Finance Council Meeting-October 30, 2024
Terry opened the meeting at 5:00 pm.
Fr. Chris began the meeting with a prayer.
Present: Terry Brennan, Keoni Murphy, Anne Welborn, Bill Jacobs (by phone)
Absent: Bob Dressler, Eileen Grant, Brad DeSaye
Staff: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Fr. Chris, Shelly Cooper
Minutes Approval:
- Anne motioned to approve the September meeting minutes; Keoni seconded it; approved.
Financial Statements:
- Anne motioned to approve the September Financials; Keoni seconded the motion; motion approved.
Bank Statement Approval:
- Eileen reviewed the September bank reconciliation; she will give a report at the next meeting
Pastor’s Report:
- Fr. Chris expressed his dissatisfaction with PNC Bank. After all the problems with adding the new signers to the account, they sent a letter stating that if we did not call in within 30 days, they would close our accounts. They first called a couple of weeks ago asking to speak with Fr. Raj and when Fr. Chris called, they would not speak to him. Fr. Chris called in again and they asked him questions about our income, how much we deposit each month etc., which took care of the issue.
- Chris would like the confessionals updated. Jim explained that the confessionals were not included in the church renovation.
- Parents are coming to Fr. Chris regarding opening a Catholic High School in Prescott. Fr. would like to know the feasibility of it. Are we able to financially support a high school? Terry said that years ago they did a study and the cost for a school was about $50 million which is not feasible. Shelly commented that the parents do not expect a brick-and-mortar school. It would be a micro high school. Most of it would be online. She is not sure how many families are interested in attending.
Parish Manager Report:
- October Collection plate so far: $73,855k and online giving: $44k
- Mass counts in October: 2000 people attended consistently each week, which is higher than 2 years ago.
- Fr. Chris has requested that 2nd collection envelopes be placed in the pews.
- The Heritage Festival was well attended, incredibly positive, and successful. We might change the time of the festival next year. We made over $700 which will be used to help defray the cost of the confessional renovation.
- The PNC Bank CD matured. Jim requested a 3-month CD this time, but it is only earning .02%.
- The Light of the World Retreat is this weekend. 50 people are expected.
- The Advent Mission is December 1-3 with Patrick Sullivan, a lay evangelist. He held a mission for us a few years ago.
- A parishioner volunteered to pay for the flower room renovation. The work starts on Monday, November 4th. They will work around Masses and events in the church.
- The priests’ rooms are finished. They are still finishing Fr. Ralph’s bathroom renovation. They should be finished this coming week.
- Jim has taken two calls from people who are interested in donating toward the priest kitchen renovation. We are still waiting for the large bequest that should help with the cost of the renovation.
- Bill asked if we still take 10% of the Sunday collections for the diocesan 2nd collections. No, we only take 10% of the 5th Sunday collections for various charities; for others we use the diocesan second collection envelopes.
Old Business: Notre Dame Federal Credit Union
- Jim spoke with Angela at the Holy Trinity Newman Center about Notre Dame FCU. She told him that they have not had any problems, NDFCU has outstanding customer service and their CD’s earn between 4.75-5.75% interest.
- Terry mentioned that NDFCU did not hesitate to give us a loan for the remodel and Jim added that they were outstanding to work with at that time.
- Anne likes that their rates are better than what we are getting now, and they are a Catholic institution. Keoni agrees that we should proceed with the change but to do so in increments.
- Anne moved to recommend to the Pastor to change banks from PNC Bank to Notre Dame Federal Credit Union, Keoni seconded the motion; all approved.
- Fr. Chris approved the move to NDFCU. We will first open the checking accounts with NDFCU and then we will move onto credit cards and investments.
New Business:
- The 6-month BOK T-bill matured. We did not realize until we received the statement. The $325k is sitting in the sweep account. We have not given them authorization to reinvest the money since the new signatory still has not been finalized. We continue to have concerns with BOK Financial’s conversion. Reports have not been correct since June. Terry asked if we could move those investments to IFA or NDFCU. Yes, but we need to make sure that the signatory is finalized first.
- Martha Lamb indicated to Terry that she would like all of the councils to help with the Common Grounds Ministry (coffee and donuts). Jim will follow up with her.
Fr. Chris led the closing prayer.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:45pm.
Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely