Terry opened the meeting at 5:12 pm.

Fr. Chris arrived at 5:30 pm

Present: Terry Brennan, Anne Welborn, Bill Jacobs, Brad DeSaye, Bob Dressler

Absent: Keoni Murphy, Eileen Grant

Staff:  Jim Wren, Donna Maneely, Fr. Chris

  Minutes Approval:

  • Brad motioned to approve the October meeting minutes; Bob seconded it; approved.

  Financial Statements:

  • Anne asked if we were aware how much the Bishop’s assessment was going to increase this year. We did not know that it would increase as much as it did. We ‘jumped brackets’ which increased our assessment. It is based on our income. We would like to advise parishioners to designate their contributions to a specific project, which would be exempt from the assessment. It was decided to put this information into the bulletin and flock notes. It was also suggested to add the restricted letter form to the website.
  • Anne motioned to approve the October Financials; Bill seconded the motion; motion approved.

  Bank Statement Approval:

  • Brad reviewed the October bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted
  • Bill reviewed the November bank reconciliation; no discrepancies noted

Pastor’s Report: none

Parish Manager Report:

  • November Collection plate: $79k and online giving: $44k
  • The Advent Mission with Patrick Sullivan was successful. A free will offering was taken and given to Patrick and the church paid for Patrick’s hotel and travel expenses.
  • The rectory bedroom renovations have been completed. We are getting estimates for the rectory kitchen and confessionals’ renovations.
  • Julie Walker’s brother came to Prescott to make funeral arrangements for her. He would like to set up a scholarship and donate money toward the confessional renovation.
  • Fr. Chris would like the budget process to be more informal so there will not be a budget letter sent to the directors. First draft budgets are due by January 24, 2025.
  • Jim and Fr. Chris met with a website design company. Switching to this company will save us $12k a year since they ask for sponsors instead of charging a fee. The website will be simpler to use. All the directors will be trained so they can add their own information.
  • All the paperwork is complete for the change to Notre Dame Federal Credit Union from PNC Bank. We are hoping to have the next payroll go through Notre Dame. We made an initial $200k wire transfer from PNC Bank. We are in the process of setting up the new credit card merchant services for credit card processing.
  • The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is on December 12th. Fr. Chris is encouraging the whole Sacred Heart community to attend. Mananitas is at 5am, Mass is at 6:30pm followed by the play, “The Miracle of the Flowers.”
  • The Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation is transferred to Monday, December 9th from Sunday, December 8th which is the second Sunday of Advent.
  • The book, ‘An Introduction to Prayer’ by Bishop Barron will be given out to parishioners starting the week before Christmas.
  • The Peace Pole was delivered today. It will be placed outside the parish office. The Jubilee Mass is on January 5th at the 9am Mass with Bishop Dolan. We will cancel the 11am Mass that day since Mass will be longer than usual and a reception will follow.
  • The large bequest that we have been expecting is waiting for refunds from the IRS and Arizona before it can be completed.
  • Jim will be away starting tomorrow, December 5th. He will return December 16th.

  Old Business: 

  New Business:

Fr. Chris led the closing prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:45pm.

Respectfully submitted by Donna Maneely