Opening prayer led by Fr. Raj at 5:31pm
Present: Eileen Grant, Anne Welborn, Terry Brennan, Dan Putschoegl
Absent: Bill Jacobs, Yvonne Napolitano, Brad DeSaye
Staff: Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper via phone
Guests: Kevin Keighron
- Minutes Approval: July meeting minutes approved
- Anne motioned to accept the July meeting minutes; Eileen seconded the motion; motion passed
- Financial Statements: July and August Financials approved
- Eileen asked why the BOK reserve account decreased so much. It was due to transferring money over to our general account to pay for the school roof.
- Eileen questioned why the Preschool accounts receivable amount changed to zero from July. Donna adjusted the balance since the new FACTS tuition system tracks the receivables.
- Eileen asked why our assets were reduced. We adjusted items that were not in use any longer. We removed old assets with a 0 net value.
- Anne motioned to approve the July and August financials; Dan seconded the motion; motion approved
- Bank Statement Approval:
- Brad reviewed the July bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted per his email to Terry
- Terry reviewed the August bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted
- Pastor’s Report:
- Fr. Raj thanked the council for coming to the meeting in person
- Many activities are happening in October including the new parishioner welcome event which will be held on two different days: October 17th in the morning and October 20th in the evening. We normally receive about 10 new families every month.
- October 24th is the feast day of St. Anthony Claret and the 150th anniversary of St. Anthony Claret’s death. Bishop Nevares will be coming to celebrate the Vigil Mass. We will also pray a novena.
- The heritage festival has been canceled.
- October is the month of the rosary and respect for life. Our intentions will carry the theme of the gospel of life.
- A meeting has been scheduled for Liturgical ministers on October 31st at 10am.
- Our staff has supported us during the pandemic. They have worked hard to meet challenges.
- Youth Ministry started up 2 weeks ago.
- That Man Is You men’s ministry started last week. About 40 men attended.
- Parish Manger’s Report:
- Jim will again look at our revenue to see if we qualify for the employee retention credit. He will report back to the council.
- Jim was supposed to be in Anaheim for ICSC conference but due to Covid he is attending it virtually.
- Our collection totals so far this month: $52,212 regular collection and $48,878 online giving. It is lower than we’d like but we are still doing pretty well.
- Second collections: Peters Pence and Holy Land collections were delayed in the spring so we are making up these collections. We are putting second collection envelopes in the pews. Bishop Olmsted also wants a collection for the recent hurricanes and wild fires so we will have a second collection for these instead of the Operation Deep Freeze collection in November. We committed $1k from the donation budget to Operation Deep Freeze instead.
- There will not be any food served at the new parishioner welcome event. There will be a small presentation and questions.
- The school roof is completely done. The roofer needs to inspect the solar panel installation so nothing affects the warranty. We came in $20k under budget. Lollar Electric gave us a great price for what they did.
- The safety film for the large school windows will be applied over fall break. The film also reinforces the glass.
- Matching gift: Jim considers it a miracle that we met the match numbers. A donor selected 6 parishes to match about $500k. She wanted to do something to encourage online giving. Fr. Raj decided that the money would go to Evangelization, which was popular with our parishioners. We accommodated some people who didn’t want to give online but still wanted to be part of the match. They could write a check. We increased online giving by $55k over the 3 month period which was 129% of our goal. The donor decided to give us the full $55k. Jim will send a thank you to the donor. One of the reasons she chose Sacred Heart was our school. Jim assured her that we would use some of the money to help the school and youth. Jim would like to bring in a well-known Catholic speaker once restrictions are lifted.
- Jim reminded the council that Safe Environment Training renewal has to be completed by December 31. No back ground check is needed if done last year.
- Anne asked about Dr. Al resigning from Youth Ministry. Jim answered that Al thought he was going to retire from the hospital this year but with Covid he is working more. He stayed on to help get the core team together—Taylor Robbins will be handling Life Teen and Candice Fabrie will be taking over Edge. We will search for a full time Youth Minister next year.
- Principal’s Report:
- Shelly let the finance council know that the Development Director position has been eliminated due to budgetary reasons.
- Most families have signed up for the new tuition management system- FACTS. Anne asked if it was required. Yes it is.
- Old Business:
- None
- New Business:
- None
Fr. Raj led the closing prayer at 6:03pm
Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely