Terry opened the meeting at 5:00 pm.

Jim began the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Terry Brennan, Bob Dressler, Keoni Murphy, Anne Welborn, Bill Jacobs

Absent: Brad DeSaye, Eileen Grant, Fr. Raj

Staff:  Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper

  Minutes Approval:

  • Keoni questioned why the school needs $20k of the $114k bequest as the school financials look good. Jim explained that after adjusting accrued tuition and CEA funds at the end of the year, the school will need those funds.
  • Keoni motioned to approve the April meeting minutes; Bill seconded it; approved.

  Financial Statements:

  • Keoni motioned to approve the April Financials; Bob seconded the motion; motion approved.

  Bank Statement Approval:

  • Bill reviewed the April bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.

Shelly’s presentation on the school:

  • Shelly said that the school is doing well academically. Our standardized test scores are at the top of the Diocese.
  • The Reading Specialist has been doing a great job with her students; the students have shown amazing growth.
  • The Math and Language curriculum is aligned.
  • The School gave out ‘Holy Moments’ book last year and have seen many Holy Moments, especially with the fourth graders.
  • The School will be focusing on Service next year. The students, not the parents, will be performing the service.
  • All the fifth graders will be trained as altar servers.
  • She has six more potential students for the coming school year.
  • She hired a new fifth grade and a new PE teacher.
  • The council discussed how to get the word out about the school’s high-test scores to attract more students. Jim will reach out to the Chamber of Commerce.

Pastor’s Report:

  • Fr. Raj is on sabbatical

  Parish Manager Report:

  • CDA: we are at 81% of our goal this year
  • Collection plate so far in May: $70k, online giving: $43k
  • Two hundred people have registered for the Eucharistic Revival. We have received $5k in donations which will help subsidize the food, travel and port-a-johns. One hundred volunteers have signed up, thirty-five security volunteers. Martha Lamb is going to speak about the Revival on Relevant Radio. Immaculate Conception Parish in Cottonwood is chartering a bus for its parishioners to come.
  • 221 N. Summit: it is cleared out; only the vehicles remain as the Diocese is supposed to contact the state about an auction. MTM Contracting will be doing the renovation at a reasonable cost. When Jim called the building department at the Diocese he found out that the director, who was new, was no longer there and no one has filled his position. Jim was able to get the renovation approved with help from the catholic mutual representative.
  • Fr. Jerry will be leaving Sacred Heart on June 25th. The carpet in his room will be changed and his bathroom will be renovated.
  • We received twelve applicants for the open custodian position. Ten were rejected and two were interviewed. Unfortunately, neither passed Safe Environment. The son of a friend of Christine from the church office would like to work for the church. He applied for the position and passed SET. He will be starting in June.
  • We have only received one application for the Youth Minister position so far. Amanda will stay to help train a new Youth Minister.
  • The Claretian Farewell reception will be on July 14th from 2-5pm in the school gym. Fr. Ralph and Fr. Gaspar will attend.
  • The annual staff day of reflection is on July 26th. Lisa Klise, a parishioner, will be doing a reflection. The event will be shorter than previous years due to the installation of the new Pastor the next day.
  • The installation of the new Pastor and Associate is on July 27th at the Vigil Mass. Bishop Dolan will be celebrating the Mass. We are awaiting information from the Diocese about the installation and reception.
  • The 6-month CD matured and was reinvested at 5.28% into a 6-month T-bill.
  • Jim contacted the Diocese again about not receiving salary recommendations. They were sent to Fr. Raj in March. Jim reached out to Fr. Raj who forwarded the recommendation to Jim. Four percent was the recommendation, which was the same as what was budgeted.
  • Jim reached out to Doug Pritchard at the Diocese about when our Audit will be since we are getting a new Pastor. He was out of office so Jim contacted the Diocesan Attorney who referred him to Doug.

  Old Business:  2024/2025 Budget

  • We will need an email from Fr. Raj approving the 24/25 budget.
  • Bill asked how much we are going to send to the reserve during the 24/25 fiscal year. It was decided to send the current amount: $20k a month.

  New Business: none

The meeting was adjourned at 5:50pm with a prayer from Jim.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely