Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Parish

                                                                          150 Fleury Avenue

                                                                          Prescott, AZ 86301


  Pastoral Council Committee Meeting Minutes October 7, 2019

                                      “Being the Living Example of God’s Love to Others”                          



Present: Father Raj, Mike King, Judy Carlisi, Henry Cromeek, Mark Matthews, Beth Luce, Chris Tunnell,

Absent:  Jim Wren, Phil Stephens, Margarita Arellano

Guests:  Kevin Keighron

Meeting called to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Mike King at 5:30 pm.

Opening Prayer: Judy Carlisi led a group prayer

Approval of minutes: The minutes from September were approved unanimously.


I New Business:

A Pastor’s Report – Father Raj – (Attachment A)

  1. Receiving Communion: A review of how to receive Communion given after homilies went well. Beth Luce made the suggestion for next time to emphasize that when we receive communion we are receiving Jesus Christ.  She said that although we should know this as Catholics people are not always mindful of this fact.  Chris Tunnell added that according to pew research 7/10 of all Catholics do not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
  2. Light of the World Retreat – These retreats are planned for Feb. and Sept. led by our own parishioners. Mark Matthews, Main Evangelizer for the last retreat, shared that the talks, witness speakers and small faith groups all went well.  The 2-day format was sufficient.  He was told that Alpha Retreat program being developed in our parish may be a feeder program to Light of the World.  Two participants from the Sept. retreat are looking to be a part of a small faith group.
  3. Director’s meeting– Weekly Monday morning staff meetings are improving parish leader communication and coordination. They are reviewing the “Amazing Parish” video series and Father Raj would like to show the parish council some of these in the future.
  4. Heritage Week: The theme for the Heritage Festival is “Rejoice and be Glad,” Heritage week begins Thursday, Oct 17, with a dinner planned for new parishioners. About 40 guests have signed up. Staff and volunteers are staffing the event. Henry and his wife Charlee are representing the Parish Council and St. Vincent de Paul and will be available to answer questions of our guests. A Living Rosary is planned for Friday at 11am in the school gym.  Families are encouraged to attend together to meet the various ministry leaders. The festival is Saturday, Oct 19 from 10am-2pm.
  5. Silence in the church – Improved, most especially after confession and before Sat. 5 pm Mass while sacred music is playing. Written announcements in the bulletin assumed to also be helping.  Judy Carlisi asked if ushers were comfortable directing parishioners to talk in the gathering area.  Raj. said that he does not mind telling people, but ushers were less likely to be comfortable doing so.
  6. Ministry Directory A new version used for our welcome packet and parish members was handed out  See Ministry Directory
  7. Lector’s training – 30 people attended. “Participation in the Mass” video showed.
  8. Liturgical Ministry Retreat – Fr. Raj also plans to show the participation video at the end of the liturgical ministry retreat which is Saturday, Oct. 12 from 10am-12:00pm.
  9. Hope Fest – Sacred Heart Parish well represented with a booth. The parish staff were present to answer questions.  Rosaries were passed out.
  10. Ascent Conference was recently attended by Father Raj., Jim Wren and Henry Cromeek. Henry passed out a flyer and suggested we have a dialog at future meetings about the various topics shared at the very informative Conference. Attachment B
  11. Diocesan Capital Campaign – Individual donor kickoff will be pushed back a month until December due to the lack of donor pledges returned and other scheduling conflicts.
  12. Diocesan Jubilee: Dec 2, 2019. Sacred Heart Parish will distribute the book “33 Days to Morning Glory” and explain its purpose during the homily on the weekend of Oct 12,13. The consecration prayer will be said after the homilies from Oct 15-24.  Homily on Mission Sunday, Oct.  19-20.
  13. Added Services: 40-50 people are attending 5:30 pm Monday Mass. Wednesday Confessions have taken up the entire hour from 6pm-7pm.
  14. Pastoral Plan: Fr Raj. stated that Pastoral Council is not an obligatory entity in parish organizations/ministries. He values us/them in his role as Pastor. A Pastoral Plan is important: gives us direction; helps with evangelization, outreach, and parish member participation; shows direction, and helps with cultural renewal. Father Raj asked us to review closely the draft he provided and be prepared to provide feedback to him at the next Council meeting. (Attachment C- 5 Year Pastoral Plan of Sacred Heart Parish)
  15. Plan for Pastoral Council Raj passed out a sheet titled, “For Pastoral Council.”  He would like the council members to look it over and give feedback at the Nov. meeting regarding the role of the council and how we will conduct meetings.  (Attachment D)
  16. Anniversary of the Rededication of Sacred Heart Church. 4, 2019. Celebration of 1st anniversary perhaps with cookies in the gathering room after the 8:30am Mass.
  17. Food for the Poor” homily by Fr. Gary on Oct 26-27.
  18. Pastors Report: Raj asked that pastoral council members ask questions, and give comments and suggestions after he completes the Pastor’s report.


  1. New Ministries mentioned during Pastor’s Report
    1. Raj shared that a Women’s Bible Study is forming.
    2. Raj shared that the church would be opened during specific times for those struggling with addiction. No meetings will be held, but this will give an opportunity for prayer.
    3. There is currently no men’s Bible study, however Chris Tunnell mentioned that he and Mr. Matuszak are interested in starting a Catholic Theology Institute for credit hours in Prescott, AZ. This will supply deeper study, reading, talks and groups.
    4. Henry Cromeek shared regarding the St. Ignatius of Loyola Spiritual Exercises Group – It meets Tues. from 10:30am-12 noon. 33 people registered.  Led by Sr. Anne in Sacred Heart Room.


II Other Business

  1. Pastoral Council/Sub Committee Discussion: Continuing to work on pastoral council guidelines specific to Sacred Heart. We will have a dialog in the next couple months to bring these to closure.
  2. Pastoral Council Expectations discussed: Council members shared orally or in writing their Pastoral Council Expectations.


  1. Mike King: See attachment E!
  2. Henry Cromeek: See attachment E2
  3. Judy Carlisi would like to see opportunities for council members to get and give feedback on ministries.
  4. Mark Matthews – Be a spokesperson regarding complaints and comments he hears to bring these to the attention of the pastor and council members.
  5. Beth Luce – Help the pastor. Our past few years has focused on the church renovation. Let’s take the steps to enhance spirituality into action at our parish as outlined in the book “Rebuilt.”
  6. Chris Tunnell – Collaborate, implement, increase catechesis for parents. Adult catechesis formation.
  7. Fr Raj – Our pastoral council can’t be compared to other parishes. Role of council as interacting with parishioners.  How can we strengthen ministries to keep up the good effect?
  8. Mike King brought up communication and that it needs to be more than once a month dialog. Use all the tools to keep informed, engaged and involved. Sacred Heart – Pastoral Council’s Five Behaviors that demonstrate the value of hospitality.  See attachment E3.
  9. Keven Keighron brought up Mission Vision and Values which provides a cultural and practical track. Whatever we do we need resources and context to support the pastor.  Mentioned T.E.A.M:  Transition, Esteem, Awareness, and Mission for staff and laity 2020  See attachment E4.


  1. Common Grounds – A dialog occurred about the coffee and donut ministry after the Sunday 7am and 9am Masses. Council members agreed the ministry, launched by the Pastoral Council, be continued. Mike agreed to brief Joe and Carole Child, Common Ground leaders on our dialog. They have the information on the donations collected, facts, specifics. The mission is hospitality.


  1. Raj’s concern is that objectives may not be fully met: few new people, the same people often lack of welcoming behavior to new participants and parish members.
  2. Kevin Keighron suggested that the Hospitality value training that will be forthcoming to parish ministries be used to educate the role of hospitality to parishioners.
  3. Different councils can share turns running a shift
  4. Chris Tunnell suggested to schedule “Butterflies.” It would be their role to mingle with newcomers
  5. Continue Small Faith groups as volunteers
  6. Possibly have the youth/school children help serve


Closing Prayer – Led by Judy Carlisi

Meeting Adjourned at 7:05pm

Action items for next meeting Tues., Nov 5.  (A,B,C below)


  1. 5 Year (2020-2025) Pastoral Plan: Review and give feedback at Nov. meeting                     See attachment C.    
  2. Pastoral Council meeting agenda: Review and be ready to contribute ideas.   “For Pastoral Council” See Attachment D
  3. Prayer to be led by Henry Cromeek.


Respectfully submitted by Judy Carlisi and Mike King