. Raj,  Donna Maneely

  1. Minutes Approval:
  • Anne motioned to approve the March meeting minutes; Terry seconded it; approved
  1. Financial Statements:
  • Bob motioned to approve the March Financials; Terry seconded the motion; motion approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Anne reviewed the March bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Our Holy Week celebration went well; received good feedback and appreciation for the Stations of the Cross
  • 46 people were confirmed at the Easter Vigil; 12 baptized
  • World Youth Day pilgrims are meeting regularly and planning additional fundraising events
  • The Light of the World Retreat is April 29th and 30th. 40 people have signed up to attend.
  • The Youth retreat at Chapel Rock is April 28th– April 30th.
  • Confirmation and First Communion is on May 6th; David Kelash will be administering the sacraments to the children.
  • The 8th grade graduation Mass is May 23rd at 6pm.
  • While Fr. Gaspar is away we have a couple of visiting priests: Fr. Alberto Ruiz is here until April 30th and Fr. Darrin will be here from May 4th-May 14th.
  • Staff transitions: Andrea Myers, Administrative Assistant is leaving May 12th, Christine Matthews, the current Cook will be taking her place. We are looking for a new Cook for the rectory. John Gust, Maintenance Manager, retired; Victor Buitrago assumed his role. Silas McAfee was hired as Victor’s replacement.
  • Muriel Rabideau will be retiring next year.
  • There will be a Corpus Christi Feast procession on June 11th at 12:15.
  • Fr. Raj requested that the next meeting be changed from May 31st to the 24th since he can not attend on the 31st.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Donna updated the council on the Easter and regular collections. Easter-$29,444, plate-$58,174 and Online Giving-$41,408
  • Jim was not able to attend the meeting as he was on vacation. He sent a report to the Council:
    • Holy Week, Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday were successful. About 250-300 people attended Stations of the Cross on the Square and another 200 attended at the Church.
    • The roof contract is complete and we have made a down payment. The down payment was paid entirely from parishioner donations and the Diocesan Capital Campaign funds. The roof has been removed from the 23-24 reserve budget as it will be completed this fiscal year. The roof installation will start May 15th.
    • Jim applied for the $75k  warranty payment from Bosch on the solar panels. We are waiting to receive it in our account. Still no word from  the Diocese on the contract with Scout Solar to replace the broken panels. The contract cost will be offset by the $75k warranty payment.
    • IBonds-after several weeks PNC Bank received the seal for the required paperwork which was mailed to the IRS last week. Once approved we can move forward with the IBonds. Fr. Raj received notice that it could take up to 13 weeks before the account is ready to use.
    • Bill Jacobs proposed a question about the safety of our investments in light of the failure of Silicon Valley banks. Jim sent a request  for information to IFA and BOK and they both provided a response which was sent to the council.
    • CDA-$115,392 which is 84% of goal
    • Fr. James Sichko will be our Easter Mission speaker on May 14th and 15th.
    • The Diocesan attorney reviewed the Property Management contract and advised several language changes. He does not believe that the contract protected the parish’s rights and also requested language to be added to protect our religious liberties. The vendor will not revise the contract, so the Diocesan attorney strongly recommended that we not proceed. If anyone is aware of another property management company, please let Jim know.
  1. Old Business:
  • Budgets:
    • Parish: added the 6% increase to health insurance; health insurance expense actually decreased since one employee opted to drop the insurance.
    • The Parish currently has a surplus of $23k, which we may need to use to subsidize the school.
    • School: health insurance cost increased due to the 6% rate increase
    • The school budget currently has a deficit of $13k. There is nothing more that we can cut and Jim does not recommend increasing revenue projections any more. Radio Ads promoting the school will begin May 1st and run for 4 months. Bill suggested creating an endowment for the school to help with the deficit. He will contact Catholic Community Foundation.
    • The reserve budget is on hold as we wait for word from the Diocese on the contract with Scout Solar.
  1. New Business: None

Fr. Raj ended the meeting with a prayer at 5:45pm.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2023-05-25T16:19:11+00:00May 25th, 2023|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes – March 29, 2023

Terry began the meeting at 4:28pm.

Fr. Raj opened the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Terry Brennan, Brad DeSaye, Bill Jacobs, Eileen Grant,  Anne Welborn

Absent:  Bob Dressler, Keoni Murphy

Staff: Fr. Raj, Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper, Fr. Gaspar

  1. Minutes Approval:
  • Bill requested to change the word “tithes” to “plate collections” in the February minutes.
  • Eileen motioned to approve the amended March meeting minutes; Brad seconded it; approved
  1. Financial Statements:
  • Gaspar explained that even though he is working for the Claretian Order he is still working full time for Sacred Heart, but is only being paid half time even though this is budgeted full time.
  • Anne motioned to approve the January Financials; Brad seconded the motion; motion approved
  • Brad motioned to approve the February Financials; Eileen seconded the motion; motion approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Brad reviewed the January bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted
  • Eileen reviewed the February bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Holy Week begins next week
  • World Youth Day is August 1-8 in Lisbon, Portugal. 7 pilgrims from Sacred Heart are attending. Fundraising is ongoing. They are meeting each month for hikes etc. Fr. Raj is also going to WYD. Gaspar is concerned that not all of the pilgrims are showing up for the fundraisers; this has a greater impact on our Parishioners.
  • Fr. Raj will be attending the Day of Reflection on April 3rd at the Diocese.
  • Fr. Raj praised the Eucharistic Exhibition; almost 1000 people walked through the exhibit.
  • Divine Mercy Sunday is on April 16th
  • 47 people are to be confirmed at the Easter Vigil Mass and 10 will be baptized
  • The Confirmation and First Eucharist Mass for the Atrium and school children is on May 6th. Fr. David Kelash will be administering the sacraments.
  • Fr. Raj commented that the Youth Ministry and Young Adult programs are doing well.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Charity and Development Appeal update: $107k, which is close to 80% of our goal.
  • March plate collection: $86k and online giving $47k so far
  • The Carlo Acutis Eucharistic Exhibit was very successful. The exhibit was kept open late each evening due to the number of people attending.
  • Jim met Bishop Dolan at St. Germaine’s while attending Mass there one weekend; Jim asked him when he was coming to Sacred Heart. He replied, ‘soon.’
  • Roof status: Jim originally reached out to the Diocese after Christmas. Since then we have had many leaks due to all the rain and snow this winter. We have received 2 bids that were submitted to the Diocese in January. The Diocese had several delays in responding and there was confusion about a resolution being done. This is now close to being resolved and we should be able to schedule the new roof installation soon.
  • John Gust is retiring April 14th; Victor Buitrago will be the new Maintenance Supervisor. We hired Silas McAfee to replace Victor.
  • Jim will not be attending the April meeting as he will be on vacation. He will send his report before the meeting.
  1. Old Business:
  • I-Bonds: The Diocese has passed a Resolution that we can invest with Treasury Direct. We are waiting on our bank to obtain a seal to attach to the paperwork. Once this is completed, we can start investing.
  • Rentals:
    • 233 Summit-we should have the architect plans next week and hopefully start in early Spring. Bill asked if Catholic Mutual will cover the loss of the rentals during the renovation. Yes, they will.
    • Jim met with property management agency, Community Real Estate: they will rewrite the rental agreements, inspect the houses, refer maintenance issues to our maintenance department, collect rent, advise tenants when rent is late, etc. Their fee is 10% of rents. Jim gave the information to Dennis Naughton at the Diocese; he is supportive of the concept. We are waiting to hear back from the Diocese.
  • Budgets: We have not received any information about benefit increases from the Diocese.
    • Parish changes include rent income increase along with 10% property management fee and salary increases
    • School changes include raising number of students due to anticipated marketing strategies and salary increases
    • RCIA-added an additional Director to begin in January as Muriel is retiring in June 2024.
    • Jim is planning to have a new Reserve Budget to review in April; waiting to hear from Scout Solar about the solar panels.

Fr. Gaspar ended the meeting with a prayer at 5:25pm.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2023-05-01T16:43:53+00:00May 1st, 2023|

Finance Council Minutes-February 21, 2023

Terry began the meeting at 4:35pm.

Fr. Raj opened the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Terry Brennan, Brad DeSaye, Bill Jacobs, Eileen Grant-via phone

Absent:  Anne Welborn, Bob Dressler, Keoni Murphy

Staff: Fr. Raj, Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper, Fr. Gaspar

  1. Minutes Approval:
  • Bill motioned to approve the November meeting minutes; Brad seconded it; approved
  1. Financial Statements:
  • Bill motioned to approve the November Financials; Brad seconded the motion; motion approved
  • Brad motioned to approve the December Financials; Bill seconded the motion; motion approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Terry reviewed the November bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted
  • Eileen reviewed the December bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Lent begins tomorrow-February 22nd; Masses will be held Monday-Thursday at 5:30 pm during Lent
  • Confessions are held on Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays and more confession times may be added toward the end of Lent.
  • Stations of the Cross will take place each Friday of Lent at 6pm in Spanish and 7pm in English.
  • A Liturgy Meeting is scheduled in March.
  • A Congress is being held for the Eucharistic Renewal in 2024. We hope to have ten parishioners attend.
  • All the clergy from the Diocese will be attending a conference in June led by Amazing Parish. The conference will discuss how to make parish life fruitful and vibrant.
  • Eight parishioners (including Fr. Raj) along with two Claretians are preparing to attend World Youth Day in Portugal this summer. Tickets have been purchased and another $6-7k needs to be fundraised.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Charity and Development Appeal update: we are half way to our goal of $138k
  • Solar panels update:  Bosch is not able to supply the panels. They have asked that we take the $75k offer instead. We haven’t received an estimate yet for panels. There is money in restricted funds to help with replacing the solar panels.
  • Roof update: the church roof needs to be replaced; we have had numerous leaks.  Two estimates have been received and we plan to use Arrow Roofing. We have money from the Diocesan campaign and parishioner donations to help pay for the roof. We are waiting on final approval from the Diocese. Arrow Roofing estimates the project will take about 2 weeks depending on what is going on at the church, i.e. funerals.
  • Jim had planned to travel to Lake Havasu to help Our Lady of the Lake Parish with their finances. It did not work out so he held a conference call with them. He answered a lot of their questions and made some recommendations. The Pastor would still like him to go there to meet. Jim plans to assist them with a needed capital campaign.
  • Two bequests are in progress- one is slated for non-school youth programs. We cannot reduce the budget as of yet since we do not know when it will be finalized. The other is a $1,000,000 bequest for the school to be received at an undetermined time.
  • Good Friday Stations of the Cross: We now have to schedule this within a certain time frame, pay an administration fee and a $1,500 deposit. Jim argued that we only use the sidewalk so we shouldn’t have to pay the deposit and Fr. Raj wrote a letter disagreeing with the deposit. We will still pay the deposit since it is an important event.  Yavapai County will be in charge of this directly next year, which concerns Jim.
  • T-Bills:  The process to set up this investment has been difficult. BOK Financial did not invest the money until February and we started the process in November.  The Diocese required a resolution which was not initially known.
  • Bishop Dolan made some changes to the reporting structure: Doug Pritchard now reports to the CFO, which makes more sense.
  • Eucharistic Miracle exhibit by Blessed Carlo Acutis will be here March 17-20th. Volunteers are needed to help with exhibit.
  • Jim completed performance reviews for parish staff.
  1. Old Business:
  • I-Bonds: Diocese agreed to approve the formal resolution as an exception to invest in I-bonds. We are waiting for Bishop Dolan’s signature to go forward.
  • Rentals: 233 Summit had a fire on New Year’s Eve. The house has been cleared out and we are going to rebuild. We are working with Catholic Mutual. Everything will be covered by insurance including lost rent.  Since it is in an historic district, the roof has to look similar to the old one. The tenants would like to move back in once it is rebuilt.
  • Jim spoke with a real estate agent to get average square footage rental prices in Prescott. They run between $1.80 and $2.00 a square foot so we should raise rents since we are under charging for most of the houses. Bill suggested hiring a property manager to take care of collecting rents and maintenance requests.  Fr. Raj was not sure about hiring a manager. He is concerned about a conflict of interest with our Catholic values. But he would agree to it if the Diocese approves. Jim puts in a lot of time with this so it would be nice to have a property manager. Brad agreed that we should have a property manager. He spoke from experience as he has a rental. He will share his property manager information with Jim. The cost is 10% of the rental income.
  1. New Business:
  • 2024 Budgets: Jim explained that we left some of the budgets out of balance so the council could see the issues we are facing. The school, in particular, will have a hard time balancing.
    • Shelly explained that it is hard to bring in new families; it is a transient town. ESA -Universal Vouchers- brought in a few new students. CEA can only be used for tuition and if using ESA, a student cannot use CEA. Fewer families will use CEA next school year and so the CEA revenue budget has been reduced. Kindergarten is not fully funded with ESA so those families may use CEA and if a student needs services from the public-school system, they cannot use ESA. Shelly also explained that ESA charges a 2.5% fee.
    • The school did not have a Gala this year and Shelly cannot find anyone willing to volunteer to chair it.
    • Shelly feels that Kindergarten will be full so the school will hopefully start building from the bottom.
    • Brad asked Shelly how she recruits students: word of mouth, chamber of commerce, St. Germaine’s, St. Catherine’s, advertise in bulletin. Brad suggested adding information about ESA which should appeal to families. He also suggested running radio ads in June and July. He offered to help Shelly.
    • Shelly is hoping to get the 400 club up and running again and is putting it in the budget. She would also like to increase the number of Bingo nights. She would like parents to take it over. Bill suggested asking the Knights of Columbus for help with Bingo.
    • Preschool is having budget issues, as well. The Catholic School’s office is not recommending taking Quality First money due to changes that do not align with our Catholic beliefs. It will be difficult to get more students without having scholarships from Quality First. ESA will cover preschool tuition for any child who will turn 5 by 12/31/23.
    • We have not heard from the Diocese yet about benefits or parish salary increase recommendations.
  • Bill recommends increasing the reserve transfer to $20k per month from the current $18k next fiscal year.
  • Jim briefly spoke about the Blue Cross and Blue Shield hospital issue. Our insurance is not being accepted by the hospital in Prescott which may cause problems for some of our employees if they need to be admitted the hospital or have a doctor affiliated with the hospital.
  • Bill asked if there has been any discussion about reaching out to our parishioners to increase the collection plate. Jim explained that we need to find the right time for it. With CEA and the CDA going on right now it is not a good time; maybe at Easter since attendance is high.

Fr. Gaspar ended the meeting with a prayer at 5:48pm.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2023-03-30T18:42:55+00:00March 30th, 2023|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes – November 30, 2022

Terry began the meeting at 5:00pm.

Fr. Raj opened the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Terry Brennan, Anne Welborn, Dan Putschoegl, Brad DeSaye, Bill Jacobs, Bob Dressler

Absent:  Eileen Grant

Staff: Fr. Raj, Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper

Guests: Keoni Murphy (future council member)

  1. Minutes Approval:
  • Bill requested that the following be removed from the October minutes: “Bill suggested using the money in the Reserve checking account” as he did not state this. Minutes will be amended.
  • Anne motioned to approve the October 26, 2022 amended meeting minutes; Brad seconded it; approved
  1. Financial Statements:
  • Bill had some questions for Shelly about bingo night: will the school be holding bingo permanently and where did they get the bingo equipment. Shelly said that the school did not buy professional equipment since it was a fun night of bingo and that it would be too hard to find a chairperson to hold bingo every month but that the school is planning to have another bingo night.  Bill suggested asking the Knights of Columbus for help.
  • Bill asked if any thought had been given to how to increase collection revenue especially since it looks like online giving is decreasing. Jim stated that we have lost some large donors lately due to moving or passing away and that although we are getting many new families each month, they do not donate as much. Fr. Raj does not want to have a special appeal at this time.
  • Terry asked if there is any concern about the decrease in the CCF endowments. Jim stated that we are concerned but there isn’t anything we can do about it.
  • Anne asked if there was any concern about our overall results so far this year. Jim stated that we are doing well compared to other parishes; we have no debt and quite a bit of money in reserves. The market will turn around some time.
  • Brad asked about attendance at the Masses. Fr. Raj said that attendance is up since Covid except at the 5pm Sunday Mass. Jim added that we average 10 new families a month.
  • Terry questioned Shelly about speaking more about CEA. Shelly said that the school has quite a bit of extra CEA money banked and many families have moved to using ESA Universal vouchers for their tuition so they are reallocating the CEA funds to other families.
  • Terry asked about the big difference in vacation accrual on the balance sheet from last year. When we switched to accrual accounting a few years ago, this was missed.
  • Dan motioned to approve the October Financials; Anne seconded the motion; motion approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Bob reviewed the October bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Fr. Ralph had a medical procedure and is now back in the rectory. We are getting help from Fr. Tony Diaz. Fr. Gaspar is helping at St. Catherine’s.
  • Tina and Lisa Tucker are retiring at the end of the year. Alma is taking Tina’s position and we are in the process of hiring someone for Alma’s position. The Cook position is still open.
  • The Advent Mission is on Sunday, December 4th and Monday, December 5th.
  • Holy Hours for the Lord will be December 16th from 3-6pm.
  • New ministry groups are going well: Vocation committee, World Youth Day, and the Saturday morning prayer group. The prayer group is finishing up and would like to do another session next year.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Collection plate in October: $82k, online giving: $46k.
  • Advent Mission-Sr. Regina Marie a Carmelite nun from LA is our speaker. The mission is on Sunday after the 5pm mass and Monday at 9:30 am and 6:30 pm.
  • Staffing update: we are still looking for a full time Custodian for the school. We received 3 calls this week about the job. Someone had accepted the Cook position but then she got another job. We will advertise again for this position at the beginning of the year.
  • We received 6 applications for Alma’s job; many were over qualified. A parishioner applied and we offered her the job. We are waiting for her reply.
  • John is the next employee who will be retiring; in April.
  • Lisa and Tina did not want a party so we are having an office meet and greet on December 16th.
  • The Blessed Carlo Acutis exhibit will be March 17-20, 2023 in the Forum. Someone has to be present at the exhibit at all times.
  • Bishop Dolan is setting up an Office of Mental Health at the Diocese. Jim will be attending the ground breaking on December 13th.
  • Two parishes, recommended by the Diocese, have reached out to Jim for help in the last two weeks: Camp Verde and Lake Havasu. The Lake Havasu members are flying here to meet with Jim on December 15th.
  1. Old Business:
  • Jim thanked Brad for his advice and education on IBonds. IBonds can only be purchased up to $10,000 per year and must be purchased directly from Treasury Direct, which has been overwhelmed  because of the great demand for the high-yielding IBonds. Per Doug Pritchard, Diocesan policy does not allow parish staff to make investments through Treasury Direct. Doug indicated  that he had other ideas but has to run them by CFO Joe Anderson. No information has been received since. Therefore, we are not proceeding with IBonds until we hear from the Diocese.
  • The Diocese also does not permit investing in T-bills through Treasury Direct. We must use a platform. BOK can offer this service. Jim read an email from Scott Sas indicating that current rates are:
    • 4-week bill – 3.53 %
    • 2-month bill – 4.13%
    • 3-month bill – 4.13%
    • 6-month bill – 4.5%
    • 1-year bill – 4.54%
    • 2-year bond – 4.3 %
    • 2-year agency debt – 5-5.5%
  • Reviewing the October balance sheet, Bill Jacobs noted that we have $660K in PNC general account, $220K in PNC Money Market Account and $253K in BOK Operating Account for a total of about $1.1 million in available funds. We will need to retain at least $300K in Operating cash to support regular operations, leaving about $800K available to invest. There was some discussion about laddering investments in various maturities. Ultimately it was decided to be conservative and invest $600K – $300K in a 3-month bill and $300K in a 6-month bill.
  • Before investing, the Council asked Jim to determine what BOK fees will be to do these investments for us.
  • Brad made a motion that, assuming fees are reasonable,  to transfer $600K from a combination of the three operating accounts to invest through the BOK platform in a $300K 3-month treasury bill and $300K in a 6-month Treasury bill.   Dan seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
  1. New Business:
  • The next meeting was changed to February 15th since Fr. Raj will be in India until the beginning of February.
  • Keoni Murphy will be our new Finance Council member as of our next meeting, February 15th.

Dan ended the meeting with a prayer at 6:08pm.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2023-02-22T21:39:56+00:00February 22nd, 2023|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes-October 26, 2022

Terry began the meeting at 5:00pm.

