10 events found.
Daily Mass
Sacred Heart ParishWe are looking forward to seeing you at Mass!
Blessing of Throats for Feast of St. Blaise
Sacred Heart ParishJoin us for the Blessing of Throats after 7AM Mass!
Lectio Divina
Sacred Heart RoomJoin us in the Sacred Heart Room at 1pm!
Spanish Bible Study
Sacred Heart RoomJoin us at 6:30pm in the Sacred Heart Room!
Daily Mass
Sacred Heart ParishWe are looking forward to seeing you at Mass!
English Baptism Class
St. Anthony Claret RoomWe will be meeting in the St. Anthony Claret Room.
Daily Mass
Sacred Heart ParishWe are looking forward to seeing you at Mass!
Sacred Heart ParishConfessions will be held in the Sacred Heart Room.
Daily Mass
Sacred Heart ParishWe are looking forward to seeing you at Mass!
Spanish Legion of Mary
St. Anthony Claret RoomJoin us at 10:30AM in the St. Anthony Claret Room!