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National Eucharistic Revival – Free newsletter available

2023-03-08T17:44:02+00:00July 27th, 2022|

The Eucharistic Revival is a grassroots, Spirit-led renewal of the Church in the United States from the inside out––not a top-down program! Our broad, deep mission requires time for each individual, parish, and diocese to respond in their own way. Read below about our plans and hopes for the next three years!


2021-10-27T16:30:42+00:00July 28th, 2017|

Baptism at Sacred Heart Parish Dear Parents, Our parish family here at Sacred Heart welcomes you and your child. Baptism marks a significant event in the life of your child and your family, for through Baptism your child becomes a member of the Body of Christ, the Church. Moreover, the newly baptized is [...]

Register as a Parishioner of Sacred Heart Parish

2022-02-17T22:26:56+00:00October 15th, 2019|

We are excited for you to join our Catholic Community! Registering at Sacred Heart is an important, rewarding part of joining our community. Quite simply, it's difficult for our priests and parish staff to know who  in the pews is a visitor, and who is living in Prescott and attending Mass [...]


2021-11-17T23:22:26+00:00July 28th, 2017|

Not only does it [the Sacrament of Penance] free us from our sins but it also challenges us to have the same kind of compassion and forgiveness for those who sin against us.  We are liberated to be forgivers.  We obtain new insight into the words of the Prayer of St. Francis: "It is in [...]

Sacred Heart Parish

2024-09-04T17:00:16+00:00September 7th, 2017|

Sacred Heart Parish Sacred Heart is a special place with a heritage that stretches back to its founding 140 years ago.  Although we are the oldest parish in the Diocese of Phoenix,  today we are a vibrant, thriving parish, deeply involved in the life of our community, with over 70 ministries—including [...]


2018-02-02T23:40:07+00:00January 24th, 2018|

I would prefer to download, print, and fill out the form with a pen, then mail it in or bring it to the Parish Office. Download Registration Form

Style Guide

2017-07-21T22:42:18+00:00June 17th, 2017|

#3f5765 #e74c3c #bdd4de #FFE946 #2B3A42 #efefef #b30000 Heading 6 Maecenas dolor justo, ultricies ac turpis non, laoreet bibendum felis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac [...]

Jimena Aragon

2018-11-13T16:08:53+00:00September 7th, 2017|

My name is Jimena Aragon and I am the Director of Hispanic Ministry. I have been a parishioner at Sacred Heart since 2003. I am proud of our parish because our church has lot to offer. The mission of Christ is our Mission. My Favorite Saints: Saint Maria Goretti St. Mother Teresa St. [...]

Legion of Mary

2024-08-15T16:38:11+00:00September 19th, 2017|

The Legion of Mary is a lay Catholic organization whose members are giving service to the church on a voluntary basis in almost every country. The Legion helps Catholic laypeople fulfill their baptismal promises and actively live their dedication to the Church in an organized structure, supported by fraternity and prayer. The Legion sees as its priority [...]

Jim Wren

2023-04-27T22:54:41+00:00August 8th, 2018|

Jim Wren My Favorite Saint: Saint Francis of Assisi My Favorite Scripture Verse: "Well done good and faithful servant." - Matthew 25: 21 Contact Me:  For general parish questions Financial assistance Any questions or issues about the church facility (e.g. sound issues during Mass, temperature in rooms, condition of the parking lot.) (928) [...]

Confirmation and First Communion

2021-10-27T16:33:20+00:00July 28th, 2017|

CONFIRMATION -  Second of the three sacraments of initiation First Communion and Confirmation are normally received in the third grade in the Diocese of Phoenix. For more information, please contact Lisa Baynes at or call her at 928.445.3141.

Catholic Colleges in Prescott

2023-08-29T15:37:57+00:00September 7th, 2017|

College Students Welcome! "When you're in a secular environment like college, it helps a lot to know, despite what you may hear, that there's no conflict between science/reason/logic and our Catholic faith. In fact, the Church invented the scientific method, founded the university system, and the bios of famous Catholic scientists could fill [...]

Muriel Rabideau

2017-09-07T18:55:28+00:00September 7th, 2017|

"My name is Muriel Rabideau and I am the  RCIA Director & Adult Education at Sacred Heart Parish. I've been a parishioner at Sacred Heart since 1984. I am proud of Sacred Heart because of all the life-giving ministries." My Favorite Saint:  St. Terese of Lisieux St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta My Favorite [...]

Knights of Columbus

2023-08-15T16:11:36+00:00September 7th, 2017|

Knights are men who put their Faith into action by serving and raising funds for The Parish, Sacred Heart School, and those most in need. By becoming a Knight, men are given the opportunity to make a difference and lead others in the Community, and the Parish as faithful men of Christ.

Eucharistic Revival

2023-03-08T17:49:15+00:00June 24th, 2022|

Having just celebrated Corpus Christi and the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart , we need to maintain our focus on the Eucharist. Blessed Carlo Acutis who died of leukemia at 15 and was beatified in 2020, created a beautiful accounting of Eucharistic miracles over the centuries. Please use the link below to read about these beautiful miracles.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

2024-09-04T17:31:53+00:00September 7th, 2017|

To grow spiritually by offering one-to-one service to the needy and the suffering in the tradition of our founder, Frederick Ozanam and patron, St. Vincent De Paul. Since 1833, we have followed 3 virtues: Spirituality, Fellowship and Service. Please see the attached link for detailed information about the ministry, including contact information. Thank you for your support!


2022-09-12T16:43:08+00:00July 28th, 2017|

Congratulations on your engagement! The Church rejoices that you have decided to give yourselves to each other in a loving, life-long commitment and to enrich the Church and the world through your marriage and family. As you and your fiancé prepare for marriage, Sacred Heart Parish and the Diocese of Phoenix are committed to [...]

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