Fr. Raj opened the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Terry Brennan, Anne Welborn, Dan Putschoegl, Brad DeSaye, Bill Jacobs, Bob Dressler

Absent:  Eileen Grant

Staff: Fr. Raj, Jim Wren (via phone), Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper

  1. Minutes Approval:
  • Anne motioned to approve the September 28, 2022 meeting minutes; Dan seconded it; approved
  1. Financial Statements:
  • Anne questioned the low collection numbers (compared to budget). Collection income is higher than last year, though we may have budgeted too high.
  • Anne motioned to approve the September Financials; Bob seconded the motion; motion approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Anne reviewed the September bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • Heritage Week went very well. More parishioners attended the Festival. The committee did a great job.
  • Fr. Raj reported on the attendance count that the Diocese requires each week in October: 1700-1800 parishioners are attending Mass each week and 1200-1400 are receiving communion. Anne asked why the Diocese needs this information. The Diocese sends this information to the Vatican.
  • We have a new staff member, Dora. She is Jimena’s new assistant.
  • held a Sacristan formation meeting; more meetings for liturgical ministers are planned.
  • Fr. Raj would like to resurrect the Vocation Committee; the first meeting is in November.
  • The Claretian Missionaries will partially sponsor attendees to World Youth Day (WYD) in Portugal in the Summer of 2023. There will be a meeting in November for anyone interested in going to WYD.
  • The Ministry Fair was a success. Many parishioners signed up as new volunteers.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • Collection plate in October: $72k, online giving – $41k.
  • 10% of the 5th Sunday collection in October is going to Operation Deep Freeze (Winter Warm Up).
  • Sr. Anne is still in a hospital in Phoenix; we do not know when or if she will return to work.
  • Patti Indelicato has taken over Sr. Anne’s responsibilities for the Winter Warm Up program. Sacred Heart is responsible for bringing dinner each night in November.
  • Jim met with a couple who is going to make a provision in their will to Sacred Heart. They wanted to know about any future projects. Jim put together a report for them. They will be meeting with their attorney and will designate a specific project in their will.
  • St. Vincent de Paul is forgoing their donation again for the next 3 months. We gave this month’s donation to the Bishop’s Disaster Relief fund for Hurricane Ian instead.
  • Profits from the Heritage Festival will be going to the Claretian Missionaries. The Bounce Houses, Hawaiian dancers/food were all positive additions. The weather was good and we had 3 times as many people as last year.
  • About 40 new parishioners attended the new parishioner dinner. Dinner was well received and some new parishioners are interested in joining the Knights of Columbus, helping with counting the Sunday Collection and serving on the Finance Council.
  • Scout Solar inspected the solar panels. They notified us that we can have electronic access to our production; we were never told this. They also said that the system is disconnected. There is no dire fire danger as were told by Sun Valley Solar. Jim recommends taking the new panels and having Scout Solar install them. We are waiting for the Diocese to confirm what Scout Solar’s next steps will be.
  • Blessed Carlo Acutis is the patron of the 1st year of the Eucharistic Revival. Before his death he created panels of all the Eucharistic Miracles. This exhibit is traveling around the world. The Diocese is hosting the exhibit throughout the Phoenix area. Jim asked if the exhibit could come to Sacred Heart. It will be here in the Spring. No date has been set.
  • The Advent Mission is scheduled for December 4th and 5th. Sr. Regina Marie is our speaker. We will not be having a Lenten mission; instead, Fr. Jim Sichko will be presenting a mission in May.
  1. Old Business:
  • I-bonds: According to Scott Sas, BOK cannot be custodian but he will research for us who can. The question is how much to transfer to an I-bond. Brad said it is limited to $10k a year but there is no limit on Treasury bills which are typically shorter and can reinvest when mature.  It was suggested that we use the money that we usually send to the reserves each month.  Jim will research treasury bills first. Bill also suggested looking into brokered CDs.
  • Several recommendations regarding rental properties were discussed. Fr. Raj will need to discuss with the other priests.
  1. New Business: none

Fr. Raj ended the meeting with a prayer at 5:52pm.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2022-12-01T16:05:38+00:00December 1st, 2022|
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