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Gentle Woman Mirror of Our Lady – Rocky Point Women’s Beachside Retreat
Sacred Heart ParishHosted by Judian Society Confession, Talks, Walks on the Beach, Breakout Sessions, Meals, Seaside Activities, Meditation, Relaxation, Conversation, Great Meals . Praise and Worship, Pryer, Rosary. Limited to 15 Women Cost: $300 — RSVP and reserve your spot! Call: Kathy a (928) 274-0117 or Diane at (928) 710-9344
Light of the World Retreat
Sacred Heart ParishJoin us for the Light of the World Retreat! We will be meeting in the lower level of the Church.
Light of the World Retreat
Sacred Heart ParishJoin us for the Light of the World Retreat! We will be meeting in the lower level of the Church.
Light of the World Retreat
Sacred Heart ParishJoin us for the Light of the World Retreat! We will be meeting in the lower level of the Church.
Light of the World Retreat
Sacred Heart ParishJoin us for the Light of the World Retreat! We will be meeting in the lower level of the Church.