Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 5:31
Meeting held by Zoom
Present: Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Dan Putschoegl, Terry Brennan, Eileen Grant, Yvonne Napolitano
Absent: None
Guests: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper
- Minutes Approval: April Meeting Minutes approved
- Yvonne motioned to approve the April minutes, Anne seconded it; motion passed
- Financial Statements: April Financials approved
- Dan questioned Bequests not being budgeted and how it shows up in the financial statements. Jim said it is impossible to budget but the bequest number does carry down to the totals in the QuickBooks reports.
- Dan motioned to approve the April Financials, Eileen seconded it; motion passed
- Bank Statement Approval:
- Bill reviewed the April Bank reconciliation, no discrepancies noted
- Pastor’s Report:
- In phase 1 of reopening church for Mass last weekend (May 23/24) we held masses for over 500 people.
- has been attending the weekly diocesan webinar and feels that they have good information on how to manage during the crisis.
- Contact with our parishioners has been ongoing. We send flock notes, the website is kept up to date and we have sent 3 letters to our Parishioners. Fr. Raj feels that our community is encouraged by the communication.
- Our Finances look good. Fr. Raj thanked the parishioners for their generosity
- Raj would like the finance council meeting to be held in person in June. But we do not know what June will look like yet.
- Dan asked Fr. Raj if we should advertise the Sunday mass in the newspaper. We need to limit attendance to 250 people and Jim said it is not cost effective to advertise in the paper.
- thanked the staff for their contribution during this difficult and unusual time.
- Parish Manager Report:
- Jim gave collection totals so far for May: Online Giving is $45k, Regular collection is $57k. We have not seen a huge decline except for Easter. He is hoping we are back to normal by Christmas. Bill asked if Easter was on Online Giving. Donna explained that it was but it only brought in about $1k. Bill asked if we are passing the collection baskets around. There are baskets at each entrance of the church. Parishioners can put their collection in the baskets. We still have the lock box that we are encouraging people to use and they can use the candle stand also.
- Dan suggested we leave the lock box out after this is over; Jim agreed.
- Eileen asked how much it costs to livestream Mass. It is all done on an iPhone so it doesn’t cost anything. James, our IT Specialist is building us something better to use for the livestream Mass.
- Jim is getting comments on both sides of the issue on the requirement to wear a mask at Mass; no one is being asked to leave if they are not wearing a mask, according to Fr. Raj. He stated that there is a risk if you come to Mass and dispensation is still being given for the foreseeable future.
- We successfully implemented Paylocity, the new Payroll system. It is a fantastic improvement over what we had. The first payroll was 5/15/20.
- No new update on the school roof; Jim has sent numerous emails to the diocese. Next he will go to his contacts in the Bishop’s office to see where we are at. Jim is concerned that the monsoons are coming and we have donations that we should use by end of the year. Pat Hinze from the diocese was supposed to look into the new parking structure and follow up with Sun Valley Solar about the panel removal but Jim hasn’t heard anything from him.
- Performance reviews are completed; every staff member in the office and school and maintenance received one.
- Catholic Community Foundation still wants to come to a meeting. It is now scheduled for July.
- Jim has offered to help with the Bishop’s advisory sub-committee to develop a business recovery plan. Nothing has been done at this time.
- Jim asked the diocese about obtaining a grant to replace our old technology. He has not received an answer from the diocese.
- Bill asked if we are thanking parishioners for keeping the parish going with their continued donations. Jim will put a thank you in the bulletin. Terry suggested putting it in a flock note as well.
- Old Business:
- School budget revisions were sent out today; all expense reductions. Student projections were lowered to 120 students. Anne asked how many students we have registered. Shelly said that 107 students are registered and they are expecting another 3 to register soon. Usually we register more over the summer; typically the rush is in August, according to Shelly.
- Jan Richards is retiring as our Preschool Director and our 3 year old teacher resigned. Shelly is evaluating how to structure the preschool next year so the budget was left as is.
- The Diocese has not given us guidance on salary increases yet. They are working hard on this since they are going through a restructuring themselves. The Diocesan school office initially recommended a 2.9% increase but since last year’s increase was higher than usual at 3.5% Shelly decided to stay with 2%.
- Yvonne asked if our liability insurance is increasing due to the pandemic. Jim said he spoke with Catholic Mutual and was advised we don’t anticipate any major changes.
- Anne motioned to approve the 2021 budget; Yvonne seconded it; motion passed
- New Business:
- Bill and Terry want to develop a strategic facilities plan using Diocesan resources. They would like to discuss this at the June meeting.
- Jim said the expense freeze has not been lifted. It is still important to save on expenses. We have not been transferring money to the Reserve. Jim suggested this begin again in July. Terry agreed and Bill said we are ahead with our Reserves at this point so he also agreed with July.
- Eileen asked when we anticipate everyone returning to Mass. No one knows at this point.
Fr. Raj led closing prayer at 6:18pm.