Terry opened the meeting at 5:00 pm.

Jim began the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Terry Brennan, Bob Dressler, Eileen Grant, Anne Welborn, Bill Jacobs

Absent: Brad DeSaye, Keoni Murphy, Fr. Raj

Staff:  Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Shelly Cooper, Muriel Rabideau, Rory Endrizzi

  Minutes Approval:

  • Eileen motioned to approve the March meeting minutes; Anne seconded it; approved.

  Financial Statements:

  • Anne asked about the $114k bequest given to the parish. The parish gave the school $20k of this bequest to help balance the school budget.
  • Bill motioned to approve the March Financials; Bob seconded the motion; motion approved.

  Bank Statement Approval:

  • Brad reviewed the March bank reconciliation. Brad is absent from the meeting, but Jim noticed that Brad had initialed the bank reconciliations.

Muriel and Rory presentation on Catechetical Ministry:

  • Rory sent out surveys to our parishioners asking for the best time to schedule Adult Education classes. He will hold classes on Thursday evenings and Friday mornings. He will start with three different series on prayer, the Book of Hebrews and a biblical walk through the Mass.
  • Rory has met with the directors of Youth ministry, Hispanic Ministry and CGS.
  • So far one person has signed up for CIC and 3 or 4 for RCIA. CIC begins the third week of August and RCIA begins the second week of September.
  • Rory will be attending seminars in the Diocese on liturgy basics and Nullity training.
  • Jim thanked Muriel for her 40 years of dedication to the church. There will be a staff lunch on May 16th and a meet and greet for parishioners on May 19th.

Pastor’s Report:

  • Raj is on sabbatical.

  Parish Manager Report:

  • There was a Cybersecurity attack at the Diocese in January. Employees of the Diocese had their benefit information compromised. The Diocese has offered free credit bureau monitoring to those affected.
  • CDA total to date: $105k which is 76% of goal.
  • Easter collection – $29k, Collection plate so far in April: $70k, online giving: $36k
  • The maintenance staff have cleaned out the house on 221 Summit except for some furniture which will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul. MTM, the builder who renovated 233 Summit will renovate the bathroom and paint. We cannot do anything with Fr. Gary’s vehicles. They will be auctioned off by the state.
  • So far, 112 people have registered for the Eucharistic Revival.
  • The Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity has been accused of embezzling funds and has been replaced. Habitat for Humanity notified the parish.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has raised the minimum exempt salary. This could significantly increase our budget. Jim reached out the Diocese and was told that we do not have to give salary increases to meet the minimum salary. It would affect exempt staff who work overtime and do not make the minimum salary.
  • We have two open positions. Amos, our custodian is leaving due to school. He has been an excellent worker. We received fifteen resumes in 2 days for the position. Interviews will be next week. Judy Carlisi is resigning as the Atrium assistant. We are hiring Mary Rizk to replace her. Mary has expressed a willingness to take over Lisa Baynes’s position the following year.

  Old Business:  2024/2025 Budget

  • Health insurance costs are increasing by 5%. We still have not heard anything about salary increase recommendations.
  • We are keeping three priests in the budget as we are unsure how many we will have. Clergy insurance and food will depend on if we have 2 or 3 priests.
  • We could increase the collection plate

  New Business:

  • Bill suggested that we invite the Security group to speak at the July meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:57pm with a prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely