Terry began the meeting at 5:00pm.

Fr. Raj opened the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Eileen Grant, Terry Brennan, Anne Welborn, Dan Putschoegl, Brad DeSaye and Bill Jacobs by phone

Absent:  Bob Dressler

Staff: Fr. Raj, Donna Maneely, Jim Wren, Shelly Cooper

  1. Minutes Approval:
  • Dan motioned to approve the May 25th meeting minutes; Eileen seconded it; approved
  1. Financial Statements:
  • Anne motioned to approve the May Financials; Dan seconded the motion; motion approved
  1. Bank Statement Approval:
  • Dan reviewed the May bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted
  1. Pastor’s Report:
  • The Sacred Heart of Jesus and Corpus Christi feasts took place in June.
  • The school offered summer school for 3 weeks in June.
  • Youth Ministry is offering activities over the summer.
  • Fr. Raj discussed concerns about safety due to the Roe V. Wade reversal. We were prepared. The police have had a presence here and we have many security cameras in place.
  • Fr. Gaspar is on vacation for a month. We will have 4 visiting priests helping out with saying Masses: Fr. Darrin, Fr. Rubiston, Fr. Jose Sanchez and Fr. Beauplan.
  • We will start paying Fr. Gaspar half salary per the Claretians since Fr. Gaspar also works part time for the Claretian Missionaries.
  • The Staff and Council retreat will take place on Friday, July 29th from 8:30am to 3:30pm.
  • The Council social will be on Wednesday August 31st. It will be different this year. The meeting will begin at 3pm to discuss the Synod results and plan for implementation. The social will follow.
  • There is a 9am Mass on the 4th of July.
  1. Parish Manager Report:
  • We have exceeded our CDA goal, again this year, according to the Diocese’s calculations.
  • June collection totals so far:  Plate-$83k, Online Giving -$42k
  • Passing the collection baskets seems to be having a beneficial impact on the collection. The loose cash totals in June have been double what they were in May.
  • The Diocese picked Sacred Heart Parish and School to fill out a financial internal control questionnaire. The questionnaire has been submitted. Jim is unsure as to why we were picked. We have good processes in place and a  good Finance Council so there should not be any issues.
  • Solar Panels issue: Sun Valley Solar inspected the parking lot solar panels and stated there may be a fire hazard. They recommended applying for the warranty program through Bosch. We are waiting to hear back from them.  Sun Valley refused to inspect the school roof panels since a different vendor removed them when the roof was replaced due to Sun Valley’s exorbitant quote. We contacted Lollar Electric to do the inspection but it has not been scheduled yet.
  • Anthony Weber who works in the Sheriff’s Department is our new Security Team Leader. Jim, Fr. Raj, John Gust and Shelly Cooper have met with him. The police are continuing their patrols around the church during Mass times and schedule officers to be close by due to a potential threat since the Roe V. Wade reversal.
  1. Old Business:
  • Jim discussed the changes to the parish and school budgets since the last meeting including:
    • Increase in Golf Tournament income/expense
    • Increase in tuition income and decrease in reserve CEA income
    • Increase in Administrative salary and decrease in Cook salary due to her mid-year retirement
    • Adjustment to EANS grant revenue and expense
  • Anne moved to accept the 2022/2023 fiscal year budget; Eileen seconded the motion; motion approved and the 2023 budget was adopted
  1. New Business: none

Fr. Raj ended the meeting with a prayer at 6:21pm.


Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely