Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 5:30pm
Present: Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Dan Putschoegl, Yvonne Napolitano, Eileen Grant
Absent: Terry Brennan
Guests: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper, Kevin Keighron
At Terry’s request, Bill Jacobs led the meeting due to Terry’s absence.
- Capital Campaign Report: figures as of February 25, 2020
- Pledges and donations paid to Capital Campaign: $2,512,415
Completing the Mission Report: figures as of February 25, 2020
- Pledges Made: $457,320
- Total Contributed: $440,052
- Balance on Reserve Fund Loan $8,000
- We paid $3,000 toward the reserve loan
- Minutes Approval: January 29, 2020 Minutes approved
- Brad motioned to approve the December minutes, Eileen seconded it; motion passed
- Financial Statements: January Financials approved
- Anne motioned to approve the Financials, Dan seconded it; motion passed
- Bank Statement Approval:
- Anne Welborn reviewed the December Bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.
- Dan Putschoegl reviewed the January Bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.
- Pastor’s Report:
- Raj spoke about his pilgrimage to Israel; it was inspirational.
- Many spiritual activities are happening in March: Light of the World on February 29-March 1, the Lenten Mission on March 1-3, the Hispanic Mission March 16th and 17th, and 12 Hours for the Lord on the last Friday in March.
- New ministries have formed: a monthly faith formation for parishioners on the 3rd Friday of the month with Chris Dunn and Lead Me, Lord on Tuesdays.
- Parish Manager Report:
- The Mission starts Sunday, March 1st at 6:30pm, then continues Monday and Tuesday at 9am and 6:30pm. It will be most effective to attend each day. The Mission will be presented by Patrick Sullivan from Evango.
- Raj will not be at the next finance council meeting so no votes can be taken. Catholic Community Foundation will give a presentation and the budget will be discussed.
- We did not receive the Catholic Community Foundation grant for the new candle stand and Our Lady of Guadalupe tapestry. Only 3 grants were given out of the 32. We will still replace the tapestry but will hold off on the candle stand. We have had a few recent issues with candle safety so we need a more fire safe system.
- Dan suggested asking for donations for the candle stand by putting it in the bulletin. Jim will discuss this with Fr. Raj. We may use some of the bequest money.
- The grant from OCP for new music books will be announced in August. We added the expense to the budget since we will not find out until August.
- We are waiting on the third quote for the school roof. The solar company has been uncooperative, but they have to remove the solar panels. Jim will go to the head of the company if necessary since they are not getting back to us. Brad asked if they have any approved sub-contractors who could remove the panels.
- Old Business:
- Bill Jacobs discussed the revised investment policy. Please see attached policy. Yvonne motioned to approve the investment policy, Eileen seconded it; the motion passed
- Budget: Jim hopes that everyone was able to look at the budget review.
- Tuition budget is substantially increased this year. Shelly explained that the school is moving to a tuition management system. A $50 fee per family was added to tuition to pay for FACTS. There is a $500 fee for advanced accounting as well the first year. FACTS will have updated information each night so families can look in FACTS all the time to see how much they owe. Currently they do not know how much they owe until they get a statement. The families can set up a payment plan, pay in full, semi-annually or monthly. They can pay with a credit card or checking account. We will be able to count on the monthly income. FACTS will be used for incidental billing like sports and theater camp. The school is also asking parents to fill out at least 3 scholarship applications. The school is affiliated with 10 scholarships.
- Terry (through Jim) asked if the CEA budget can be increased since Melissa has been hired. Shelly said we can’t be sure. Jim says we can leave as it is for now. Anne asked how far we are from maxing out CEA funds. Shelly said that our funds roll over if we don’t use them.
- Brad asked about account 6403 (Previous Year Tuition). The account is for tuition that is not paid during the fiscal year. FACTS should alleviate not paying during the fiscal year.
- We will not get updated salary schedules from the diocese until later. We used a 2% salary increase in the budget which is the minimum. Brad mentioned that the minimum wage increased so it may impact salary increases.
- Stacy was added as fulltime. We are not sure if she will need benefits at this time. We are succession planning for soon-to-be retirements. She is learning Safe Environment and scheduling.
- Anne asked if we give merit based increases. Jim put it into place last year after speaking with Marian at the diocese. She eventually agreed that it is up to the pastor. Not everyone will get the same raise.
- Bill asked if we are under-budgeting plate income. Bill stated that if we continue at same rate, we could increase it by $140,000. Jim explained that we decreased plate collection last year as many large givers moved. Jim asked for advisement; he doesn’t want to go too high and have a deficit. Bill suggested a $100k increase in plate income. Anne would remain conservative in plate collection.
- Rental rate increases were discussed. We are not planning to raise rents. Jim discussed with the diocese about these properties; the diocese does not know much about the properties. In 2002 the diocese made a decision to transfer the properties to Sacred Heart Parish. All the deeds are at the diocese. There are many unanswered questions about these properties.
- A question was asked as to why the Light of the World income is not equal to the expense. Jim explained that it is evangelization and we only charge $25. We might not get any retreatants if we charged more. We are also bringing back the Alpha Retreat.
- An assistant was added for Hispanic ministry. Jim feels it is critical; someone needs to be trained on what Jimena does.
- Jim asked the council to review the budget and ask us questions and give suggestions so we can discuss in March and vote on in April.
- Eileen asked why the chiller has increased our utilities expense. Jim answered that it was unanticipated. The chiller takes more power.
- Bill Jacobs called an Executive session.
- New Business: none
Kevin Keighron would like to be on the agenda for a future meeting to discuss Mission Vision Values. The council previously worked on accountability. Kevin will be added to the April agenda.
Fr. Raj led closing prayer at 6:30pm
Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely