Terry opened the meeting at 5:00pm.
Fr. Raj began the meeting with a prayer.
Present: Terry Brennan, Brad DeSaye, Keoni Murphy, Bob Dressler, Eileen Grant, Anne Welborn
Absent: Bill Jacobs
Staff: Fr. Raj, Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Rory Endrizzi, Mike King
Minutes Approval:
- Eileen motioned to approve the January meeting minutes; Bob seconded it; approved.
Financial Statements:
- Anne asked if the Valley of Sun Preschool scholarship is available to the school. It is only for the Preschool.
- Anne motioned to approve the January Financials; Eileen seconded the motion; motion approved.
Bank Statement Approval:
- Bob reviewed the January bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted.
Mike King presentation:
- Mike King gave a presentation on the That Man Is You ministry (TMIY).
- Mike and Al Caccavale started TMIY to address the lack of parental support in the Youth Ministry program and to create an open-door men’s ministry at the church. They were hoping to appeal to young fathers to come to the group to strengthen their faith and families. They have thirty-three men on their active roster.
- TMIY meets on Saturday mornings; two semesters a year. They are completing their third year with this Spring semester. Meetings consist of social time, a video and breakout session. Attendees enjoy the camaraderie, supportive environment, sharing and enlightenment. It has positively changed the lives of the men in this parish.
Pastor’s Report:
- The Lenten Mission with Fr. Paulson concluded yesterday (February 27). It was well received.
- During Lent, Mass is offered Monday-Thursday at 5:30pm. Confession will be offered on March 22nd from 4-6pm and March 27th from 3-5pm.
- The Youth Ministry ceviche dinner is Friday, March 22nd.
- The school’s spring musical is on Friday, March 22nd.
- The Anointing Mass is March 16th at 11am. An anointing is also available after the 9am Mass each Sunday.
- A Lenten prayer reflection with Fr. Amalraj is March 18th at 10am and 6pm in the church.
- Holy Week is approaching; it is our busiest time of the year.
- First confession takes place this week.
Parish Manager Report:
- Jim introduced Rory Endrizzi, our new Director of Catechesis.
- We had a flood in the basement of the church on Ash Wednesday. A plastic water line sprung a leak. Preschool and Kindergarten were moved to the school building for a day as a precaution. Maintenance staff cleaned up the water and Service Master did the dry out. The hallway and kitchen were shut down. The kitchen is closed until the ceiling tiles are installed by Service Master. The leak was repaired with a sturdier water line.
- Ash Wednesday masses were well attended. The collection was $5k.
- Fr. Robert from the Diocese of Yakima is arriving tonight. He will go through Fr. Gary’s house. We have the right to pack up Fr. Gary’s belongings according to the diocesan attorney. Alma took Fr. Gary’s cats to Miss Kitty’s Cat House. The rental house will be cleaned, and some renovations done before it is rented again. Rent will be raised to market value.
- The Diocese took a month to get back to Jim for help with strategic planning. They gave him the name of two different companies. It is not a good time for this since there will be a pastor change. We will hold off.
- We closed the PNC Bank money market and transferred the money to an 8-month CD at 4.75%. It will not auto renew.
- March 13th is the next Eucharistic Encounter Night; Jim is the speaker.
- The June 29th Eucharistic Revival Congress registration is up on the website. We already have registrations from other parishes, as well as our own parish.
- We will continue to hold Finance Council meetings when Fr. Raj is on sabbatical.
- Jim will be gone for 3 weeks starting April 1st. He will be in Italy for two weeks.
- David Kelash, the Dean of the Northern Deanery is visiting on March 6th. He will meet with Fr. Raj, Fr. Gaspar, select parish staff, some members of the councils and Shelly. He will also review Sacramental records.
- CDA total to date: $60k.
- February collection totals to date: plate-$82k, Online giving-$46k.
Old Business:
- None
New Business:
- 2025 Budget
- The school has an $8k deficit before salary and benefit increases. Nothing else can be cut. Jim inquired and found out that a school can only withdraw up to a maximum of 4% of their endowment balance unless it is on the verge of closing. We cannot increase CEA, it is only for tuition scholarships. The school is advertising at a local fitness center and enrollment is not showing much improvement.
- Anne asked if anyone has spoken about the school and no cost tuition at the Spanish Mass. She suggested some students be available after the Mass to speak with prospective students.
- Brad offered to let the school use some of the J&G Sales radio ad space to advertise the school. Jim will speak with Shelly about the ads and having a speaker at the Spanish Mass.
- The budgets are out of balance since we do not have all the information from the diocese about insurance and benefit increases.
Fr. Raj closed the meeting at 5:45pm with a prayer.
Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely