10 events found.
Daily Mass
Sacred Heart ParishWe are looking forward to seeing you at Mass!
Sacred Heart ParishConfessions will be held in the Sacred Heart Room.
Divine Mercy Devotions
Sacred Heart ParishMeet us in the church for Divine Mercy Devotions at 3pm every Friday!
Stations of the Cross – English
Sacred Heart ParishJoin us for Stations of the Cross!
Hispanic Catholics in Action
St. Anthony Claret RoomJoin us at 6:30pm in the St. Anthony Claret Room!
Daily Mass
Sacred Heart ParishWe are looking forward to seeing you at Mass!
Cursillo Ultreya
St. Anthony Claret RoomJoin us in the St. Anthony Claret Room!
Sacred Heart ParishConfessions will be held in the Sacred Heart Room.
Knights of Columbus Valentine Bake Sale
Sacred Heart RoomWe will see you after Mass!
Vigil Mass
Sacred Heart ParishJoin us for our Saturday Vigil Liturgy!