Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 5:31
Meeting held by Zoom
Present: Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Anne Welborn, Terry Brennan, Yvonne Napolitano, Dan Putschoegl, Eileen Grant
Absent: None
Guests: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper
- Minutes Approval: June Meeting Minutes approved
- Yvonne motioned to accept the June meeting minutes; Bill seconded the motion; motion passed
- Financial Statements: June Financials approved
- Bill questioned if the figures in the June Reserve Report were reversed. Jim explained that we moved some items from reserve expense to capital expense.
- Anne asked if we have any way to check on exact CEA amounts to true them up. Shelly said we do have a good number in the budget. Anne asked why it fluctuates. Donna explained that if parents do not apply for the first round we do not get their CEA money until they apply. Shelly also stated that corporations can still redirect their taxes since we did not meet the cap.
- Dan motioned to approve the June Financials; Anne seconded the motion, motion approved
- Bank Statement Approval:
- Dan reviewed the June bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted
- Pastor’s Report:
- Friday July 31st is the staff retreat. It is being held in the church. The theme is Compassion at the Work Place.
- Sacraments, which were originally going to be held in May for the children, are happening now with 3 different Masses.
- The 9 am daily Mass has been moved back to 7 am.
- Evangelization is the key mission of our church. Because of the pandemic we cannot evangelize the same way. We need something more to engage our community. Fr. Raj is meeting with the evangelization team to plan activities.
- Fr. spoke about the reopening of school in August. Safety is our priority. We will follow the directive of the diocese and community. Shelly stated that the school is on track to begin distance learning on August 10th. She will decide in one week if they will go to the hybrid plan.
- Fr. is satisfied with the school roof installation that is currently underway.
- Thanks to donations from a generous parishioner the school has been able to order everything needed to open school safely.
- Yvonne asked if the preschool is opening. It is opening on August 6th. Steve Cunningham and Shelly are sharing the director role. Jill Wagner is taking on some of the director’s responsibilities as well.
- Parish Manager Report:
- Current June collection numbers: plate collection is $51,907 and online giving is $55k. Online giving has increased due to the matching donor contribution program. This money will be used for evangelization efforts.
- Lollar Electric underestimated how long it would take to remove the solar panels; it was supposed to take 2 days but it took 5. It should be done tomorrow. The diocese will perform onsite inspections at least twice during the project.
- We filed the end of year diocesan report last week. It was due July 31st.
- The Bishop’s assessment increased to $169,178.
- There will not be a quad-council social meeting in August due to Covid concerns. The next finance council meeting is in September.
- Old Business:
- Budget amendments: Jim explained that there were a few minor addition errors in the formulas for some of the fiscal year 2021 budgets. Donna previously sent out explanations for the changes.
- Eileen made the motion to accept the amendments to the budgets; Brad seconded it, motion passed
- New Business:
- none
Fr. led a closing prayer at 5:59 pm
Deacon James Carbajal, Kyle Felix and Andrew Kozusko from the Catholic Community Foundation joined the meeting to give a presentation.
Meeting ended at 6:32 pm
Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely