Terry opened the meeting at 5:00 pm.

Fr. Raj began the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Terry Brennan, Keoni Murphy, Bill Jacobs, Eileen Grant, Anne Welborn, Bob Dressler

Absent: Brad DeSaye

Staff:  Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Fr. Raj, Shelly Cooper

  Minutes Approval:

  • Bob motioned to approve the June meeting minutes; Eileen seconded it; approved.

  Financial Statements:

  • Anne asked Shelly to explain the difference between ESA and CEA. They come from different funding sources. ESA is tax money that would go to the public schools if the student attended public school. Instead that money is redirected to private schools. CEA funds come from tax credits given by tax payers to redirect their Arizona state taxes. Parents apply by giving their tax information and then FAIR reviews the application for the award. The school can say that the family needs more assistance, if necessary.
  • Bill Jacobs complimented the staff and Pastor for maintaining stable financial results with a net income.
  • Anne motioned to approve the June Financials; Keoni seconded the motion; motion approved.

  Bank Statement Approval:

  • Keoni reviewed the June bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.

Pastor’s Report:

  • Fr. Raj spoke about his sabbatical. He visited the Claretians around the world and spent time with this family in India.
  • Fr. Raj was pleased with the outcome of the Eucharistic Revival Conference.
  • The Installation Mass for the new Pastor presided by Bishop Dolan is on July 27th .
  • Fr. Raj will be leaving on July 31st. He will be Pastor at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Chicago.
  • Fr. Raj thanked the council for their dedication.


  Parish Manager Report:

  • CDA: $124k which is 90% of our goal
  • Collection plate so far in July: $75k, online giving: $39k
  • The entire air conditioning unit in the Rectory will be replaced as one of the units stopped working and the others needed to be replaced. It will be paid with the diocesan capital campaign restricted funds.
  • Seven priests and 2 deacons will be concelebrating at the Installation Mass on July 27th. Reserved pews will be marked off for the councils and staff.
  • The new priests will be paid through payroll (to their Order). The Society of the Divine Word owns their cars so we will begin paying the priests an auto allowance through payroll that will cover insurance and repairs. We will pay the Order directly for their health insurance.
  • The Claretian Missionaries bought Fr. Gaspar’s car and a family in need is buying the Prius.
  • We normally have a council social in August. Jim will speak with Fr. Chris to see if he would like to meet with the Finance Council instead.
  • Our diocesan assessment increased to $218k. Assistance from the diocese has been more difficult to receive even though the assessment increased.

  Old Business: 

  • none

  New Business:

  • Keoni reminded the council about renewing their Safe Environment training.

Bill thanked Fr. Raj for his years of service.

Fr. Raj gave the closing prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:35pm.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely