
Finance Council Meeting-October 30, 2024

Terry opened the meeting at 5:00 pm.

Fr. Chris began the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Terry Brennan, Keoni Murphy,  Anne Welborn, Bill Jacobs (by phone)

Absent: Bob Dressler, Eileen Grant, Brad DeSaye

Staff:  Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Fr. Chris, Shelly Cooper

  Minutes Approval:

  • Anne motioned to approve the September meeting minutes; Keoni seconded it; approved.

  Financial Statements:

  • Anne motioned to approve the September Financials; Keoni seconded the motion; motion approved.

  Bank Statement Approval:

  • Eileen reviewed the September bank reconciliation; she will give a report at the next meeting

Pastor’s Report:

  • Fr. Chris expressed his dissatisfaction with PNC Bank. After all the problems with adding the new signers to the account, they sent a letter stating that if we did not call in within 30 days, they would close our accounts. They first called a couple of weeks ago asking to speak with Fr. Raj and when Fr. Chris called, they would not speak to him. Fr. Chris called in again and they asked him questions about our income, how much we deposit each month etc., which took care of the issue.
  • Chris would like the confessionals updated. Jim explained that the confessionals were not included in the church renovation.
  • Parents are coming to Fr. Chris regarding opening a Catholic High School in Prescott. Fr. would like to know the feasibility of it. Are we able to financially support a high school? Terry said that years ago they did a study and the cost for a school was about $50 million which is not feasible. Shelly commented that the parents do not expect a brick-and-mortar school. It would be a micro high school. Most of it would be online. She is not sure how many families are interested in attending.

  Parish Manager Report:

  • October Collection plate so far: $73,855k and online giving: $44k
  • Mass counts in October: 2000 people attended consistently each week, which is higher than 2 years ago.
  • Fr. Chris has requested that 2nd collection envelopes be placed in the pews.
  • The Heritage Festival was well attended, incredibly positive, and successful. We might change the time of the festival next year. We made over $700 which will be used to help defray the cost of the confessional renovation.
  • The PNC Bank CD matured. Jim requested a 3-month CD this time, but it is only earning .02%.
  • The Light of the World Retreat is this weekend. 50 people are expected.
  • The Advent Mission is December 1-3 with Patrick Sullivan, a lay evangelist. He held a mission for us a few years ago.
  • A parishioner volunteered to pay for the flower room renovation. The work starts on Monday, November 4th. They will work around Masses and events in the church.
  • The priests’ rooms are finished. They are still finishing Fr. Ralph’s bathroom renovation. They should be finished this coming week.
  • Jim has taken two calls from people who are interested in donating toward the priest kitchen renovation. We are still waiting for the large bequest that should help with the cost of the renovation.
  • Bill asked if we still take 10% of the Sunday collections for the diocesan 2nd  collections. No, we only take 10% of the 5th Sunday collections for various charities; for others we use the diocesan second collection envelopes.

  Old Business:   Notre Dame Federal Credit Union

  • Jim spoke with Angela at the Holy Trinity Newman Center about Notre Dame FCU. She told him that they have not had any problems, NDFCU has outstanding customer service and their CD’s earn between 4.75-5.75% interest.
    • Terry mentioned that NDFCU did not hesitate to give us a loan for the remodel and Jim added that they were outstanding to work with at that time.
    • Anne likes that their rates are better than what we are getting now, and they are a Catholic institution. Keoni agrees that we should proceed with the change but to do so in increments.
    • Anne moved to recommend to the Pastor to change banks from PNC Bank to Notre Dame Federal Credit Union, Keoni seconded the motion; all approved.
    • Fr. Chris approved the move to NDFCU. We will first open the checking accounts with NDFCU and then we will move onto credit cards and investments.

  New Business:

  • The 6-month BOK T-bill matured. We did not realize until we received the statement. The $325k is sitting in the sweep account. We have not given them authorization to reinvest the money since the new signatory still has not been finalized. We continue to have concerns with BOK Financial’s conversion. Reports have not been correct since June. Terry asked if we could move those investments to IFA or NDFCU. Yes, but we need to make sure that the signatory is finalized first.
  • Martha Lamb indicated to Terry that she would like all of the councils to help with the Common Grounds Ministry (coffee and donuts). Jim will follow up with her.

Fr. Chris led the closing prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:45pm.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2024-12-05T16:17:14+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes-September 25, 2024

Terry opened the meeting at 5:00 pm.

Fr. Chris began the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Terry Brennan, Keoni Murphy, Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Bob Dressler, Eileen Grant

Staff:  Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Fr. Chris, Shelly Cooper

Other:  Mario Elia, Notre Dame FCU (virtually)

  Minutes Approval:

  • Bill motioned to approve the August meeting minutes; Eileen seconded it; approved.

Notre Dame Federal Credit Union Presentation:

  • Mario Elia, Notre Dame FCU Director of Market Development gave a virtual presentation to the Finance Council. Some of the highlights:
    • waives all fees for nonprofit businesses indefinitely
    • offers a courier service
    • manages investments
    • 17% of net income is given back to community
    • is a Catholic institution
    • earn interest on checking account
  • Jim spoke with a school in the diocese who is pleased with the credit union.
  • Fr. Chris asked council their initial thoughts: the council is optimistic but would like to do more research before a decision is made to switch from our current bank. Jim will ask Mario Elia to provide more detailed information about NDFCU statistics for the council’s review.

  Financial Statements:

  • Terry discussed doing the side-by-side comparison of our BOK and IFA investments that was initially the reason for investing in both. We have had a lot of trouble with receiving accurate information from BOK since July due to the problems with a major system conversion. IFA has been more accommodating compared to BOK and they vet their investments to be Catholic friendly.
  • Brad motioned to approve the August Financials; Anne seconded the motion; motion approved.

  Bank Statement Approval:

  • Bob reviewed the August bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.

Pastor’s Report:

  • Bishop Dolan plans to celebrate the 9am Mass at Sacred Heart on January 5th to discuss the Jubilee Year. We will need to prepare for this occasion.
  • The rectory renovation is in progress. Fr. Chris would like to have the kitchen in the rectory renovated as no major work has been done recently.
  • Fr. Chris would like to update the confessionals as well. They are not well ventilated. He suggested when parishioners call asking about end of year donations that we ask for donations for the confessional’s renovation. Fr. Chris asked if we can we let parishioners know the proper way to designate their donations. It was decided that it would not be in our best interest to do this. He suggested putting something in the bulletin to let parishioners know about the projects the church needs money for.

  Parish Manager Report:

  • September Collection plate so far: $79.5k and online giving: $40k
  • The diocese is making major changes to the Charity and Development Appeal. They are increasing the total goal to $10.5 million and now using a formula for parish giving goals. Our parish goal is increasing from $138k to $175k. We did not meet the $138k goal last year. Parishes will get back some of this money but only if the parish goal is exceeded by a defined amount.
  • Two major projects are happening now:
    • Rectory Air Conditioning-there was a huge delay in getting the equipment. The original quote was $46k. This is not in the reserve budget so we will have to revise the reserve budget. The project is almost complete; still need to replace thermostat.
    • Rectory Improvements- the asbestos abatement  is complete. We used diocesan capital campaign funds to pay for this. The estimate for the Rectory improvements is $46k. We will use restricted funds and capital campaign funds, which will cover most of it.
  • The Diocesan Audit: after 3 weeks of prep work and 2 auditors on site for 3 days nothing of any significance was found. Jim challenged some of the findings immediately. We are waiting for the report so we can submit our responses.
  • A new tenant will be moving into 221 Summit next week.
  • October events: October 20th – Heritage Festival, October 17th-new parishioner dinner, October 18th – Living Rosary at the school.

  Old Business:   none

  New Business:

  • Eileen discussed setting up a donation fund for a new organ. The organ is worn out, the pedals do not work well. She offered to make up the difference to buy a new one. A new organ is in the reserve study but not for a few years. We will continue to discuss.

Jim led the closing prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:03pm.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2024-10-31T18:47:36+00:00October 31st, 2024|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes-August 29, 2024

Terry opened the meeting at 5:00 pm.

Fr. Chris began the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Terry Brennan, Keoni Murphy, Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Bob Dressler

Absent: Eileen Grant

Staff:  Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Fr. Chris, Shelly Cooper

  Minutes Approval:

  • Anne motioned to approve the July meeting minutes; Brad seconded it; approved.

  Financial Statements:

  • Rental income is low due to 221 Summit not being rented yet and reduced rent for 233 Summit for an employee. 221 Summit is currently being advertised for rent at $1400 per month.
  • We are still waiting on the diocese to advise us on Fr. Gary’s cars. We do not have authority to sell them.
  • Fr. Chris questioned the council on how our parish is doing financially and what our income sources are. Terry answered that we do quite well. We have good investments, but the bishop assessment is much higher this year. Our main income sources are tithes, donations, bequests, property rentals and stole fees.
  • Anne motioned to approve the July Financials; Brad seconded the motion; motion approved.

  Bank Statement Approval:

  • Terry reviewed the July bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.

Pastor’s Report:

  • Fr. Chris asked the council about their backgrounds.

  Parish Manager Report:

  • Collection plate and online giving in August: $125k combined
  • Asbestos ceiling remediation in the rectory was completed this week. The cost will be covered by the diocesan capital campaign funds.
  • The A/C in the rectory will be installed starting next week. Then a few of the rooms will be renovated. We will be receiving a $150k bequest this year which we can use to fund this project.
  • Notre Dame Federal Credit Union will be at our next meeting. They will have a presence in Prescott now. They are a catholic institution. We were disappointed with PNC Bank’s handling of updating our account with the new signers. We had some checks that were flagged since Fr. Chris was not noted as a signer, even though he and Fr. Biju were added as signers. Terry was able to call to clear all but one of the checks since he was added as a signer previously. It is finally settled.
  • The diocesan financial assessment starts the week of September 16th, which is the same week as the Bishop’s convocation in Flagstaff. Questionnaires are due by September 7th. Keoni asked when the last review was done. We had a review in 2018 and a smaller review, without a visit three years ago. According to Doug Pritchard the diocese randomly selects parishes for assessments; it is not done after every pastor change now. The Accounting Firm doing the assessment is Wallace Plese and Dreher.

  Old Business: 

  • none

  New Business:

  • none

Fr. Chris led the closing prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:32pm.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2024-10-23T18:03:51+00:00October 23rd, 2024|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes-July 24, 2024

Terry opened the meeting at 5:00 pm.

Fr. Raj began the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Terry Brennan, Keoni Murphy, Bill Jacobs, Eileen Grant, Anne Welborn, Bob Dressler

Absent: Brad DeSaye

Staff:  Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Fr. Raj, Shelly Cooper

  Minutes Approval:

  • Bob motioned to approve the June meeting minutes; Eileen seconded it; approved.

  Financial Statements:

  • Anne asked Shelly to explain the difference between ESA and CEA. They come from different funding sources. ESA is tax money that would go to the public schools if the student attended public school. Instead that money is redirected to private schools. CEA funds come from tax credits given by tax payers to redirect their Arizona state taxes. Parents apply by giving their tax information and then FAIR reviews the application for the award. The school can say that the family needs more assistance, if necessary.
  • Bill Jacobs complimented the staff and Pastor for maintaining stable financial results with a net income.
  • Anne motioned to approve the June Financials; Keoni seconded the motion; motion approved.

  Bank Statement Approval:

  • Keoni reviewed the June bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.

Pastor’s Report:

  • Fr. Raj spoke about his sabbatical. He visited the Claretians around the world and spent time with this family in India.
  • Fr. Raj was pleased with the outcome of the Eucharistic Revival Conference.
  • The Installation Mass for the new Pastor presided by Bishop Dolan is on July 27th .
  • Fr. Raj will be leaving on July 31st. He will be Pastor at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Chicago.
  • Fr. Raj thanked the council for their dedication.


  Parish Manager Report:

  • CDA: $124k which is 90% of our goal
  • Collection plate so far in July: $75k, online giving: $39k
  • The entire air conditioning unit in the Rectory will be replaced as one of the units stopped working and the others needed to be replaced. It will be paid with the diocesan capital campaign restricted funds.
  • Seven priests and 2 deacons will be concelebrating at the Installation Mass on July 27th. Reserved pews will be marked off for the councils and staff.
  • The new priests will be paid through payroll (to their Order). The Society of the Divine Word owns their cars so we will begin paying the priests an auto allowance through payroll that will cover insurance and repairs. We will pay the Order directly for their health insurance.
  • The Claretian Missionaries bought Fr. Gaspar’s car and a family in need is buying the Prius.
  • We normally have a council social in August. Jim will speak with Fr. Chris to see if he would like to meet with the Finance Council instead.
  • Our diocesan assessment increased to $218k. Assistance from the diocese has been more difficult to receive even though the assessment increased.

  Old Business: 

  • none

  New Business:

  • Keoni reminded the council about renewing their Safe Environment training.

Bill thanked Fr. Raj for his years of service.

Fr. Raj gave the closing prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:35pm.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2024-10-23T17:59:47+00:00October 23rd, 2024|

Finance Council Meeting Minutes – June 26, 2024

Terry opened the meeting at 5:04 pm.

Jim began the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Terry Brennan, Keoni Murphy, Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Eileen Grant

Absent: Anne Welborn, Bob Dressler, Fr. Raj

Staff:  Jim Wren, Donna Maneely

  Minutes Approval:

  • Eileen motioned to approve the May meeting minutes; Keoni seconded it; approved.

  Financial Statements:

  • Bill noticed that our checking account balance is increasing and would like to discuss what to do with the money. Jim would like to get direction from the new pastor before making any decisions.
  • Eileen motioned to approve the May Financials; Keoni seconded the motion; motion approved.

  Bank Statement Approval:

  • Anne reviewed the May bank reconciliation. Anne did not attend the meeting. She signed off on the statements.

Pastor’s Report:

  • Fr. Raj is on sabbatical

  Parish Manager Report:

  • CDA: according to the diocese we are over 90% of our goal this year
  • Collection plate so far in June: $70k, online giving: $41k
  • Three hundred people have registered for the Eucharistic Revival on June 29th. We are the only parish in the country hosting a Eucharistic Revival. Three priests are speaking. We have eighty volunteers and close to $6k in donations. The event is free except for the optional $5 lunch.
  • The farewell reception for the Claretians is on Sunday, July 14th from 2pm-5pm in the school gym. Fr. Gaspar and Fr. Ralph will be there. Bishop Nevares will be saying the 1pm Mass and attending the reception.
  • The annual staff day of reflection is on July 26th. It will be a shorter day than usual due to the installation of the new pastor the next day. We will have Mass, a reflection and lunch. Only staff will be attending this year.
  • The installation of our new priests is on July 27th at the Vigil Mass. Bishop Dolan will be celebrating the Mass along with Fr. Ralph, Fr. Raj, Deacon Mark, Deacon Tony and the two new priests. We are awaiting information from the diocese about the installation and reception. There will be a reception following the Mass.
  • Catholic Mutual Insurance did their annual inspection of the church, school and properties. They only found minor issues like rotting tree branches at one of the rental houses. All the items have been addressed.
  • The chiller has been a major problem this year. Our June building and maintenance financials will show a large negative variance due to the chiller. According to Climate Control, the chiller was not installed in a complete fashion. On the first hot day this year, it failed. Climate Control was here multiple days repairing it. The problems are fixed for now. They are working on revamping our maintenance contract. Also, Climate Control got behind on their billing, so, in June, we paid many bills that go back to November.
  • New Fair Labor Standards Act exempt salaries go into effect on July 1st.  There will be another increase in January 2025 which is being challenged in court. The July increase impacted the Music, Youth and the Facilities Director salaries. If the January increase is allowed, it will affect most of our director positions. We are awaiting the $125k bequest so Jim is not concerned about this affecting the next fiscal year budget.
  • The diocesan audit has been a requirement when there is a pastor change, but Jim was informed by the diocese that the rule changed. It is not required if the last review was performed in the last few years, which it was. If the new pastor requests an audit, it will be scheduled. We can review the last audit with the new pastor.
  • Jim’s Internal Controls presentation has been postponed to a future meeting.

  Old Business:  2024/2025 Budget

  • Bill asked about the 400 club being a budgeted item. The school started budgeting for it this fiscal year.
  • Fr. Raj sent an email approving the budget.
  • Brad made a motion to approve the 2024/2025 fiscal year budget; Eileen seconded it; motion passed.

  New Business:

  • Bill would like to revisit hiring a Rental Manager for our properties. Jim reminded the council that the diocese rejected all proposed contracts because the vendors would not include the diocese’s language. The new pastor will need to decide on the next course of action for the properties.
  • The July meeting was changed to July 24th since Fr. Raj will be in attendance.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:50pm with a prayer from Jim.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely

2024-07-25T16:09:44+00:00July 25th, 2024|
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